World Tree MUSH

After a Close Shave

    After the near disaster in Seattle, a few of those who divert it settle in to talk about what happened. Time is approximate, light social. Others welcome even if not attending previous scene.
Character Pose
Not long after the central stalk went down, cleanup crews were moving in. This wasn't the first victory against the invading monstrous things that were taking over the world, but it was a rare enough thing that much celebration was going on. The city still wasn't safe for random civilians, but most of the forces had moved to other parts of the country, or were on their way to other parts. Small camps were still around, and the soldiers who had gone in were part of a pretty public party.

They had apparently embellished their part in matters, but not all that much. The lack of a detonation meant they had to tell what happened at least mostly correct. So it's a nice temporary setup in a mostly-intact building, with a tent out front. The weather is a very light drizzle, but most of the people here are citizens that have gathered in preparation for moving back in, and cleanup crew, along with the squad that went in and a few other soldiers.
Shin Tokuyama
    Shin is here! Mysteriously, after being dragged off by Kiyohime, he's had his right hand covered in a bandage ever since. It's the hand that punched those wicked evil thorns, though, so that probably makes perfect sense. 

    Right now, he has his backpack in front of him. Every time one of the military personnel takes their eyes off him for more than five minutes, he wanders off and steals from their kitchen tents. It's usually a sealed MRE that he crams into his backpack before being caught and escorted back to the group. He probably has a half-dozen of them in his backpack by now.
Yumi Tachibana
    Truth be told, Yumi didn't know anything about a party when she ducked out of Hyrule. She just wanted to take a chance to see how the world was doing after the stalk was dealt with. It's a chance to resupply, true, but in truth her primary reason is to see how folks are doing. Of course, having a certain princess come along turns it from just taking a peek and resupplying, to 'much-needed rest trip'.

    And naturally, once Yumi finds out there's an actual party on, there's no way she's not dragging Zelda along.

    "Ah, hello, excuse me! Could someone direct me to the team that took part in the operation? I'd like to-" Yumi's general greeting is halted by the sight of Shin being directed back to the party. "Oh! Tokuyama, it's good to see you. Is your hand all right?"
  There is a pointy-eared elf being shuffled along beside Yumi. This is a little funny, because the elf is taller than the girl, and the girl seems to be firmly steering her towards a mob of celebratory people. Oh Hylia, what is this.

Zelda is silent, and looks pretty bemused by all this, constantly looking over her shoulder; as much to look at everything as much to make sure no one recognises her. Her clothes are simple, a tunic and breeches, riding clothes, and a scarf hiding the lower half of her face. Her hair's pulled back in a simple braid, blue eyes wide.

These modern cities are /amazing/.

"Tachibana Yumi," the 'elf' murmurs, "You did not tell me what happened here..."
Kiyohime is here as well, but dressed more casually. A jacket with hood, a pair of jeans... wow, she looks totally different dressed like that! Hands in her pockets, she is hanging around as well, just to make sure everything is taken care of. She doesn't seem too concerned about the team though.

Kiyohime isn't /nice/ she just has her priorities.

Yumi actually gets a smile though, but Shin's behavior has her puzzled. "Would you like some actual food? I can cook..." Zelda she doesn't know very well, so the eyes she gives her are more cautious.

Finally, one of the team members notices the group, and waves. "Hey, it's the girl who warned us off! We can't give you much, but stick around for a while. It's nice to be alive and everything."
Shin Tokuyama
    Oh shit. Someone else that's Japanese. Shin has to actually remember his cultural norms. 

    "Hey hey. Tachibana. How are you?" Shin asks, giving her a brief and polite bow before relaxing his posture and shifting his footing as he tucks his hands into his pockets, "Hand's fine, don't worry about it. I'm surprised they didn't whip my ass for going all WWE on a bunch of their troops."

    "Hey, what's up." He says to Zelda, raising a hand and half-waving vaguely before Kiyohime offers him free food and immediately gets all his attention.

    "Yeah. Do you know how to make Omurice? Fried pork Omurice is the best." His eyes are wide and sparkling.
Yumi Tachibana
    "Well, it all happened fast, and it was a little confusing at parts," Yumi admits. "But while Rydia and I were out, we heard this world needed help. This city was choked by some sort of zombie-making thorny vine growth, and a woman named Kiyohime needed help dealing with it - and also stopping the team of soldiers who got sent in to do the same. Their method was a little more... it would've created more problems than it solved. It wasn't malice, though, they just didn't know-"

    Oh look there's Kiyohime! Yumi gives her a cheerful wave. "Ah, that's her. Kiyohime, I mean." She starts to steer Zelda in the direction of the soldiers, but does give Shin an amused look. "I'm a little surprised too. But if they're not going to make an issue of it..." Shrug!
  "Hello." The pointy-eared Hylian's greeting is pleasant, if a little guarded, in response to both Kiyohime's equally wary study and Shin's casual-as-dirt greeting. "I take it you are acquainted with my friend--"

Zelda is abruptly being steered. She doesn't quite seem to know what to make of it.

"I... I see. I am honored, Miss Kiyohime." Yeah no this is no common traveler. Some kinda mediaeval aristocrat, maybe. "A pleasure, as well, Master Tokuyama." There's a brief pause, and the princess arches a brow. "It sounds as though I missed quite the event. Hoh... you are full of surprises, Tachibana Yumi."

To Kiyohime she turns, blue eyes curious. "If there is anything more we can do to help, please, let us know. I am likewise willing to assist in any way."
When Zelda speaks so formally, Kiyohime pulls her hood back and takes a bow. "The honor is mine, my lady." She doesn't know Zelda's rank, but she can be polite! Miss Tachibana was quite helpful, suprisingly so."

Shin gets a look... and a smile. "Yes, that is quite within my means. I know modern recipes as well as those from my own time period. But first, we should tend to the soldiers. It is fortunate that they didn't take offense to you, but then... I believe they are more focused on results. The battle has gone badly in my world."
Shin Tokuyama
    "Awww. I gotta wait?" Shin whines. See, Kiyohime, this is why he steals MREs from soldiers! 

    He crosses his arms and grumbles, looking around between Zelda and Yumi, "Yeah. I know Tach-ers. Tach-arama. Tacha-lacha-ding-dong. Tach-a-de-leche." Shin rattles on like this for a while, leaning in towards the princess, "Why're you so formal. This ain't Japan. Ya don't gotta be all prim and proper! You're in AMERICA. Run into someone and then get mad and YOU yell at them. Grab a gun and yell about the government! That's things that happen here."

    "Yee haw, yankees!" Shin elbows a soldier happily and gives him a thumbs up.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi ducks her head, bashful. "I didn't really do that much. Just some pepper spray to distract the... thorn zombies? The thorn zombies, that were after us. Most of it was the others, taking care of the vines and zombies. And these upstanding soldiers," she adds as they come within a more conversational distance of the troops. "They stood their ground and fought well." They receive a more formal bow of greeting from Yumi, who straightens up and then folds her hands together in front of herself. "How are you all? Is everyone recovering all right?"

    There is a brief pause. Yumi's eyes dart towards Shin. Then to Zelda. Somehow, her expression manages to convey 'that is terrible advice' perfectly. With a side helping of 'I am so sorry'.
  "Tachibana Yumi's assistance has been invaluable. She has been very helpful," she states, for Kiyohime's benefit. "I am humbled by her generosity and selflessness."

Kiyohime earns a more curious regard; in response to the bow, she inclines her head respectfully. No bow; but her gesture is still deeply respectful.

She's about to say something, but Shin's assertion takes her off her guard. She blinks owlishly at the martial artist. "Um?" It's not a rude rejoinder. No royal indignation, here, just confusion. "Excuse me?"
Kiyohime smiles at what Zelda says, but Shin's statement goes with some comment. "No, don't do that. Tokuyama-san is quite skilled in many things, but I think his knowledge of America comes from dated movies. Come..." She hooks her arm around Shin's and tugs him away, with an apologetic smile to Zelda and Yumi. It isn't far, though.

Not so far that he can't still participate if he wants to, or just pull away. The soldier is scratching his head, but doesn't let it bother him. "Maybe a year ago. Not now," he points out. "Things are just a huge mess now. Yeah, we were glad you came along and your friends took care of it. That was a suicide mission, and we may not have made it through. So saving the whole crew was... we were pretty happy to not die. People die when they are killed."
Shin Tokuyama
    "A-aw... sorry, I guess." Shin looks deflated when Kiyohime drags him away by the arm and starts to lead him somewhere else. He waves to Zelda and Yumi as he's led away, though, "Nice meeting you! And nice seeing you again!"
Yumi Tachibana
    Well, at least Kiyohime has put points in Shin-wrangling. Zelda gets one last apologetic look. "He was, ah... he came to my world to help when some sort of unicorn got in. I don't think I've ever known someone quite that... eccentric. But he's willing to help, at least." Then Yumi turns to address the soldier more directly. "I'm glad to hear that, then." The kind of people willing to lay down their lives, as far as she's concerned, are the kind most deserving of keeping them. "What's going to happen now? Those vines won't leave some kind of taint behind, will they?"
  "I had no such intention," Zelda replies warily to Kiyohime. She doesn't know what a movie is, so she lets that one go by. "I have no wish to attract any undue attention in this place. I am merely a guest, here, am I not?"

Zelda watches a little blankly as Shin is led off by the arm, though she does lift a hand in a slightly awkward wave. "A... pleasure," she calls after him, dubiously. She waits until both are out of earshot before leaning a little closer to Yumi. "Is there something wrong with him, or is that nor...oh," she says, suddenly. "I remember seeing him. Hearing him, more specifically. Was he not raving at the beast? What a peculiar man."

The 'elf' turns to face the soldier who speaks, bobbing her head in confirmation. "I am certain you and your men fought bravely. Your courage is to be commended, no doubt."

The entire unit, eh? Her respect for her allies ratchets up a few more dozen notches.

Taint? Zelda visibly perks up a little.

"If it is a curse, or something born of darkness, perhaps I can help you with that. I am... trained to handle such matters, you could say."
The soldier is joined by the officer, who was listening nearby. "It's fine. I figured it out after the shouting and stuff sank in." He gestures to the city. "Well, as for taint, we just don't know yet. Sometimes it does, sometimes it's just a plant. There's still a lot we dont' know. Chaldea is supposed to be sending a team to look. You're lucky though. Most groups don't want anything to do with offworlders. Be careful if you come down here, a lot of the other soldiers would sooner shoot you than talk to you."

The soldier nods sadly. "Anyway, we're cleaning up the uh... corpses, making sure nothing is left, and sending a team in to make sure the place is clean before we let people back in. It'll be nice to have Seattle back, too."
Yumi Tachibana
    The talk grows a little less 'hi how are you doing' and a little more settled in, and Yumi's body language relaxes in turn; she shifts her weight slightly, unclasping her hands, and gives the officer a nod. "Well... as good as can be expected, I guess." She does turn to Zelda briefly, before nodding to the soldiers again. "Right, if there's anything... well, I can't do much myself, but if you get in touch with me, I can get in touch with Zelda." Frown. "I'm sorry to hear about the other groups, though. It sounds worse than my world. The worst offworlders get there is suspicion and distrust. There was this big blast a month ago or so they keep getting blamed for by random people, but that's not nearly the same thing as getting shot on sight."

    She turns to look around at the city for a moment. "...I can't imagine what you're feeling right now, though. If we lost somewhere like Osaka or Akita..." It would be one heck of a blow to national morale. And supposedly this world has similar problems in a number of places? Eugh.
  "That is unfortunate." Zelda looks past the soldiers, towards the city at large. "If there is a threat at large, it saddens me that your people would sooner squabble with offworlders who might otherwise make a difference."

"Still, if there is any way that I might be of assistance in the future, the offer is open, to whomever holds such authority." Zelda cants her head slightly to one side, studying the officer appraisingly. "You might say it is in my nature. I cannot abide such corruptive forces... but, I understand. I will be cautious. Thank you for the warning," she adds, clasping her hands before herself and bobbing toward the officer respectfully.

She could always conceal her ears, right? Though, if anyone nearby can sense the supernatural, this polite young woman is like a floodlight of divinity and magic. Hiding... probably isn't an option if anybody in this world can sense that sort of thing.

Zelda shakes her head faintly in response to Yumi's words. "I understand." The smile she manages for the officer is a little apologetic. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to force my way into the situation. Of course."
The officer shakes his head, "It's fine. Some of us realize that offworlders want to help, too. But the problems came from offworld too, so you can't blame people for being pretty up in arms about them, right?" He shrugs. "People will be people."

The other soldier looks sheepish. Probably was less accepting until he ended up getting pulled out of a suicide mission by said offworlders. "I'm going to see if that guy wants a drink or something to eat. We don't have much, but hey, maybe he can show me a few moves. We sort of rushed through basic training."

The officer smiles to the other two. "We'll get some contact info. If it turns out this place needs some kind of magic cleansing and Chaldea is too busy to get to it soon, we'll definitely keep you two in mind."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi inclines her head slightly to the officer. "That's a fairly good point." A little sad, but a good point. Yumi tries to always look at each individual separately - but not everyone is so fearless of the unknown. "Well, I hope all of you take care of yourselves. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but try to get some good rest and eat well." Hopefully, now that they've all survived a mission, their superiors will treat them a little more carefully; veteran soldiers are always a valuable resource.

    It's here she turns to Zelda, and says, "Before we go, let's talk to Kiyohime a little. I have a question or two to ask now that things are a little more peaceful."
  "It is alright.." The elfin young woman smiles, and for a fleeting instant it's like the warmth of the sun. "Please, you needn't apologise. My own world has suffered much in recent times, too, and the ones responsible were from another realm, so I understand well."

If someone swept in from offworld and offered to help, many Hylian's would be suspicious. After the collapse of Hyrule, though, a lot of the more scared and impulsive types would probably be downright trigger-happy, too.

"I would be happy to offer. I'm afraid that I may be occupied with matters on my own world -- there is something of, ahh, a governmental dispute at play -- but if Tachibana Yumi calls, I will certainly make it a priority." Again, that warm and pleasant smile. "Good luck to you and your men, soldier. May Her Grace bless your efforts. I will pray for your success."

Huh... some kinda priestess, maybe?

Zelda nods to Yumi, with a fainter and more reserved smile. "Certainly. Lead the way, Tachibana Yumi. Perhaps she may know where to send us, as well, for supplies before we leave."
The officer gives a thumbs up, "Thanks, we'll be careful. And thanks for the offer. We really owe you guys one, sometime. We'll be all right, don't worry. Now that we have one of the cities on the western seaboard clear, that gives a lot of people hope."

Kiyohime is nearby, listening casually, but she doesn't mind getting turned to. "Yes? I'm afraid that supplies in this world might be hard to find. Food and ammunition are scarce, you may be able to find an abundance of other supplies like clothing."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi takes a few steps over closer, nodding to the Heroic Spirit when she answers. "That's not surprising, given the state of things. We can always do our shopping elsewhere." She sidles in a little closer, largely so that she and Zelda can speak more quietly with Kiyohime. "Although, ah, on that subject... what exactly happened to this world? The soldiers thought it was something from off-world..." On the other hand, the soldiers also thought that blowing it up would be a good idea, and Kiyohime somehow knew that they'd need to be stopped, even if she didn't know specifics. Maybe she's got a better idea what's happening.
  Somewhere in the back of her mind, the princess makes a mental note to dig up some maps and whatever serves for news in this place. If she's to be of any use here, a basic education on how this world works is imperative.

"Oh?" Zelda turns, maybe a little surprised that Kiyohime was still within earshot. It seems welcome, though, and the princess bobs at the waist again in respectful gesture. "Thank you, Lady Kiyohime. We appreciate the advice. We will search elsewhere for food stores, certainly. These people have greater need of such resources than we do."

It's just a little frustrating, to be a queen without a kingdom. She could do so much to help here with royal authority... but would they really accept it? Probably not. They have their pride, too, on top of their suspicions, but it makes her heartsick to know people are suffering on such abroad scale.

"Of the things you had mentioned, warm clothing would actually be quite helpful, if it isn't too much an imposition. However, we will certainly understand, if such things cannot be spared." Zelda's smile is a little apologetic. "Please forgive me. I must seem inconsiderate, and also rude."

"My name is Zelda; I do not think we have been properly introduced. I am in... something of a desperate situation, myself, or I would certainly not ask, Lady Kiyohime."
Kiyohime bows her head to Zelda, but she seems to be thinking hard. "What happened is hard to explain. Someone wanted to cause as much death as possible. They were almost stopped, and before their plan was fully in motion. Their plan was to plant offworld threats all around the world, to cause destruction and death. I don't know what they planned to keep the human race from becoming extinct, but now it is up to humanity to save itself."

She gestures to herself. "I am one of those ways. I've been brought back from my presence as a mere spirit to stop these sorts of things from getting worse. I knew to stop them, but not why. And I know that I need offworld help, but much of the details are... impossible to know."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi listens, absently resting one arm on her purse, the other sliding into a pocket. "So... someone called you forth? Or is it just a reaction to how bad things have gotten?" This whole 'person of myth' thing is entirely new to her! "Ah, I'm sorry to hear you haven't gotten much information, though. Still, if it's offworlders you need, I don't know how much help I can offer, but... well, if there's anything I can do, I will."

    She stops for a second, seeming to consider whether or not to say something. There's a quick glance at Zelda, then back at Kiyohime, an embarrassed fidget. And then she goes from idly resting a hand on her purse, to holding it right over the zipper.

    "Er, if... if it's not too much to ask, by the way. Could... could I have your autograph? Nobody back home would believe it, but... well, I kind of want it for myself, I guess." Fidget.
  "Is that so?" At Kiyohime's explanation, the Hylian frowns thoughtfully. "It sounds as though someone, or something, wants to spread as much chaos and destruction as possible." Zelda smiles bleakly. "I might ask to what end, but I am familiar with tyrants, Lady. I will be honored to assist you in whatever way I can."

She cants her head very slightly to one side as Kiyohime proceeds to explain her own nature. A spirit? There are many such things in Hyrule that she can use as a point of reference.

"I am honored, then, Spirit." Her time is one of great gravity and somber respect. At this, the princess actually does clasp her hands before her and bow -- something not done lightly, but those few who step up to protect the many will always earn her immediate respect. It's probably better that she doesn't know all the details. Much tidier that way. "My services are yours whenever you have need of them. As I told your soldiers' officer, cleansing curses is my specialty. If it turns out you have need of such a thing, you need only ask."

She studies Yumi quietly as the girl speaks. Then, as Yumi seems to look at her in askance, she raises her brows in silent question. Hmm?

An autograph? The princess doesn't laugh. That would be embarrassing to Yumi. She does allow herself the tiniest of smiles, though. No matter who she used to be, there's something heartwarming about the Perfectly Ordinary Girl's earnestness.
Kiyohime looks surprised at Zelda's words, then shakes her head. "Not that kind of spirit. I am like a ghost given flesh to fight in the war. It is my purpose, but treating me as a lady is appreciated~" She bows again, but leaves that to it. "Chaldea has a supsicion to the reason, but I think it best not to speak of it. I am not really affiliated with them, anyway."

Kiyohime definitely seems amused, probably not used to this reaction to learning who she is. Zelda seems just ignorant, but Yumi knows who she is and is thrilled. That pleases her! "Of course, if you like..." She'll accept any paper, but it will take her a surprising amount of time to write her name out. This is because of the archaic, elegant, calligraphic script she'll use.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi offers a pen and paper indeed, and waits patiently - the result she gets back is more than worth the wait, even. "Uwah, it's so... wow, you have really beautiful penmanship," she gushes, quickly sliding the pad back into her purse. Kiyohime receives a very deep bow in return. "Thank you very much for that. And thank you for having us here, too!" Straightening up, the girl adjusts her bag, and adds, "We should probably get back soon. We can do some supply shopping on our way back."

    There's a glance at Zelda. "And clothes shopping. I think we can find you some good winter gear somewhere. Probably something a lot like mine, even."
  "No? My apologies, then, Lady Kiyohime." Hm. The Hylian tilts her head, studying Kiyohime thoughtfully. Not that kind of spirit? No matter. There are many different sorts of spirits in the world, in her experiences of Hyrule and its history. A case of mistaken identity isn't too serious a breach. "There are a great many spirits where I am from, and they all serve different purposes."

% b Mention of Chaldea is taken in and quietly filed away, but not responded to. It's a detail she isn't educated on, but the fact that it may be significant later makes it worth remembering.

...Huh. So Yumi knows who this spirit is? Curious. Zelda's eyes flip between the two once or twice, but... nope. There doesn't seem to be any recognition there. The Heroic Spirit's elegance is certainly appreciated, though.

She stays quiet and lets the other two address the autograph, taking he opportunity to study the city while she's mostly ignored. The architecture is fascinating because of its strange, alien lines. Skyscrapers are still the stuff of 'no one would ever believe this.' Occasionally she watches the distant soldiers in their carousing, and offers Hylia a silent prayer that they're behaving themselves.

"Mm." Zelda makes a noncommittal sound on the issue of supply shopping. She's still people-watching, and Yumi's observation on winter clothing earns a glance of the princess' own. "That would be as helpful as food or fuel," she admits.

The princess half-turns toward Kiyohime, with a faint and apologetic smile. "Yes. Thank you for having us. I am sorry we could not be of more help. Farewell, Lady Kiyohime. May the goddesses watch over you."

With that, she'll turn to go, waiting politely for Yumi.