World Tree MUSH

The 3:10 To Eden

A train transporting some important and powerful artifacts from all around the Tree to the Gardener City of Eden is running behind schedule...

    Because Salome Highscribe is going to rob it.
Character Pose
    The dusty plains drift by in an almost monotonous fashion as the train chugs along the rails. It's an old-timey looking steam engine; though powered on arcane force rather than coal, making for a much cleaner and more efficient ride that isn't limited to the tracks alone when it occasionally lifts into the air for a brief stint of flight now and again.
    The train itself has passenger cars and is currently bound for the Gardener city of Eden, though it's still several worlds away and needs to make several stops at various vines and worlds along the way. A conductor wanders the cars at each stop punching tickets, and generally the ride is pleasant.
    Though one car, towards the back of the train is designated off limits- this car containing a plethora of magical artifacts and items of note that are bound for a museum in the city of Eden. All in all it's a nice trip. Absolutely nothing can go wrong, right?
David Rests in one of the passenger cars traveling with people. He's been out and around. Wandering at random. He is reading that book on Sun Tsu's Art of World Tree War and conquest. He's been reading the first chapter for the last three hours. Rather when he finishes it, he turns back to the begining. He's not in his guyver armor at the moment, but as he drinks from a soda bottle he occationally looks around.

His entire focus is on that book for the most part.
    Dante's got his sword in a guitar case, and his pistols holstered. Doing a job out on some town involving demonic goats (don't ask) left Dante out in the sticks, with no way but the train to get to the nearest portal. He's content to rest on this trip, kicking back while some music in his earbuds plays.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss is standing, observing the window while gripping a handrail. She has a seat and everything, she's just nervous! No sign so far of Remnant, but Eden sounds like the sort of place where she can get her bearings. A real city that isn't ruins or full of monsters. It's a good thing she had some valuables she could pawn off to get a trip, but her Dust supplies are getting depressingly low. She'll need to be more careful about using them until she can secure another supply.

    The idea of magical artifacts is weird to her still, but she kind of expects trouble at this point.
Emily Nyx
Emily Nyx is entirely capable of teleporting from point A to point Z, but she's riding on the train for the sheer unadulterated hell of seeing all the letters in between, reclining and staring out the window. (Just don't ask where she got the money.) At the moment, she has slicked-back silver hair and glowing purple eyes, she's wearing a blue longcoat, a black shirt and leather pants, fingerless gloves, combat boots, and with a silver katana-pendant hanging around her neck.

She isn't aware that Dante is here. Nor is she aware of who she currently resembles.
    A few more stops roll by in an uneventful manner. A few more hours pass. It seems to be just one of those long rides where nothing happens.
    Before something bright red streaks by the side of the train. It's just a flash. Something vibrant and hard to make out, at speed. It seems to be a singular event though and there's a few moments where nothing comes of it. Before the passenger car door opens.
    The clink-clink-clink of spurs and boots mark a casual and steady stride as the witch in red steps into the car. The dusky skinned elven woman is flashing a sharp-toothed grin as a black cat darts out from between her boots and clears his throat.
    "Ladies and gentlemen." The cat begins to announce. "If you could all please remain calm and stay in your seats, we can get this train robbery done as soon as possible and you can all be on your way." He announces as Salome draws a silvery Schofield revolver from the folds of her coat.
    "What he means is." She says. "Nobody get in my way."
>> SUMMARY[Salome] >> This is a stick up.
David will blink when he hears of this and he says from reading behind the book. "Blow it out your Ass." And putting the Book down he starts to Stand up. With him in the middle of the Isle he looks at the woman almost like she was an annoying Gnat.


And with that Word instantly an energy field explodes around him as a suit of emerald armor appears behind him. Surrounds him and seals him in protective Armor. The Emerald Green Armor looks at her as two steam jets escape his face mask. Of course the Empty seats beside him have been destroyed.
    "Good entrance, but don't think this'll be an easy score." Dante announces, shutting his book and popping his headphones off as he stands up from his seat. Ebony and Ivory emerge from their holsters as the Son of Sparda trains them on Salome, cocking the hammers. You could almost add spurs to his boots and Dante would be just as fitting as Salome is for this.

    "So let's party, partner."
Weiss Schnee
    A stickup, followed by an explosion! "That's a little bit of an escalation," Weiss complains, her hand going to Myrtenaster's hilt. The two men in the car are already making noise about this, drawing guns and basically preparing to make things messy. She doesn't join them. "Hey, look, I don't think this is the best place to start a fight." She has to worry about the civilians, in the other cars if not this one!

    So she doesn't join the party. She's going to instead step toward the door, backing away.
Emily Nyx
Right in front of Dante, a silver-haired figure in a blue longcoat leans out of one of the seats! It's --

"Well, this is interesting," says Emily, in the same voice she's always had; she glances at Dante with her glowing purple eyes, then peers over at Weiss. "The girl in white is talking sense," she says, before looking forward at Salome with a faint smirk. "What do you say we take this ... outside?"
    "Well well well, isn't this a surprise." The elf muses as Dante draws guns. "Didn't expect to run into you here, slick." But she has other issues to contend with now, as David takes on his Guyver form and clearly intends to also get in the way. Weiss is eyed, but the girl is backing down rather than approaching- either more concerned with other passengers or her own skin, the witch can't quite tell.
    Then Emily says exactly what is on her mind.
    Teeth click as the witch seems to play eenie-meeny-miny-mo with the barrel of her gun waggling at the assembled as she heaves a sigh. "Well, I was going to make this easy, but I get this distinct feeling you lot won't extend that same courtesy. So here's what we're going to do..."
    It's the only warning she gives as she leaps through the nearest window and swings up onto the roof of the train, the thump-clink-thump-clink of boots resounding on the roof indicate her course towards the rear cars.
>> SUMMARY[Salome] >> Sure, let's go outside.
David will Hold himself ready to react and as she lunges for the window David Lunges as well pushing through a window but instead of hitting the Ground he actually shoots out and then up at a sharp angle expecting an attack before he drops down cutting his gravity orb slightly to slow his speed. turning his head to Track Salome.

His sensor metals should beable to track her, His goal is to cripple hands. She had guns, cripple the hands she can't use them.
>> SUMMARY[David] >> Jumps out the window as well, shoots up then drops down suddenly expecting to be attack upon exit.
    "'sup, babe." Dante greets casually. Weiss makes a good amount of sense. Usually when Dante gets involved in these fights, he tends to break stuff.

    Without missing a beat, he leaps through the window and makes his way to the roof of the train. Drawing his guns again, he trains them on Salome and opens fire on the witch, covering David, Weiss, and Emily. It's not clear if he's shooting to kill or not yet, but those guns are firing some big frickin' bullets to say the least.
Emily Nyx
Instead of taking a window, Emily just jumps straight up. A staticky portal opens up on the ceiling above her, leading to the roof.

"Okay, then!" she says as she lands on the roof in front of the portal. "Releasing Capacitor Seals three and two." She's surrounded by three distinct auras, silver and gold and pearlescent; the first two shatter, and the third fades away. Then, in a glittery transformation, she changes costume to an elaborate Victorian ballgown with black holographic crow's wings hovering behind her, with a large katana at her hip. She also now looks like she's in her late forties.

She then starts strolling towards Salome. She raises a hand, and conjures up a golden bolt of light. "Hmm, what part of her should I aim this at ..."
Weiss Schnee
    Going outside is just what Weiss wanted. She didn't expect that the roof would be the way out though. Yet somehow, after everyone else leaps onto the roof, the girl is there! A bounding leap that is either much higher than she should, or rebounded off a chair or something. She lands lightly, elegantly drawing her rapier and spinning the cylinder at the base.

    "I'm more worried about the passengers, but I don't think it would make a good impression if I let you rob the train. Why don't we all just turn back?"
    Out on the roof top and already the witch is in motion. Whirling around as the Guyver is the first to follow, forcing her to twist out of the way of oncoming fire and spare her hands, taking several grazes and singes on her coat as she returns fire with a few blasts from her revolver. It's suppressive in nature, she doesn't quite expect the Schofield to be effective against full body armor like that, but already she's turning to run for the rear cars, one hand holding her hat down "Aw shucks y'all just won't give a girl a break?"
    The leering smile that spreads across her face says she may just be fine with that.
    In an instant a second revolver is drawn as she whips around, scarlet eye glowing as she takes aim. Sparks suddenly go off in the air, bullets impact with bullets and shoot Dante's fire off course in a stunning display of marksmanship.
    "The passengers aren't my concern. But then again I was never here to rob them anyway." She chuckles, tossing her pistols away without bothernig to even consider a reload.
    She simply draws a pair of derringers and starts shooting them behind her as she takes off in a sprint across the roof of the train. And then another pair of derringers-- and another pair- and another pair- and another-...
As David Ducks and Dodges, and dispite that he is Hit?" The bullet punches through his upper thigh and his waist It punctures his kidney. "Shit!" he has seen the energy around them. He knows now he is dealing with Magic as he Tacks off like a Shot at Salome. "How bout I break your hands!" He calls out. Blood streams down his legs for a short point but he is healing. The bleeding stops, but he is still weak in his right thigh and his hip.

He is Taking a Wide arch, he can fly at Supersonic Speeds, so he can fly backwards to keep up with the Train and Swing around needing to stay with in 30 feet.

He sees her Firing at Dante... A shot of his head laser is unleashed at her hand. Trying to Zap it.
    Dante practically dances as he evades Salome's gunshots. "WOOHOOHOOHOO! YEAH, BABY!" He's missed this thrill, to be able to trade bullets with an opponent worth a damn. He spins and pirouettes, narrowly avoiding falling over the side by somehow dashing back onto the surface as he slides, guns blazing as he keeps firing upon Salome. Ebony and Ivory roar, spraying gunfire all over the place and leaving countless casings in their wake. "C'mon, darlin', make me work for this!" He calls out, sprinting towards Salome with frightening speed as he fires away still, grinning like a maniac with bared teeth.
Weiss Schnee
    Guns are firing, this is starting to get serious. Weiss is already on the move, and she doesn't bother with the theatrics and threats. She has a job to do! Except... everything Weiss does is theatrics. With a sword in a gunfight, she might seem outmatched, and maybe she is. She isn't trying to shoot Salome!

    Shimmering glyphs appear, lining up alongside the train moments before Weiss's feet hit them, running across the few glyphs before leaping back on the train. Running toward the back like she is, leaping off the train and rushing alongside it lets her add the train's speed to her own, bounding from the glyph back to the train's roof to close the distance. "Halt!"

    Weiss isn't attacking yet. She needs to conserve her Dust.
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles, and continues strolling forward. "Let's see now ..." She dodges, bobs and weaves through Salome's gunfire with the precision of a machine, her katana slicing through the air, and catching a good half of the bullets. There's a wide grin on her face as she makes her way forward in hot pursuit.

"I like the way you think, Dante!" she calls out. The halcyon remnant doesn't even have this much cause for excitement. With a quick glance at David, she raises her hand, and fires the golden bolt at Salome's other hand. And then another one. And another one. A whole bunch of golden bolts, really ...
    "Sally this is a bad idea."
    That would be the black cat; perched on a flying broom that's now speeding along side the train.
    "Not now, Pierce, gunfighting." The witch shoos him away as she baseball slides to duck out of Dante's wild fire.
    There's a soft hiss of a curse as the witch leads the pack but finds the Schnee heir catching up and others unfazed by her hail of supressive fire.
    And then a laser hits her hand.
    The fresh pepperbox she pulled from her coat clatters to the roof of the train and falls off to the side, earning a scowl as she most certainly does not halt.
    Instead, she reaches for one of her holsters. The gleaming Colt Single Action Army that she almost reverently pulls from concealment is clearly a masterpiece. Simple in construction yet ornately engraved. She starts twirling the gun on her finger, using it as a shield to bat and swipe away the hail of fire aimed for her still good hand, before she flashes that leering, fanged, grin once again.
    "How unfortunate for all of you. ... Especially you." Uttered as her eye glows red once again. Thumbing back the hammer of the gun, she starts to fire.
    Though no actual slugs fire from the barrel, it may seem as though she's firing blanks, until each spell shoots foward, as fast as bullets, four curses fired in quick succession to briefly sap Weiss' speed, Dante's dexterity, Emily's concentration... And the worst curse of the lot is fired for David, the very tides of fate and fortune twisting and ebbing. He may just find his luck changing for the worst.
>> GAME >> Salome uses a Free Edge for: A Curse for each of you.
As David was used to Tanking rounds, he foolishly believes that this bullet is designed to penetrate armor so he Tanks it rushing forward. 

The Energy Curses him and as he tries to tackle Salome, he suddenly looses connection to the Bio-boost Dimension. And his Flight cuts out, and his personal Gravity inceases causing him to Drop some.

His goal was to tackle salome into the ground off the Traincar. Instead he hits the Train car she is on like a cannonball.

"What the!"
    Dante tries to open fire again, only to narrowly stop short of flipping his guns out of his hands. Confused, he stores them before he pries out something from his guitar case;

    Rebellion is unsheathed, and the Devil Slayer charges at Salome...just missing and accidentally slashing at David instead. "-SHIT!" He exclaims in surprise, trying to slash back at Salome with questionable success. This is gonna be a bit embarrassing, to say the least.
Emily Nyx
Emily makes the mistake of trying to slash the hex with her katana. This means that the hex does in fact hit her.

And then she stumbles. She's not used to stumbling. "Well, that's odd!" she says. Her body keeps sparkling with the glittery light that usually accompanies her shapeshifting transformations.

"Nrgh ... Right, then!" She dematerializes the sword and the wings, before she plants her feet solidly onto the roof of the train car and starts firing back as many bolts as she can! ... Which admittedly isn't that much more than she was firing before, and most of them are flying more wildly now. One of them even gets uncomfortably close to David!
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss had been trying to close in, so she could engage in melee. Skidding onto the top of the train car instead puts her in a dramatically slower movement, letting Salome peel away again. "What?"

    It isn't unfamiliar to her. She used a similar trick just a few nights ago! Now she's the victim, and she has to either conpensate with some of her precious Dust, or find some other means. Dante and David crash around with their own problems, and she has lost sight of Emily for a second. She has no idea who she's working with!

    Stabbing Myrtenaster into the train, she concentrates. From two shimmering glyphs in the air, large wasplike images form out of pure energy, each one firing a harpoon-like stinger toward Salome to try to slow or hold her.

    "What was that?!"
    "Mischief managed~." The witch chuckles to herself as the spells take hold, and she's back on the run, evading David and mercifully sparing Dante any one-liners as she backpedals away from his fumbling slash of that deadly sword.
    This just pits her with the problem of... Playing a Touhou game, now. She weaves and darts through gaps in the hailfire of Emily's bolts, a few grazing uncomfortably close as she stops at the last car.
    "Mimsy. Hecate, please."
    This is when her hat opens an eye and cackles. Before it opens a mouth made of jagged zipper-like teeth and spits a double-barrelled shotgun into her hands, aiming doan at the connector between the cars just as Weiss' summoned wasp-looking energy beast jabs her in the shoulder.
    The click-boom-boom of the shotgun going off is... Followed by a snarled curse as her aim is thrown off and the cars remain connected.
As David Is the center of total bad luck. Dante's sword clips deep into his head, a possible lethal injury. Those power blasts also impact his head and Train jumps knocking david into the air in the middle of the Harpoon hits David right in the head.

The Silver Medallion in his forhead suddenly bursts from his forehead, flying a far distance from the train car on the ground left behind as the train races on. A shower of gore and blood explodes from the wound, as he collapses to the deck of the Train car, and then comes a Scream of agony... and then the armored form buldges and swells growing like a muscle bound monster as it issues a blood curdling Roar. What ever this is, it is not what he was. It Lunges slamming a Fist At Dante, as it uses another fit to rip a section of the car off and throws it in Salome's Direction...
>> SUMMARY[David] >>
    Dante uses Rebellion to stop himself from sliding off the edge of the train, before he sees Salome drawing some kind of shotgun. He whirls about, drawing something from beneath his coat. Coyote-A, a double-barrel shotgun, cocks and opens fire with both barrels as Dante lunges forwards toward Salome, before he gets knocked off-balance by David's fist.

    Whatever the hell David just turned into, Dante knows this complicates matters much more than a petty thief with good gun and magic skills.

    "WHOA, chill out there, dude!" He calls out, before he places the shotgun over his shoulder and blasts behind him at the bio-creature, trying to prevent him from getting focused on causing collateral damage.
Weiss Schnee
    "What is THAT?!" Weiss shrieks, her wasps still going after Salome. She's distracted now, and that makes the summons start to fade, allowing Salome a little more time to get her getaway going. Weiss is still sluggish herself, and getting AWAY from the Guyver gone mad is not easy. That means she has to do something to protect herself... and the hunk helping her out!

    Myrtenaster's chamber spins, and Weiss whips it forward and down. A spray of ice erupts, making a jagged wall to encircle the guyver atop the wrecked car, trying to seal it in ice.
Emily Nyx
Emily stares at the bio-creature David just changed into. Then at Salome. Then at the David-monster, which everyone else is piling on. Then at Salome, who nobody is currently doing anything about. Blasted concentration-curse!

She glides towards Salome, hovering above the train car. "Think fast!" she calls out, before firing a single, more powerful laser at the witch. Her concentration, and thus her aim, is still a little bit off ...
    Aim thrown off, Salome is forced to spend a moment trying to fend off Weiss' summons when... Everything goes completely awry.
    Salome looks up to see that Guyver-David is gone. Replaced by a monstrous beast with full intent to maul her. "Aw shoot." She mutters-- before Dante fires on it and Weiss' attention shifts as well. This gives her a bit of breathing room, but before she can do anything about the train coupling...
    Emily is there.
    "Shucks. Well yo got me."
    She's caught dead on by the laser, it pummels her in the gut and launches her down into the space between the cars, and sends her smashing through the door into the last car. There's a crash, the sounds of some rushed rummaging--.
    And then the back door busts open, allowing Sally to join her cat back on that flying broom of hers.
    "Now don't you all think I'll be forgetting this!" She shoots spitefully, hugging a small lockbox to her chest as she wheels the broom around off towards the sunset. "But I'm not walking away empty handed, either! Ha!"
>> SUMMARY[Salome] >> A small something is better than nothing at all. BYE.
The Control Metal has been left behind landing in some shrubs. Undamaged.

Instantly it goes to work to regenerate the Host.

    The Bad Luck it seems has been left on the creature as a Whole. The Shotgun blasts from Dante Put a pretty heavy and large hole in the Chest as it screams and Roars with rage. It doesn't feel pain that well. But it now has a Gapping hole in the chest as even it's bones and lungs are shredded.

What ever this thing is is not David. Not any more.

A few of the Icespikes intending to seal the Guyver simply impale it as it struggles and thrashes arounf breaking many of the Spikes. It's metabolisum Kicks into high gear to try and heal the damage. As heavy amounts of steam or smoke rise from it, After a few moments, it actually seems to be slowing as it's features start to go runny?

Its struggles are slowing down, growing weaker.

But the creature seems to stop struggling, and after a few moments it begins to belt, dissolving being reduced to nothing in a matter of moments.

    The Control metal begins to reform a semblance of a frame of humanoid form.

The Control metal flashes. Only one directive. Regenerate, regenerate, the host must live, the host must survive.
    Dante sees Salome disappear, and he practically leaps along to give chase! "Not gonna let you get aw-SHIIIIIIIIIT!" He falls over the edge, missing short of grabbing Salome as he falls unceremoniously.

Emily Nyx
Emily spends a little too long staring at the departing Salome. And then she smacks her forehead. And then she smacks her forehead with her other hand. And then she materializes two more arms, so she can smack her forehead twice more.

She stands up and turns around. "Does anyone know how to get rid of these damn hexes?"
Emily Nyx
Weiss Schnee
    Myrtenaster is sheathed with Weiss scowling. "She got away." That isn't good. "Did... did we accidentally kill an ally?" She was just trying to hold the creature, but that didn't work out did it?

    Oh yes. "Let's check on the other passengers first and see what we can do for them. I have no idea what to do about these hex things, it's all new to me."