World Tree MUSH

City Ruins Exploration

2B and 9S lead a few offworlders through some exploration of the old city ruins and introduce them to the Resistance camp where there are SIDEQUESTS and LOOT REWARDS. Also people go fishing.
Character Pose
    A recently blossomed world is always interesting to check out and explore right? The slight issue about this one seems to be that... There's no one around.
    The vine opens up at the entrance to a massive factory building by the coast. The doors are sealed shut, and a section of highway has collapsed to form a bridge over the high wall leading out of the factory complex.
    What might be odd are the bursts and streams of data that emanate from beyond the factory grounds. Most of them are nonsensical in nature, but the occasional radio transmission about a faction called YoRHa and a resistance movement going on give the hint that this world isn't as quiet as it seems at a first glance.
    As timing would have it, two streaks of blazing light descend from the skies and touch down on the roof of a nearby building.
    Uni's here! She's got her adventuring gear on, which means less cloth on her torso than normal. Not that is bothers her really. She steps out of the Vine, and pulls out a phone from her jacket... "Huh, that's kinda weird. Lotta databursts." she chuckles. "Nepgear'd have a field day trying to figure this out." she muses, then puts the device back away, before summoning a pair of micro-smgs as those streaks of light land nearby. "Contact..." is she... talking to herself?

    It's entirely possible, Goddesses are known to be eccentric.
While vines popped up on the ground Ash's ship took a diffrent way to this world owing to the nature of Vines, the tree, and whatnot. It's likely noone in orbit or through the system would have seen Ash's ship or if they had in the moments between translation into this world and the activation of void cloaking might have written it off as sensor echoes.

At any rate Ash took a lander down to this dead world inhabited by broken machines trying to make sense of it all. His warframe's footfalls were quiet as he wandered the ruiend landscape. "Ordis anything?"

As Ash continued looking around Ordis responded, "Nothing operator, Just nonsensical transmissions."

"Encrypted?" Ash spotted a factory building, maybe it wasa factory? He was uncertain.

"Negative, it isn't an encryption or formatting issue. The transmission simply... makes no sense." Ordis grumbled as ash made his way towards factory doors.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Those arriving to the factory might notice that some of it looked moderately tidied up. At least, a portion of it did. A section of the factory as well as a path towards it had been cleared of debris and junk, as well as a pile of machine parts that looks like a collection of robotic limbs. Why was there a collection of robotic limbs? Well, the Pandaren Rou-ri had been keeping a collection of 'I was here, I did this' to show that 1) He was actually contributing if the question came up, and 2) Well, it was ingrained, he had a habit of keeping things as trophies to sell or scrap later. Said Pandaren was nearby actually, dressed down into somewhat commoners clothing with his armor set up neatly nearby looking like it was all freshly cleaned and oiled.
    The warrior himself was also looking a bit fluffy and damp, as if he'd recently bathed, a fire near him that he was using to warm up. Seems he'd set up camp in the area since he'd been working in and out of the factory for the last week or so, not really knowing any other landmarks to work with.
Olivia Montag
A new world caught Olivia's attention and there were no signs of people, ruins. Yet no people? She had come to scout it out with looking in mind the possiblity for advanced materials and gear that might be found? Could not be ignored by her tribe. The Jarl had sent her out to check into it. She's also clad in heavier gwear thatn she might normal an flak breast plant is worn over the lighjt clothing she normally wears and she's not alone, a trio of raptors prowl with her, and there's a large winged reptile of some sort on her shoulder, waiting almost like a Falcon. 

She looks to it makes several whistlew and lets it take off into the air it circles over head acting as over watch for her and the trio of raptors, she's also cradling a longrifle of some sort as she moves fitted with a scope. Her radio, yes she actually has one is one as she listens for more information on this Yorha.

"Who would waste such a savlage haul...what are they even thinking?"
Josuke Higashikata
New world? Cool! And this is technically Josuke's job now, since the Speedwagon Foundation wants him to start bringing back some information about these worlds that are connected to the World Tree. Though granted, it wasn't his idea to come here in particular. Those same radio transmissions got SPW curious, so they sent Josuke here. Though about all he's got as far as equipment goes is a pouch with a variety of assorted ammunition in it. No gun though. He doesn't really need one. And a Polaroid camera. Because of course.

Though at least Josuke's come dressed for the occasion. Instead of his usual purple or dark blue school outfit, he's wearing a primarily brown outfit that wouldn't look out of place in a western... so long as the western was fine with weird colors. Under his long-sleeved chocolate brown V-neck sweater he's wearing a lime green mock-neck, and underneath the dark brown slacks, his loafer shoes are also lime green. He's foregone most of his usual bling, too, not wanting to be spotted fifty miles away.

He's had to come here via the Vine entrance, since he doesn't have a ship or anything of the sort. But having boots on the ground -- or in his case, dress loafers -- isn't necessarily bad. Though he does kind of look like a tourist, thanks to the camera on the strap looped around his neck...
Emily Nyx
Emily is already here, sitting at the other edge of the bridge from the factor; right now, she's taken the form of a woman with four arms, metal wings resembling the ones on a YoRHa flight unit, and hair that seems so black, it looks like a hole in space, or a graphical glitch. She's wearing a white lacy dress and a white blindfold -- a white version of the standard YoRHa type-B outfit, in other words -- plus a white hair bow positioned in such a way that it almost looks like cat ears.

And, of course, she has a smile which is clearly amused and faintly smug, even if you can't see her eyes.

She notices the streaks of light on the building, and sends off a transmission consisting of a sound clip of a burst of radio static followed by Emily's voice saying, "Hey guys! What's up?" It's accompanied by a header in binary format with Emily's serial number MLE0-X413J2N9F6I2 and her name.

At the sound of voices behind her, she gets to her feet and peers back over the bridge, curiously watching the other arrivals. She pushes up her blindfold, revealing her usual glowing purple eyes.
    Well it looks like people are just pouring out of that Vine. The locals might have to see about cordoning that off or monitoring it, but for now there doesn't seem to BE anyone local to do that. Maybe no one is home?
    Still, it's only a moment or so later before...
    "Whoah- WHOAH- WHOAH! 2B!"
    The shout is sudden and panicked, coming from the rooftop where those two unidentified flying objects had landed just a moment before. And the reason should be obvious. There is a darkly dressed figure in complete freefall, having leaped from the roof of the building, it's not long before she reaches terminal velocity, body curling forward in a flip, before she lands with ground cratering force on her knees and one fist.
    Some might recognize YoRHa Number 2, Type B, already. And she's standing up, dusting her dress off like absolutely nothing happened as her Pod floats by her side.
    "You... What are all of you doing here?" She demands to know.
    9S comes rushing down, his own fall arrested by holding onto his Pod and using the small machine's anti-gravity drive to slow his descent much more safely.
    "Y-you can't just go doing that, 2B. You may be a cutting edge unit, but gravity can still kill you, you know."
    "I landed cleanly." She dismisses the Scanner unit's admonishment.
    Uni blinks as 2B does a Dynamic Entry. "Huh, neat." she dismisses her weapons and walks on over, nodding to those others who arrived as she does so. "Hey, we met on that other world the other day. I'm Uni." she offers in greeting, giving a pleasant smile to 9S as he lands too. "I'm here because I'm bored, and tend to wander when bored... also, still looking for where my world ended up in this giant tree." she grouses, hands going onto her hips as she shifts to a sassy posture.
All forward progress halted as Ash looked at the two YoRHa units. The green lights of his suit winked in crude immitation of eyeblinks. He was very obviously armed, sword hilt across his back and a pistol at his hip as he hmmed softly, taking in everything. Granted he hadn't been very stealthy, as in he made zer oattempts at hiding. After all what need was there?

He looked from 9S to 2B and made a small thoughtful noise, "Apologies," He gestured about at the landscape, "Local governing body? Containment?" He asked questioningly, "Can't speak for anyone else here but 'Oh hey that place is making nonsensical noises I want to see what's going on.'" A pause before looking to 2B, "Is there reason we should not be here?"

He then gave a small bow first to the pair of YoRHa units then to Uni and others. "I am Ash, I do hope we didn't step into a literal warzone..." then after a moment he added softly, almost inaudibly to normal hearing, "Again."
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    The sudden noise of others being outside the factory, while a bit away, did cause Rou-ri to grab hold of his pair of mageblades from nearby and his flying disc, opening it up zip outside and see... people. Not machines. Well, maybe some machines, he wasn't entirely sure. Dressed in a simple pair of linen pants and a tunic, the tall, possibly imposing Pandaren stepped down onto the ground, his simple enough pair of sandals separating his feet from any scrap. "I was wondering if I would see the two of you again. Though once again it seems there are others." Rou-ri waved lightly towards 9s and 2b - glancing at the pod but not really eyeballing it like he had the previous time. And apparently Emily was there as well, getting a nod out of him.
Josuke Higashikata
Whatever questions Josuke has might just end up getting answered rather quickly... by the fact that there's a girl hurtling down to the ground at TERMINAL VELOCITY! Gentleman that he is, Josuke takes a few steps towards the location, meaning to try and catch her! Though by the time he gets there, she's landed, and at a quick look-over seems to have survived the trip. "...Whoa." Still, the first thing he asks the girl who fell from above is, "Are you OK?"

It's only then that her question registers. "Oh, uh. I'm here because the Speedwagon Foundation heard some radio transmissions they couldn't quite understand, so I came to see what's going on. And to learn a little about the place." He holds up the camera as if this would explain it. He forgets that not everyone knows what a single-use camera is. And since he didn't actually GREET either of them, he offers a rather late, "Oh, and hi. My name's Josuke Higashikata."
Olivia Montag
Face Eater, makes a noise and flies down ot take a look atof the locals here who are showing up, namely the lady in free fall. It flies in to land on Olivia's shoulder and the raptors keep close to her. 

"Scouting for materials honestly a find like this coulkd scure my tribe's material needs for a long time. Electonics and advanced materials don't grow on trees."

Well she's being flat out honest and doesn't seem hostile, in her mind there's more than enough loot here for everyone here right?

"Oh the name's Olivia Montag I'm from the ARK."

People might notice something odd about the woman ther'es some sort of high tech implant embeded in her arm glowing faintly. She also takes note of a few people Ash is someone she knows well.

She looks to Ash.

"Should have figured you'd show up after your last fishing trip."

She also makes note of Emily and Josuke.

"Hey there..."

She stares at Rou-ri for a moment.

"A Dire Bear is walking?!"

It's pure shock from the sounds of it.
Emily Nyx
Emily raises her eyebrows, and grins at 2B and 9S. "Oh, hey, Number 2, 9S!" she says cheerfully, just completely ignoring 2B's sternness and 9S's worry. "I've just sort of been wandering around the place for the past few days. Kind of reminds me of my own world, just ... way older, and with more Machine Lifeforms to stab. And by 'more' I suppose I mean 'any'?" She shrugs; when you have four arms, you have a lot of shrug to give.

She waves to the others. "Hey Ash, Ruri, Uni, other people I haven't met before." Her voice, if nothing else, is recognizable to anyone who hasn't seen her in this form before.
    Dynamic Entry or not, 2B does not seem to be happy to be seeing people at the factory. At least she isn't reaching for the katana floating on its own behind her shoulder, but judging from the way her lips purse, she's less than pleased with the situation but...
    There is a moment where she is just quietly staring at Josuke and Olivia; Uni as well, but the Android already recognizes the mini Lastation-goddess.
    The fact of the matter is, they are the most ordinary human looking people present.
    "I'm fine." She replies to Josuke, first, dusting her dress off as she listens to explanations left and right.
    Looking for a way home.
    Investigating the radio signals.
    ... Two were already just lingering around.
    "2B is fine." She then asides to Emily curtly, before crossing her arms under her chest. "This is a restricted area and a warzone. YoRHa command isn't going to be happy about this."
    She's clearly the no nonsense person of the pair. Because 9S leans out from behind her.
    "They're just curious, 2B. You can't tell me you're not used to being around a Scanner unit by now."
    2B grunts.
    "Look, if they want to learn or investigate, why don't we take them to the resistance camp? I'm sure Anemone and Jackass would have a field day meeting actual humans. ... And pandas. ... And whatever Nyx-model MLE0 is." A pause. "No offense. But I kind of want to know, too."
    There's an almost long suffering sigh from the Battle unit before 2B turns on her heels. "Fine. We can dump all of them on Anemone and Jackass. Come on. If you want to learn about Earth, then follow us."
Ash gave a soft chuckle at the tow YoRHa's exchange, "If you're here on an investigation please feel free to continue. I can either wait or watch the door." He sounded young, almost a child, or perhaps someone just comming into their teenage years speaking through the war machine. He then looked around and gave a small wave t oOlivia. "I'm mostly ust here to break routine a bit." Beat, "OK Fine, Ordis was curious."


"Fine!," Ash's warframe slumped, defeated, "I was curious and talked Ordis into piloting the ship through." THere was a moment of incoherent subaudible grumbling.

If Ordis had a human body he would have picked that moment to look smug. However Ash's cephalon did not, so Ordis merely spoke, which was transmitted through the warframe, the cephelon's voice more... distinct than Ash's own, "I would be lying if I waid I was not curious, but your annoyance at the operator's antics is well warrented, especially if this is a restricted space." A pause before ORdis asked, "Just... why exactly is it restricted?"
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "Oh, you are willing to introduce me to the resistance now? I know you had mentioned them before, but it ultimately went nowhere." Then again, they really knew that. "Also... Pandaren, not dire bear." Rou-ri answered towards Olivia, with a bit of a flat :| on his face. "Though I cannot fault you for not knowing if you have never met one of my kind. Still, if you're doing that, then... let me go collect my stuff." And with that the Pandaren turned and hopped onto his flying disc, zipping off back into the factory for a bit to apparently do just that.
Olivia Montag
The Raptors have been looking at 2B and 9S oddly not hostile just like something quite doesn't match up for them. Ollie whistles once a and the raptor pack falls in following her as she goes, Face Eater is back on her shoulder as the group moves after the two androids. She looks over to Emily. "Hello." 

She also looks to 2B a moment later.

"Look if this ruin is claimed by your tribe? I'm not looking for a fight.

"I'd hazard something happened an advanced planet doesn't just fall apart. My father told me of New York, even a large city would take time to totally fall apart as it has here."

She's also looking a bit sheepish

"Pan dar en."

She sounds it out for a moment.

"Pandaren, got it before I left the ARK? The smartest thing outside humans were Raptors and some primates."

The trio of Raptor almost seems amused at this like they get Ollie was speaking well of them.

"Man flying without an Argie...maybe my dad wasn't pulling my leg about the metal birds."
    "Restricted area? Fair enough, I can leave if that's the case, but y'might want to put some signs up or something." remarks Uni, hands propped on her hips still. "As for a warzone, I've been in my share of life or death fights before. Don't underestimate the CPU CAndidate of Lastation!" She grins smugly, then folds her arms over her chest, looking around at the others gathered. The Pandaran does get a long look, but she's personally seen weirder talking things in her homeworld, a talking panda doesn't really faze her all that much.

    It's when 2B responds to 9S about taking the group to some others that the CPU candidate turns back to the pair of androids. "Anamone and Jackass... please tell me those are nicknames... what kind of parent names their kid Jackass?"
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke actually has the grace to look sheepish when 2B mentions the area's restricted. "I'm sorry," he offers, with a polite bow. He can probably take care of himself, more or less. But since he doesn't think the displeasure is for their safety, he doesn't reassure 2B of that. Instead he notes, "I don't mean any harm. I'm just exploring around. My world's new to the World Tree, so we're trying to figure out who our neighbors are."

Now that Josuke can look a the rest of the people here, he does stare a bit at Rou-ri. Because, talking... animal of some kind. But with a human body? It's weird enough to make him blink a little, anyway. But then Rou-ri zooms off on a FLYING DISC and that's cool!

Now, he just HAS to laugh at the name 'Jackass'. Though he's polite enough to cover his mouth first. Because it's likely that poor person didn't give himself (or herself, let's be PROGRESSIVE here, JoJo) that name. Someone else probably did, and not for good reasons.
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles, just taking it all in, as if this was all very amusing. "Just Emily is fine," she says to 9S, all but ignoring 2B -- just trying to wind her up a bit. "And I'm a Eudaemon. The Masters of my world, humans with cybernetic augmentations, had perfected a blend of magic and technology." She pauses, and then maintains her cheerfulness even as she adds, "A mysterious calamity wiped out all the Masters right before I was activated."

Her body is actually a colony of semi-magical nanomachines, plain to any scan which had any chance of detecting this; a slightly more thorough scan might find a small techno-magical device hidden deep inside her, controlling everything else.

She snickers at Ash and Ordis's shenanigans, and she also snickers along with Josuke at the name Jackass. Then she stretches her arms -- all four of them -- and her metal wings as well, then rises off the ground. "How ostentatious are we allowed to be?" she says, addressing 2B directly; it's clear from her tone that she hopes the answer is "a lot". Or maybe she's still just trying to wind up 2B? Who knows.
    "This whole planet is technically claimed by our... trrriibe." 9S ventures as he starts to follow 2B and motions for everyone else to follow along. It'a short trip up the ruined highway and over the factory wall before everyone steps out into the ruins proper.
    It's a bright and sunny day, and the silence is almost overwhelming. Countless buildings of concrete and skyscrapers stand forming a silent sector of a long dead city. So old that there's no longer even glass in many of the windows. Time has not been kind to this civilization, and weather has eroded much of any identifying marks that could be picked out on the buildings. The sidewalks and pavement are cracked everywhere and overrun with grass, giant tree roots weave between buildings and lichen and ivy climb up almost every wall. It's a serene sight, really, as a small family of giant moose wander by, completely unbothered by the sight of new visitors to the world.
    All anyone can hear is the wind whispering through the grass...
    "This is what's left of human civilization. --Naturally the humans want to come back, and that's why we're here. To take Earth back for them." the Scanner unit explains. "Tttttteeechnically that also means the whole planet is restricted, but realistically that's not exactly easy to enforce. It is, however, pretty dangerous because of the machines... Speaking of which..."
    Speaking of the machines, several come toddling out. Wandering aimlessly. They look almost like child-sized wind up toys, with their spherical heads, barrel bodies, and stubby legs. And they... Seem to pay no attention to anyone.
    "It's pretty weird. The machines in this area have oddly gone non-hostile as of late." 9S further explains.
    as 2B casually cuts one down with her sword, when it gets in her way.
    "Laugh it up now. I highly suggest you not laugh in Jackass' face." She points out before pausing. "... Ostentatious?"
Ash slowly followed once 9S gave hte goahead and processed. THe planet looked fairly.... un-taken-care-of. Yet this YoRHa claimedthe whole thing? Something felt... Off about this position. Then 9S elaborated.

"So, "Ash ventured, as politely ash e could while looking at the ruinsof civilizaton past, "You position yourselves as reclaimers for a humanity that may reutrn? Or you will give them a signal to return once reclaimation is complete?"

Then 2B casually cut down a non-hostile robot, "Apologies but if these are non-hostile wouldn't it be better to send someone to study and see what makes them so if it is normal for their kind t o be hostile?" Ash'shead quirked to one side then the other as he studied the machine 2B sliced down, lightly poking at it with his warframe's foot before moving on. "Or is there a reason to suspect they'll become hostile again?"
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Once Rou-ri had returned from the factory, of getting his armor, weapons, and recollecting the massive pile of robotic limbs and stuffing them into his satchels, he rode back out atop his disc. The metal disc sat atop a simple little cloud, the tall males butt planted firmly on the metal and seemingly of the type to fly up higher and just look around. A combination of enjoying exploration, and preferring to know what was coming where. It was less dangerous to fly high in the air, as far as he knew, than to skirt low on the ground. Though eventually boredom set in as they were going at a slow pace of walking instead of on mounts, so he took to doing slight rings around the party at large now and then in the air, occasionally flying down lower to mention if he saw something worth asking about.

    "A worgen I knew had the nerve to call me rug for a good two months many years ago, while we were working together. So I can hardly laugh at anyones name or nickname." Two reasons why someone would call a (panda)bear rug.
    "... Wow, this looks like Uzume's dimension, run down, broken." mentions Uni as she follows along, keeping pace with 9S and leaning over to him a bit. "The kid makes a good point... if I find where Nepgear ran off to, I could ask her to come help with that." she remarks in reaction to Ash's comment about the robot. She doesn't seem all that invested in the morality of the whole thing. "Gotta wonder though... with the Tree and the vines connecting new worlds, why not just move the population to another world? I'm sure there's somewhere connected that wouldn't mind another..." she pauses, straightening up and tapping her cheek with a finger.

    "How many humans are left, anyway? I mean, you need a good few hundred at minimum to maintain a viable population. Biodiversity and all that."
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke starts to follow along as 9S indicates they should go in a specific direction. And on the way, he's taking pictures. Yeah, just like a tourist. The moose definitely gets picture'd. After a moment of marveling because he's actually never seen a moose before. He's still listening to 9S, though, as he explains what they're all looking at. He does wonder what caused all this. But the mention of machines having gone non-hostile... that might be a clue there. But he does ask anyway, "What destroyed everything?"

Now, 2B's mention of not laughing at Jackass to their face does get a contrite look from Josuke. "I'm sorry," he offers, rubbing at the back of his neck sheepishly. "I was just... surprised, I didn't expect it." And it does sound kind of funny. But yeah, he realizes it was probably a mean thing to do.

There's a broken machine there. 9S did mention them being non-hostile. And it doesn't look like any of its buddies are gonna attack them either. So... Josuke pauses over the remains of the robot, taking a picture. Then he picks up a piece of the destroyed robot... a purple aura rises around him. "...<Crazy Diamond>," he mutters.

A figure seems superimposed over him for a moment, before seeming to float back into the air behind him. It's a pink-and-blue armored figure with a lot of heart motifs. As the figure floats back, it takes the broken robot part with it. An orange-gold aura springs to life around the floating figure -- Josuke is trying to fix the robot. Hopefully that means his Stand will be able to place a repaired robot on the ground to toddle off with its buddies. Hopefully Josuke can also take a picture of the repaired robot too.

And then Josuke intends to just go on and follow, like nothing happened, his Stand disappearing again and the purple aura around him fading away.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag nods to 9S. "Well, then you won't have the Einherjar seeking to strip things bare then. If only the other tribes of the ARK could be reasonable." Well even if she seems kinda primitive she's at least not looking to piss off the locals. She'll just have to shake Ash down for more Ferrite and armour shards later. After all, she may know of a new fishing spot. She peers at the machines while her shoulder creatuer hisses at them. 

"Strange they are nothing like the Pillars the gods have left on the Ark."

She pauses looking at both Andorids confused.

"Humans? Are you both not human yourselves?"

Josuke's powers do get her attention as she stops and /stares/ how is he doing that?
Emily Nyx
Emily's answer to 2B is simple: "Releasing capacitor seals three and two." Once again, she's surrounded by three distinct auras, one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent; the first two shatter, and the third immediately fades.

Her eyes briefly flash with red light, just like the hostile Machine Lifeforms she's fought before. She waves her hand, and a phalanx of golden bolts of light appear over her head and shoot forward, tearing through the next robot over. It's all really flashy and a little bit noisy.

"Like that," she concludes.

Emily looks over at Josuke's question. "Age," she says simply. "No humans, no maintenance. There was nothing to stop this world from falling apart, and becoming overgrown, except those who battled here. And maintenance was clearly not a priority for either side." She sounds ... unusually serious.

And then she blinks as Josuke brings out his Stand. And then her grin returns, wider than ever. She completely misses everyone else's comments and questions.
    A lot of questions are coming at once, but that's pretty natural when it comes to a new world, and 9S seems more than willing to do the talking while 2B leads the way.
    "We're not human." 2B replies to Olivia matter of factly.
    "2B is a Battle unit. I'm a Scanner." 9S explains more in depth. "We're androids- made by humanity to take the Earth back. Us YoRHa models are the newest ones."
    It's a trek past several overgrown blocks, but the two are still answering things.
    "That's classified." 2B replies, before 9S just out and says, "A few hundred thousand humans are living on the bases on the moon, right now, actually. But it was the Machines that made them have to retreat there in the first place and devastated everything." He adds solemnly after a beat.
    And then Josuke fixes the machine 2B cut down, sending it toddling on its merry way.
    It's a sight that makes both androids pause and exchange a look. 9S clears his throat awkwardly. But then 2B purses her lips.
    "I suppose if they aren't hostile, it's inefficient to waste the energy on destroying them. For now." She concedes to Ash. "But the destruction of the machines is what we were made for."
    ... And then Emily shows what she means by 'ostentatious'.
    In an instant both androids have drawn their katanas, the very second they see her eyes flash red, and take on battle stances.
    "L-Logic virus?" 9S ventures. "Not sure." 2B utters.
    But then the overgrowth rustles.
    Several larger machines with blazing red eyes stomp out from the alleys and the vines. And they have crude metal axes.
    And they most certainly are NOT non-hostile as they start rushing the group and taking swings.
Ash pausedwhen he saw Josuke's stand. He has seen one before now, fought with it and its user actually. Within Ash's transferrence pod inside his ship he frowned as the warframe's lights dimmed slightly, watcing the pink and silver ghost. "Stand...." His voice was soft as he noted what the thing was. 

Then the YoRHa talked.

Ash let out a soft chuckle. "Always the paths seem to lead to the Moon..." Another soft chuckle.

Then his warframe's lights brightened and he looked to 2B, "You are very clearly a sapiant being regardless. Therefor your directives do not define the whole of what you are." Then a helpless shrug as he continued following behind, "I just think it's counterproductive to randomly murder things if they aren'ttrying to destroy things. Kinda makes rebuilding hard if yo-"

Wait what??!?!?!

Sudden weapons were out he lookedfrom Emily to 2B and 9S, "Explain." His voice grew hard as he looked to Emily, "Is this your doing?" His hand moved to the hilt of his sword as his stance widened. Somethign ws going on, but he had to approach the situation calmly. It may be misunderstanding, it may be something local.

And then LARGE ax wielding machines appear. Prompting ash to disappear in a puff of smoke. As he used the few seconds of invisibility he had to try finding a better position he threw energy shuriken at the machines, hoping to hit a joint, or weak point in their armor, or mayb eeven distract them from the squishy people.
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke blinks at Olivia's stare, confused. His expression says it even if he doesn't -- 'what?'. Perfectly normal to him. Though he does nod at Olivia's question. "That's a good question. Though I'm not sure a normal human could plummet down and stick the landing like that." Between that and 9S talking about reclaiming the planet for humans, Josuke's figuring there's something going on there.

Emily's demonstration gets a blink. "Oh come on... they're not doing anything to anybody," he notes, of the destruction of the second robot. Pouting, he goes over to try and fix that one too. But nonetheless, her explanation gets a nod. "Yeah, that makes sense too," he notes. "Though... what made everybody leave? That have something to do with the formerly hostile robots?"

9S seems to confirm it, that the robots caused the humans to leave. "I might be able to help a little with that... with fixing things so the people can come back, I mean," he offers.

Ash saying 'Stand' draws a surprised look from Josuke. "You know what <Crazy Diamond> is?" He seems utterly flummoxed by this. But further questioning will have to wait, because SUDDENLY ROBOTS. And these aren't nice ones, either.

Fortunately Josuke's guardian spirit, or ghost, or whatever the hell that pink-and-blue thing is, appears to have some offensive capabilities as well. The Stand appears before him this time, and the moment that any of those hostile robots get too close, it gets punch-flurried, the figure emitting a droning, "DORARARARARARA!"
    Uni listens, "That's a decent number to repopulate, but the question stands, why can't they just go to another world?" she repeats... and then, after all is said and done, a group of larger robots emerge from some overgrowth and start charging. "CONTACT! Sector 3, check your six and take cover!" she commands, summoning her SMGs and diverolling away from one of the robot's wild swings.

    She lands, rolling through the momentum then brings herself up to open fire at the thing's back, spraying energy bullets at it. "Find a weak spot, they have to have some kind of chink in the armour!" she says as she drops magazines, summoning another pair from inventory which she slams down on to reload. "My Share Energy is really low, so my attacks are gonna lack some of the oomph they should."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag eyes go wide, just utterly wide at 2B and 9S she actually stammers 

"Your not really? You had me fooled totally."

The Raptors head bob like a bird clearly peering at Olivia for a moment they knew the androids were not human they didn't smell right, why is she so slow on the uptake on that? Olivia meanwhile keeps moving as the small machine trundles off. As hostiles appear she whistles the flying creature leaps off her shoulder to start harassing the machine going for the optics as it does so and it's surprisingly strong the Raptors fan out as Olivia 4radies her rifle and start to take aim for one of the machines, as she backs off then fires off shot, the Raptors cry out as Olivia gives different whistle, and clearly she's taken them off the leash. AS things get like a certain group of Dinosaur movies on some worlds. She's a bit out of it with Emily as she's more focused on going after the hostile machines. The Raptors are smart working as a team as they focus on the machine Olivia is shooting on playing keep away and distracting it.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw

    Yeah Rou-ri had no idea what the hell the pink and blue heart-motif'd spirit was and didn't even bother trying to get an explanation. But with everyone suddenly moving to attack - he just kind of floated asideand reached into his satchel, just in case he needed to pull out a weapon. "Well, I will let the lot of you take care of them." It might almost seem like he was wimping out, but there was a certain amount of laziness. There was no need for him to jump in when they were all being so proactive about it anyways. Just relax there on his cloud." Olivia wasn't entirely strange to him, he knew Hunters from his own world who had similar pets.
Emily Nyx
"Hmm?" Emily blinks innocently between the two YoRHa androids and Ash. "I was just making my eyes flash red, I was imitating these guys." She gestures to the fallen Machine Lifeform as Josuke repairs it. "I'm a shapeshifter, I can do what I want."

But then they suddenly have bigger problems. She snickers. "Here we go again!" she says cheerfully, and she summons four oversized katanas, one for each of her hands, with emblems of the four card suits near the base.

This time, her eyes flash blue as she swoops down towards the nearest robot, and uses the four blades to slice and dice all over its body!
    Clearly red eyes are not taken well here, but that's a matter that can be tabled for the moment.
    "-Not all machines are non-hostile!" 9S does prompt, and 2B is already on the move, blade drawn.
    A lot happens in a short flurry of time as the axe-wielding machines make their charge, shuriken staggering them-- one is filled with dents as Crazy Diamond pummels it to mulch. Uni's lack of Share Energy doesn't seem to be an issue here, these machines were already looking in poor and rusted out condition, which means her shots seeking out weak points are fine enough in bringing a machine down, as Olivia opens fire and lets her dinosaurs have free rein.
    The violence kicks up a hell of a lot of dust and there are several slashes in the chaos as Emily, 2B, and 9S cut down several of the axe-wielders as well, before everything quiets down again. The attack over almost as quickly as it started, the machines simply way too outclassed.
    The pair stow their katanas and 2B casually dusts off her dress like it was the most minor of scuffles.
    "Ahem... Uh. Well. ... The resistance camp shouldn't be too far from here now. Let's get a move on before more show up." 9S suggests.
used the last couple seconds of his invisibility to step behind Emily, "THen it might be best to not immitate machines that are either glitched or in the processof getting cut down because they exist." 

He faded into view behind the nanitemagicswarm that is Emily.

then he turns on hisheel and resumes walking, this times towards Josuke, "Not yorus in specific, but I ran into a red headed guy awhile back gave me a post-it note explaination on stands. I'd be willing to discuss thignslater if you like."
    Uni sighs in relief. "I don't know how Noire manages it... even that tired me right out." she complains lightly, standing, dusting herself off and dismissing her weapons into inventory. "I need to find Gamindustri, or start gathering followers from other worlds, cuz this is getting ridiculous." She follows after the androids, and thumbs up at the others. "Good hustle, nice response to a threat. We're a regular bunch of badasses huh?" she says.

    She then looks Josuke over. "That was a neat trick! No-one in my world has anything like that, though IF keeps saying she's got a demon sealed in her right hand... or was it her left eye.. I can't remember."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag whistles when the fight is over and calls the dinosaurs back with a whistle, after which she tosses them each in turn raw meat from her pack. The Raptors happily devour it while Face Eater takes it time chewing on it a bit before consuming it. She will fall in with 9S' suggestion. 

"Sounds good to me, at least those weren't Gigas." She notes as she falls in line again. "Well this has proven to be interesting."
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke actually sighs in relief once the trouble is over with. THOSE robots he's not going to be fixing! They'd probably just get up and start trying to kill everybody again. So yeah, those are staying broken. "Geez..." he mutters. And of course the first thing he asks? He looks around at everyone, asking, "Everybody OK?" 9S's suggestion to move on gets a nod. "Good idea," he agrees.

Ash's mention of someone else with a Stand gets a surprised look. "Really? Red hair? Hm..." He pouts thoughtfully. "Doesn't ring a bell right off. But sure, I'd like to know a little more about it, if you wouldn't mind talking about it!" He does seem glad to know there's someone else out there with a Stand... someone that doesn't instantly want to murder everything...

Uni addresses him then, and he smiles. "Thank you. It's a Stand -- mine's called "<Crazy Diamond>". Uh, I guess a poltergeist. A lot of people from where I'm from have them, and there's a lot of different types." And there's the Post-It Note explanation, the cliffnotes version, that Ash was talking about!
Emily Nyx
Emily grins back at Ash, and dematerializes her swords. "Did you see the look on their faces, though!?" she says. Apparently, she isn't remotely concerned about the fact that she just narrowly avoided friendly-stab. She doesn't reapply her capacitor seals, regardless.

She listens in on the conversation about Stands. "Interesting!" she says to Josuke. "I might have to drop by your world to find out more." She's starting to get kind of curious about the whole business.
    So, moving on. 2B and 9S lead the way over a small brook that was once a street. It looks like the water has eroded the concrete almost entirely to create an ankle deep stream of crystal clear water, and the pair motion for a pair of buildings slightly up a hill. Must be the entrance to the camp.
    "Anyway... The humans want to return to Earth. But command has ordered the Scanner models- like me," 9S says, "to start scouting other worlds and see if we can find a more viable place for the humans, even if it's just short term. Anything would probably be better than the moon. That's why some of you have already seen me and 2B out and around."
    "It's not normal for a Battle unit to be assigned on a typical scouting job." 2B points out glumly, but 9S shrugs it off with a grin as...
    2B's pod chirrups. And ... Forms a chair with its hard light emitter. 2B plops herself right then and there at the edge of the water and crosses her legs. Before she hucks her Pod into the water. The little machine floats in place for a moment before there's a SPLASH... And it floats from the water, clutching a fish in its grasp.
    "The Resistance camp is just up that hill. Anemone and Jackass can deal with the rest of you from here on out.
Emily Nyx
Emily bursts out laughing as 2B starts fishing. "Okay, y'know what," she says. "I'm sorry for messing with you before, 2B. You're great." She waves without waiting for a response, and turns to start heading up the hill.
Ash watches 2B throw her pod unit in as an automatedfisher. Within his transferrence pod he grinned before, "Hey Ordis, could you send me a fishing spear?"

Seconds later a spear would land beside Ash's warframe with a cabl and forearm wrap attached to the rear of the weapon. After strapping the wrist piece on he would heft the spear and position himself near 2B.

He would be patiant, waiting for the right flash of scale, or a specific way the water moved before his throw.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "Ah, okay, well that works then. Thank you." Rou-ri lands and stands on his feet, clipping the disc down into a wedge with the cloud vanishing and putting it into his tool belt around his waist. At which point he walks over and and casually hugs 2b from behind, "Thank you for taking us here. I thought I'd have to find them on my own! Which would have been hard." At which point he raises up and attempts to walk over and hug 9s as well. With him being nearly 8 foot tall, well, it's more of a head hug for them likely. But it was the thought that counted, before he turned to walk back towards the camp. "I will have to remember to try fishing like you are. I have not fished in quite a while."
Josuke Higashikata
Emily's words get a tilt of his head. Despite the distinct mental warning lights of 'BAD IDEA' flashing in his head, Josuke nods. And he notes, "The Speedwagon Foundation has been trying to learn more about the worlds everything's attached to anyway. They'd probably welcome the opportunity. Though I'd need to ask Jotaro first, so we could have someone there to meet you. Things have been pretty crazy since the first Vine appeared. Typical 'oh no, we're not the center of the universe anymore' panic, y'know..."

They reach the basic area and... 2B starts fishing? And then Ash does too! Josuke can't help but snicker a little, though this time it's good-natured amusement at the situation. "OK, that's awesome," he decides. He really isn't making fun. He just doesn't know anything about fishing aside from it looks pretty relaxing.

As for the stream itself? Depending on how wide it is, Josuke may need to have Crazy Diamond toss him over. Because those shoes are actually BALLY'S shoes and cost him ¥25000, he is NOT about to parade through water in them. Not as long as he can do something about it. He bows politely to 2B and 9S. "Thank you for bringing us here," he says. No hugs from Josuke, he does have an image to maintain! But then he'll head on up to the camp itself, see if he can find something to help with. It's in his nature, after all.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag is just going to follow along to the camp and she pauses "How does someone get the name, Jackass?" She shakes her head a bit at this but seems to be in good spirit "Well hello Human here and I'm on earth." It's clearly she's making a joke.