World Tree MUSH

Hunt the Night

Secrets, rumors, lies, and vampires. Introductory scene for a new denizen of the Tree!
Character Pose
Sonia Belmont
Rumors are a funny thing sometimes. In place of actual, concrete intel, they can be pretty useful--on the other hand, some bad rumors have a nasty way of getting people riled up for all the wrong reasons. Take for example, the town of Stillrun: there's been rumors and inklings of some terrible night creature that's been preying on the townsfolk at night. 

The one concrete piece of evidence that is not subject to being a rumor is the victims being drained of blood. And some others, tortured. Flayed, some have described them.

It is perhaps for this reason that said rumors have reached other ears. Ears of Gardeners and other sorts of people who put out little missions, little bounties--and in this case, being to investigate. But it comes with a caveat: the people here are scared. They don't show it, but their wariness will make things difficult to get a straight answer out of anyone.

Even for those who arrive at the village that would make one thing of a rural 19th century European town, complete with horse-drawn carts and oil-burning street lamps, they are going to be looked at by the townspeople with some scrutiny.

... especially as there's been tale lately of someone they don't know, a hooded figure who some are thinking might be the vampire stalking them even in the daytime.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Rumors of vampire abound, tension in town is thick enough to cut with a knife. There's someone 'new' already here, but even that has people super mistrustful.
    Dante's always been one to jump at the chance for rumor chasing. Arriving at the city limits, Dante eyes the city itself curiously. "Never got to kill vampires before." He mutters, his massive longsword across his shoulder as he wanders through the streets. Eyeing the rooftops for any creepy crawlies, Dante's gaze turns toward alleyways. There's a lot of places monsters might be coming out from, lurking in the shadows and hunting villagers.

    The Son of Sparda isn't easily shook, but he does definitely keep a more alert eye out than people give him credit.
>> SUMMARY[Dante] >> Dante arrives, and is keeping an eye out for nasties. C'mon you sparkly bastards. come at me.
Emily Nyx
Emily opts to take a vine the normal way, rather than using one of her staticky portals. She's taken the form of a human woman in her thirties with auburn hair -- the first humanoid form she showed to Dante and Yahiko when they came to visit the halcyon remnant, actually -- except with glowing purple eyes, to aid in recognizabilitly. She's ... smiling faintly; it's more of a friendly smile than her usual faintly smug amusement. Which is more than it was yesterday, but less than you'd expect if you weren't there for a certain Machine Lifeform a few nights go.

She wanders over to Dante. "Really?" she says as she comes up behind him, with the same voice as ever. "I'm kind of surprised. Are demons just a more pressing threat where you're from?" A pause. "Hello, by the way," she adds.
    Rydia of Mist... Is not a vampire hunter. She doesn't even like getting directly involved in most of the fights she seems to manage to get herself dragged into. What she IS doing is passing trough a certain beleagured town; mounted on her faithful chocobo, and occasionally pick up supplies--
    The fourth door slamming in her face is more than starting to get on her nerves.
    "I don't CARE if you have some kind of 'vampire infestation' I'm trying to give you some damn business here!" She shouts, slamming a tiny fist on the door irritably.
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Emily's over by Dante, more subdued than usual.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> In town. Clueless about vampires. Pissy.
Dorian Pavus
    Now this... THIS is familiar, Dorian thinks. It's still a little more advanced than his home, but only in technology. The attitudes of the people don't seem that much more progressive, that's for sure. But that's kind of why he's here. Not only because it's familiar, but because he DOES have a heroic streak in him, despite his long-standing opinion to the contrary.

    He comes to Stillrun clad in light leather armor and a white cloak, with impeccably groomed hair and mustache, and smelling like nice things. Partly because that's what he does, and partly because appearance is everything when dealing with scared people. Though the triple dragon-headed staff he seems to be using for nothing more than a giant walking stick might get some stares...

    Dorian arrives in one of those horse-drawn carriages, the wind catching his cloak and sending it fluttering for a bit -- looking every bit like the rich and powerful man he used to be in his birth home of Tevinter before he threw it away, and takes in the look of the town for a bit from the outside before heading in. Where does he go first? The tavern, of course. Where else would one find rumors but from people with loose tongues, and when are tongues looser than when they're full of ale?

    While most of the normal people won't be able to tell, to those with greater or more... intricate senses than others, there might be a sense of power emanating from him. And also perhaps the feel of death. To his credit, not merely 'the evil that causes death', but the stillness of the grave, neither bad nor good.
Dorian Pavus
>> SUMMARY[Dorian Pavus] >> Dorian arrives by carriage, heads for the tavern. People with magic senses might be able to pick up that he is MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! Also a little bit of death.
Holly Winn
Showing up dressed as a witch to a 19th century European-town that's being troubled by vampires might not be the best idea. Holly was never the perceptive type though as she arrives followed closed by two ghosts. She also senses a strong magical presence here that isn't come from her. She smiles and waves to Dante and Emily ipon arriving. Of course she's not here to hunt the vampire but to meet it, after all she generally considers the undead to be pretty friendly.
Sonia Belmont
Rydia's complaints seem to fail on deaf ears for the most part. Though the part they don't fall on belongs to a gruff-looking mountain of a man. "Might want tae forgive 'em, lass. We're a wee bit of a close knit town as is, but ye be the second in as many days wearin' sumtin' like dat." A callused finger gestures in the direction of the whip the young lady wears. 

"Though ye be a wee too small, methinks to be causin' any real troubles." As to why such a man makes such baldfaced accusations impugning the young Summoner's character, one can see a nice and shiny nickel-plated badge on the vest he wears. "Name's Nathaniel. And who might ye be, comin' for supplies?"

At this time of twilight hours, even if it weren't so late that some shops were closing soon and the taverns and inns get their best business, the sense of being on guard in the town has ticked up notably. There's a few individuals walking the streets--most wearing some kind of sword, as does the Sheriff that Rydia just encountered. And some of the villagers who spot Dante and Emily from their house suddenly slam close the shuttered doors on their homes with definitive *bangs!* that quickly tell the tale of their interest in others.

At least the tavern is far more welcoming for the most part, or so Dorian sees when he arrives at. There's about a half dozen men there huddled around a table, drawing from tall wooden mugs, grumbling and chattering at one another--though Dorian's entry gets them staring at him for a nearly awkward amount of time before they return to their drink. The din isn't so bad that one doesn't miss a few key words, though one of them includes, 'gotta do somethin' about that she-vamp'

As much as they might be arguing about it at least. Maybe they're working up some liquid courage!

Holly, on the other hand, might be equally lucky and unlucky--certainly she is noticed, but not to the degree the Son of Sparda has elicited as such. Which means she's among the first addressed by a trio of men--one from an alley, the other from a turn in the street itself, and one more from another alley behind them. "Don't know what yer business is here, but ye three best be answerin' pretty swiftlike." That voice belongs seemingly to the leader--who wears what looks to be some manner of badge on a tunic. "There's been troubles here, and we're not lookin' to have anymore added to the pile if we can help it."
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> The Time: Evening, Twilight. The people: nervous. Patrolmen are about, including the Sheriff whom Rydia runs into. Dorian has a remarkably easier time due to being the medieval equivalent of big pimpin' on the horsedrawn cart. Emily, Dante, and Holly are getting the stink-eye from the patrolmen, however.
    "Sup girls." Dante greets Holly and Emily nonchalantly. "I'mma head toward the tavern, grab a beer while I'm here. Hopefully this place has a good brewing industry, but judging by the general mood..." He pauses. "Probably gonna be little better than horse piss, knowing my luck." He mutters under his breath.

    The white-haired slayer seems to just ignore the patrolmen as he heads to the tavern, promptly snubbing any stink-eye. Not like they'd do anything to him, they got billy clubs- BILLY CLUBS, people!

    Making his way into the tavern, Dante sheathes his massive sword and promptly flags down the barkeeper, "YO! Gimme a stout, just had a hell of a hike getting here so I've got a thirst that won't quit." Dante's gaze turns toward the mustachioed sorcerer for a moment, cocking an eyebrow. "Hey, pretty boy; You a traveler too, or just the village wizard?"
>> SUMMARY[Dante] >> Screw it, Dante's half-demon brain requires beer. Also sup Dorian.
Holly Winn
"Hello Dante!" Holly would join him but it seems she's drawn attention from the locals first. "I hear that there's a vampire around these parts, any idea where I might find them?" The witch is unsure if they can see Servis and Lavaux but she can attract her share of attention on their own. At least the patrolmen aren't wielding pitchforks and torches at her yet.
    A few more thumps on the door and Rydia gives up, turning around with agrumble only to be met with the town Sheriff. The girl is in a foul mood for being turned away, but she manages to put on some semblance of manners.
    "Rydia. Of Mist." She introduces herself when the man prods for who she is. Before her lips purse into a thin line. "What does my whip have to do with anything? A girl has to defend herself you know." She points out, one hand brushing over the coiled leather worn at her belt. "Anyway if you'll excuse me, I have things I need to pick up." She says, excusing herself from the law man when she spies familiar faces-- here of all places. Dante and Dorian don't go missed when they enter the tavern, and that means once Rydia can escape Nathaniel, she heads right into the tavern.
    "YOU two!" She means Dante and Dorian. "This town's clammed up tighter than the mouth of a malboro that just got forced to swallow a mint. What's the deal?"
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> What's wrong with my whip? Also: I will go harass Dante and Dorian now.
Emily Nyx
Emily gives the patrolmen as nonthreatening a smile as she can manage. You'd think she actually cared about what people thought about her or something.

She follows Dante to the tavern. "I'll probably just have some water," she says. "I can't get drunk, unfortunately." Left unsaid: if the drinkage is worse than in other worlds, she's doubly screwed. "I know, I'll be your designated driver," she adds dryly.

She manages an actual snicker. (It's not one of her guffaws, but, y'know. She's getting there.) Rydia's sudden outburst, however, actually gives her pause. "Hello, Rydia," she says. "There's apparently a vampire on the loose. No sign of her yet, though."
Dorian Pavus
    Dorian is accustomed to being stared at, and so returns the stares with a pleasant smile. "Evening, gentlemen!" he offers heartily. Though yeah. Mentally recognizing that it's likely a stretch of the use of the word 'gentlemen'. Still, they haven't tried to gut him yet, so that's an improvement! He strides to the bar confidently, and plunks a few coins on the table. It's enough for an ale, which is what he asks for.

    Dante's entrance is definitely one that's attention-getting, and so Dante turns in the direction of the door as he enters. "Greetings to you, sir," he offers. The question gets a quirk of his brow, and he takes a moment to look Dante over. To Dorian's credit it's... at least PARTLY because he's trying to assess what threat Dante may pose to him! Though he does answer, as he leans against the bar, "A traveler, actually. I'd heard some trouble was here and came to poke about, see if there was any work in it."

    Rydia's also a bit loud as she arrives, though Dorian has to laugh at her phrasing. "Hello there," he greets her. As for the question? "According to some buzzing? Supernatural issues," he notes in response to her.

    And Emily confirms it, when she pipes up as well. "Aha," he notes in response. "Well then, that seems to be the problem. That would explain everyone being as friendly as an Orlesian merchant in a roomful of Ferelden soldiers."
Sonia Belmont
"Didn't say 'Welcome to Stillrun', did I?" he practically snarks, spitting at the ground aside him in irritation at the way Dante responds to his inquiry. "No boss, don't think you did." Such words are accompanied by the slick sound of steel on scabbard as one of the men pulls their blade free. Just one, as the leader of the trio gestures to the other not to draw down just yet. That is, until Dante and Emily seem to utterly ignore them. To their peril, perhaps.

... so what's another great way to get noticed in all the wrong ways? Show up while the town is on edge, look like you want to blow past the town patrol doing their best to *ask you what your business is* then practically ignore them anyways.

"... yer daft, lady. Ye want to meet the vamp? What, are ye just comin' to cozy up with that murderous skank?" Well, he might not be drawing yet, but the second of the trio seems alarmingly pissed at the casual tone Holly seems to be taking. He, nor his compatriots have appear to have seen the aforementioned ghosts, but thanks in part to Emily and Dante's respective actions, he has to put any further answers on hold, "You, don't ye think of movin'!" And he runs off, along with his compatriots.

"Yer not the first here to be wearin' one, which strikes me as a wee bit funny." Something he saw--and heard--recently has him a little bit more suspicious. However, the rise of voices--and a runner coming over to whisper in his ear has his and every other's attention drawn towards Dante, Emily and Holly. And with Rydia excusing herself to do the same, well. That just about tears it.

He, along with about a dozen more men are converging on the tavern itself, and being joined in the distance by some more men from scattered points--seems like what they saw at the town's outskirts has compelled the torch and pitchfork response. Nathaniel, the town's Sheriff gruffly, and far more irritably than before, addresses the collective group--though Dorian gets less of the hellfire of a stare the man's giving them.

"I don't know who the devil ye think ye all be. While ye may have the right of it, that we be havin' trouble with a bloodsucker, the last thing any of us need is strangers like the lot of you stompin' through like ye bloody well own the place. Names. Now. Before we throw ye lot out on yer sorry arses!"

The conversation Dorian happens upon is as follows--

    "I don't know..."
    "Has tae be, she showed up righ' when we started getting attacked, aye?" "Aye, but Nathan said he talked to the lass, an' he belived her."
    "Tch, right, like that means anythin'! Ye know ah hear them vamps got mind powers, bet ye they tricked the constables here, 's no wonder they can't do jack 'n shite to protect us any!" This is met with some affirmative, if reluctant grumbles of assent.
"And ye know, strangers like tha' be nothin' but trouble."

Which, as Dorian introduces himself, they seem to stare at him a bit more warily--only for their attention, perhaps mercifully might get him out of the suspicion category. At least, temporarily. When the group arrives in their rather rag-tag fashion with the guards understandably pissed, they all glare at Dorian. "Tch, we need to throw them ALL outta here on pikes, Nathan!" That gets a chorus of aggressive assent from the rest of the taverngoers, to which the Sheriff immediately snarls, "There'll be none of that lynchin' here, y'hear me!?" It quiets them for a moment, but only a precious moment.

Talk about a rapidly devolving situation..
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> That's a nice fan you got there. Be a shame if something hit it.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> More seriously and to the point: people were already on edge, and the antics of people involved has just about everyone in the immediate vicinity seriously riled up. Nathaniel's keeping them in line, but for your next actions: Choose Wisely.
Emily Nyx
Emily grins at Dorian. "I have no idea whatsoever what that metaphor is about," she says, "but, same."

She pauses and looks over at the guards. "Oh, whoops, wow," she says, looking genuinely contrite. She stands up carefully and gives what she hopes is a polite bow. "Emily Nyx here. Sorry about that, I am even more out-of-it than I usually am." Not that she's more likely to behave herself better in the best of times. She simply doesn't have the instinctive understanding about law enforcement that others might have.
    One could practically imagine the sound of rubber tires squealing as Dante's -rudely- interrupted by the local patrolmen. "Dante. I hunt demons. Heard there were monsters about, I'm here to kill 'em. Can I get to my beer now?" He asks with sarcastic cheer that could peel paint.

    The locals get rowdy and aggressive, prompting Dante to roll his eyes rather overdramatically. "Okay, I've had enough of this." He pulls Ebony from the holster on his back, and then fires a single shot into the ceiling.

    "LISTEN. Me and my friends aren't here to harm a soul here, but we *are* armed to the friggin' teeth! So I suggest you guys get back to whatever you're doing, and we'll be gone once we're done solving your problems for ya! SO PISS OFF." He barks harshly, staring _daggers_ at the crowd in an uncharacteristically gritty fashion as he holsters the .45. "Now then. My drink." He says, pointedly glancing to the barkeeper.
>> SUMMARY[Dante] >> Dante tries to deescalate things by showing that the group are the metaphorical bigger stick in this situation.
Emily Nyx
Emily side-eyes Dante, and then grins, sighs, and smacks her forehead. "Good grief ..."
Holly Winn
"They look pretty weak, I'm sure we can take them!" Lavaux boasts as the guards threaten the group.

"Idiot, are you trying to cause more trouble for us?" It's a good thing the guards can't hear the pair of ghosts are they we be in more trouble.

Of course you would need a pretty sharp pike to seriously hurt Holly but that still gets her attention. "Wait, it's already killed people? In that case we really should get rid of it before anyone else dies. I'm Holly Winn." She nods in agreement with Dante. Of course she still rather not kill the vampire but she doesn't mention that part outloud.
    "Also that, yeah. We're here to kill your vampire." Dante adds. "We're more the monster killin' type than the ones who hurt folk for no reason."
Dorian Pavus
    "...Venhedis..." Dorian mutters, as the constables arrive and things start to get heated. He willingly comes forward -- notably, between several of his allies and the angry, drunk men at the table -- and offers a respectful bow. "My name is Dorian Pavus, Altus of Tevinter," he offers. No, he's not expecting them to understand what or where that is. But he's hoping the title at least will make them think twice about harming them. "I understand how upsetting it can be to have strangers come here with seemingly no regard for the customs," he offers. "And for that, I offer my deepest apologies."

    He winces as Dante fired into the ceiling and offers his rather scathing diatribe. He's quick to offer, in a more soothing tone of voice, "I also understand that there's more than a little tension in the town at the moment. Speaking for myself, I had merely wanted to see if there was any way that I could assist with the current problem. I won't lie -- I was hoping there would be some pay in it. Traveling is a difficult life. And I won't say that any of us are 'harmless', but I doubt any of us means any harm to anyone in this place."

    So basically everything Dante said, but nicer. Dorian is a charmer, hopefully his silver tongue will get them out of trouble. Or at least see to it they don't get lynched!
    Rydia is a surprisingly knowledgeable young girl. When it comes to the myths and legends of her world, animals, and Eidolons, let it not be said she knows nothing. But Holly's explanation makes the girl's nose scrunch.
    "The heck is a vampire, anyway?"
    Of course there's trouble when the law decides they don't take to kindly to a squad of adventurers being... A squad of adventurers. So when Nathaniel and his men arrive at the tavern, that leads to...@emit
    Rydia is a surprisingly knowledgeable young girl. When it comes to the myths and legends of her world, animals, and Eidolons, let it not be said she knows nothing. But Holly's explanation makes the girl's nose scrunch.
    "The heck is a vampire?"
    Of course there's trouble when the law decides they don't take to kindly to a squad of adventurers being... A squad of adventurers. So when Nathaniel and his men arrive at the tavern, that leads to...
    The grounds for a potential altercation. Rydia heaves a heavy sigh. At the very least she can get out with the excuse of 'I'm seven'. How many times that has worked is astounding.
    But then Dante fires a bullet into the ceiling. The gun going off makes the child flinch, jerking instinctively from the sound and flash, leaving her trembling for a beat before she can catch her breath and shakily step in.
    She's directly addressing Nathaniel, going so far as to tug on his sleeve.
    "I know that man-- most of these people, in fact. They're..."
    Oh god how to put this diplomatically.
    "Rrrrrrough around the edges." Rydia decides to settle on. Except maybe Dorian, he's dapper aorund every edge.
    "That man, in the red coat. He hunts monsters. The women with him are..." Oh god what even is Emily? "Capable fighters and magic users." She settles on. "And him--"
    Dorian does his own work, doesn't he? Though she barely knows the man from that incident in Yumi's world, he at least hasn't done anything BAD that she knows of aside from seemingly feeling like he dabbles in some dark arts. But then again so does Cecil, and the magic does not make the man. "He speaks for himself.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> Things have gone horribly wrong when the seven-year-old is making diplomacy rolls.
Sonia Belmont
The genuine act of contrite concern goes a long way to help out at least, with the men here. Besides, Emily's a woman--a normal looking woman, and not a witch like Holly, who is still getting something of a wary, if almost murderous expression from the men nearby. "Yeah, y'wanna /talk/ with the vampire huh? Only talkin' needs doin' is tae kill it."

Rydia is young enough that she's almost dismissed out of hand but... with her and Dorian doing their best, and Nathaniel actively listening to them both is enough to get him to raise a hand to his men to stay their blades, which their relaxing stances--for the most part--is enough to assure the townspeople gathering and the ones already here.

"Well there is a bounty we put out--" That elicits an angry shout, "We don't need no stinkin' outsides! That damned vampire bitch is here in town! We go and we stake her lyin' arse before she hits again!" Something that earns a greater chorus of increasingly aggressive--and in some cases drunken--men. "Filthy, unholy skank goin' after our women!" How much truth to that is anyone's guess--though it is true that women have been the exclusive target of the vampire.

Any further discussion, however is violently put on hold, thanks to Dante.

The response to the gunshot is a bit more nuanced than people might expect. On the one hand, logic says these people, ostensibly are here to do some kind of good. On the other hand, the suspicious minds coupled with people who just want to be left alone and not being welcoming to outsiders. Sure they MIGHT be able to welcome people but...

"Sure ye are! That's what they all say! They take and they take and then they bugger off elsewhere either dead or takin' what they need! Not happenin' fella!" comes the shout of one magnificently brave cuss.

"Drink my lily white arse, yer payin' for that ceilin' first, madman!"

It's at this point that something feels off--it's subtle, and it's something that's difficult to pin down for certain unless one might be tuning their senses towards the supernatural in some way. Like there's a shadow over this town--what Dante said should've been believed, but something has them even more tuned up than they normally would. It comes and goes in an instant.

Any time to dwell on it is short, to put it plainly.

A scream--a terrified one at that is heard, but the way it abruptly stops is... telling.

"God..." Nathaniel manages to murmur out before he looks to his patrolmen, "Bart, Zeke, you're with me. Topher, Adam, Nick, stay here and keep an eye out for the people out here. The rest of you, two-man teams and lets get moving!" He pauses. "The rest of you stay put!"

And even as he belts these orders and starts off for where the scream came from, the remaining townsfolk are gathering and chatting, watching as the patrolmen begin taking off... but it won't be long, and they too, join the hunt, disregarding Nathaniel's order to stay put.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Something is ... off. The people are on the edge of becoming a lynch mob, but right when everyone's seemingly distracted... an attack?!
Holly Winn
"Well, there are many kinds of vampires. They generally feed off something like blood, magic, chi etc in order to survive. They can resemble humans, bats or anything in-between. They often are weak to fire and light..." Something tells Holly that the lawmen don't seem to like her very much but she begins to explain to Rydia what vampires are but the scream stops her. It seems like the vampire has struck again. "We better go after her before they lose her again!" It seems like the town guard is in over their heads here.
    Dante's used to having to cover debts. But this time, he could care less. "Take it out of my cut." He says sharply, before he promptly snubs the sheriff's orders. "Oh, I'm buggering off alright, jackass. Gonna save your neck is what I'm gonna do." The devil hunter grumbles, kicking the door open as he storms on out to the street after the patrolmen.

    "That scream sounded close. You guys are gonna get mauled if you go out there without us." Dante points out, drawing his pistols as he begins to investigate properly.
Emily Nyx
Emily actually looks relieved at Dorian and Rydia's handling of the situation. Okay, good, looks like she's not going to have to take on a totally different form if she visits this place again.

And then that feeling strikes.

She notices the timing, as well. Just when it looked like people were going to be calmed and see reason, it was like a fog suddenly settled. A pall of darkness, indeed.

"Holly's right," she says, "albeit not necessarily some of the particulars." She isn't quite as certain they're going to have a nice friendly chat with the vampire. "But yeah." She follows after Dante ... though she doesn't actually seem too have any apparent means of fighting the vampire or defending herself?
Dorian Pavus
    Dorian has never been so thankful for a scream. Whatever caused it, it breaks the tension in a way that's NOT aimed at them, which is thankful for them. He almost breathes a sigh of relief... but not quite. He'll wait for Nathaniel and his cronies to leave before he starts off -- and of course there will be other townspeople coming along. Which causes another mutter under his breath in a foreign language; that means he'll have to try to keep THEM alive too!

    Holly's statement gets a rather snarky response. "Or before they FIND her, and lose their LIVES," he notes. He's seen both the good and the bad sides of this sort of magic, and he's not looking forward to having to fight it. But, well. Better him than someone it'll just eat and get stronger from, right? That said, Holly's explanation IS informative. Dorian isn't familiar with 'vampires', not like this. So knowing what he could be up against is something.

    And as soon as he goes outside, he raises a hand and speaks a Word, and his hand starts to glow with a soft green light, the color of new spring growth. "...Maker, it's... everywhere," he observes. "This... this fog, this miasma of... something. I don't know what, but it's something. Something very definitely a very potent flavor of BAD."

    But it's also not going to help him track the thing, so he puts that glow away. For now he follows the others. He moves on foot, keeping that staff close by. Being a mage, he does kind of need his focus, after all.
    Rydia gets the beginnings of a primer on vampires, thanks to Holly. But only the beginning when that scream rings out. It's a distraction, sure. Not necessarily a WELCOME one, because it means someone is in danger. But it does get the lawmen off the assembled group, which is good enough.
    "... Does anyone else feel that?" She murmurs, the thin mist lingering around her swirling as thouth agitated, for a beat. "Something's not right with these people." She says. But whatever that could be, she can't quite precisely put her finger on it. It's Dorian that shifts her attenion. "So you felt it too? Just now-- I almost didn't notice until just now."
    But that's something to figure out later; when the others start picking up to leave the tavern and investigate, Rydia is already moving to follow, hand twitching a little closer to the dagger at her belt.
Sonia Belmont
By providence of being the general collection of badassery, seven year old diplomacy rolling, devil hunter, Tevinter dappery, witchery and Emily-class peoples that they are, the murder hobos--we mean, squad of adventurers arrive first. 

But even before they get there--those who have the sensory ability for it begin to pick... up on something. It's different, like they're drawing close to a predator in some measure. A presence, a pressure. The air feels thick with danger...

But whatever the presence is, it does not seem to be drawing away--rather, mysteriously /staying/, just growing steadily more intense until the group finally gets there... only when they are close enough does the pressure seem to slacken from 'overpowering'.

The sight the group arrives to is concerning, to put it modestly, not to mention the smell. Namely, flesh and blood in equal measure--a fight was here, just moments prior. Wide arcs of blood splattering the brick walls leading into the alley. But when they come upon the seeming source of the scream, there's two figures--one, a hooded figure knelt over a young woman, who looks as white as a sheet. For what it's worth, she looks very much alive, even if there's stains of blood near her neckline.

It's here the figure tilts their head slightly. "Well, did not think you were the townspeople. They've learned to stay away usually." The voice is clearly feminine--but to Emily, possibly familiar. "You're just a little late to kill the bastard responsible, but not too late to see she gets back home safely." On that, the figure stands, gesturing down. While she is indeed bloody in a few spots, it looks like it's not all hers, and her chest rises and falls steadily. Out cold. Better than sucked dry, at least.

And then the figure lifts their head--her head, in this case, two piercingly blue eyes staring at the group out from beneath the hood, and from the fold of the cloak peeks what looks to be the coils of a loosely gripped whip. It's a simple gesture, a sign that while she is not going to immediately attack, she is clearly not defenseless.

... the townspeople did say it was a female vampire, right?

    ...or did they get that wrong, somehow?
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> You've found the attacked woman! ... and the vampire?
    Dante tracks down the kill sight, but finds a lone hooded figure with...a whip?

    "Hey, lady." He calls out, careful to not raise his guns just yet. "We were looking for a vampire 'round here. That ain't you, is it?" He observes the mysterious huntress, sizing her up in case she attacks. If she's packing a whip, she's either really kinky or really skilled with that thing. Either way, she's not playing around.

    " killed it already, didn't you?"
Dorian Pavus
    Dorian nods to Rydia's question. "Not until just now, when I was looking for it," he admits. "But there's... this pall over the town. I can't describe it. But it seems to be on the people, somehow. Which might be why they're so bloody jumpy," he surmises.

    The sight they come across is a damning one -- blood and gore everywhere, a young woman on the ground, and a hooded figure standing over her. Dorian's first thought is to head to the unconscious woman's side, so he begins to circle around the hooded figure, looking for an opening. Though the explanation from the hooded figure is... well, frankly relieving. "So you aren't the vampire," he 'asks', rhetorically. Clearly she's not, the unconscious woman would be dead if she was.

    Well, all the better to heal her then. Dorian starts over to her, and extends his hands over her prone form. He murmurs Words of Power under his breath, and his hands begin to glow again as the one did before, but more strongly now. It's not an instant process.

    He'll turn his attention to that while the others try to figure out what's going on with the hooded woman -- he surmises 'female' because the voice sounds feminine, not because of any visible traits that would indicate it.
Emily Nyx
Emily nods to Rydia and Dorian. "I feel it too," she says. "I'm probably not getting it as clearly, though, I'm not built for that sort of thing ..."

Her voice trails off as they encounter the woman. "Oh, hello again," she says. Her usual smile of amusement and faint smugness returns. "Glad to see you've bounced back quickly enough from the sight of Simone," she says conversationally. "Y'know, this isn't the first time I've run into townspeople who proclaimed that someone was the evil source of all their problems, and ended up being dead wrong." She glances at Dorian as he goes to heal the victim, then turns back to the hooded figure before them. "You're a lot better at not accidentally making it worse with poor phrasing, though. What was your name again?"
Holly Winn
It takes a bit for Holly to catch up, flying her broom likely isn't the best idea. She looks a bit uneasy as she approaches Sonia and the female who was attacked. The ghosts stay further back not wanting be the huntress's next targets especially if she did kill the vampire. "Are you sure she's going to be okay? I mean it did bite her right. She might turn as well?" She's not sure if these vampires can spread their influence by bite.
    Arrival at the grisly site of the crime is...
    Well it's not to appealing.
    The feeling of walking towards doom itself mounts pretty rapidly, as though Rydia were walking straight into the vast jaws of some great predator that could swallow her up in a gulp. The girl is practically sweating by the time everyone reaches the fallen girl and the hooded, apparent, assailant.
    Except the hooded woman... IS not the assailant is she? At least not by Dante's surmise.
    Rydia, biting though she may be, is not an unkind girl. No, the child is quite the opposite as she edges towards the young woman on the ground.
    She opts not to use her White Magic. She does not opt to use magic at all, as Dorian does, in this case The last time she had done so, openly, she had been seen by the hunter, Copen, and placed a target upon her own back. It is a mild, and rightfully justifiable, paranoia that she does not do so in front of this hooded woman, with the sense of menace that emanates from her. Instead, Rydia is already rifling through the varied pouches at her belt, and produces a small glass bottle- which she unstoppers and begins pouring down the fallen girl's throat, to supplement Dorian's work.
    "... And what, then, of you?"
    Could she have already killed the vampire, as Dante ventured?
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> Paranoia intensifies. Also healing potion.
Sonia Belmont
"Would that I could have. It's done something to the town here that makes picking it out very... difficult." Her eyes narrow into thin slits--her gaze passing towards Holly's companion ghosts--she says nothing of them. But it's undeniable that she knows they're there, as the expression in the woman's eyes says when her gaze lingers on Holly. 

As to healing the out-cold woman, Dorian sees he has to do... very little. Revitalizing her seems to be far easier than initial sight would've suggested--did this woman do something already?

Her voices softens in an almost imperceptible fashion as she regards Emily evenly. "Vile though she may have been, I have born witness to horrors like it. It never becomes something one is accustomed to, all the while." Best not to discuss certain things one has seen in dealing with Dracula's forces, especially here. A thin smile, "But it is not unusual to be so mistrusted for what we do to slay the creatures of the Night such as vampires." Merely a burden to be carried.

"I did not provide my name, but as it will help, you may call me Sonia." She tugs her hood back, revealing a blonde hair along tied into a long ponytail which spills out of the front. Her voice, now without the hood obscuring it slightly is definitely Romanian, and in the right setting, alluring. This is not one of those settings. Here, it's much more severe. As to Holly's question, her head tilts slightly.

"It did bite her, but the matter of turning is not going to be a concern. She would need to be forced to drink of his blood. He, by the by, not she. I am full aware of the rumors that have been circulating, but that is his influence on the town thus far." Her nose wrinkles slightly in disgust. "I removed the taint with my own divine power before you arrived. She is... in shock, but will recover. Moreso now, due to you." she notes, more in regards to Dorian, with a slight bob of her head.

Her gaze falls on Rydia for a few moments--actually lingering on her and her demeanor as she muses thoughtfully. "Regardless, he is wounded and seeking to put as much distance between I and this place in order to recover. I do not plan on allowing him this, but..." She grimaces. "We may have more trouble on the way."

The paranoia is something she empathizes with--she sees much of it in Rydia because she sees it in herself. But... more trouble? It becomes clear in moments. Because there's someone who's been watching at the end of the alley. One of the townsfolk. Who's staring in horror at the group. "HEY! THEY'RE OVER HERE!" It doesn't take long for the rest of the angry mob of townsfolk and patrolmen to arrive. "You ARE in league with her!" one of the men shouts incredulously, "Ah knew they were lying!" Another still: "Kill them and string them up on PIKES!" This declaration is one even the town Sheriff can't argue with, and the group drops into a run towards the adventuring group, a gust of wind seeming to blow through just then...

...only to slow and then somehow *stop* in place. Like time itself crawled to a standstill for just a moments. "We should leave. Now. Leave them." As Sonia says this, it's clear she's responsible, the way her eyes shimmer with light.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Explanations on what's been happening. Introducing herself. Vampire's been causing a host of trouble, but that doesn't mean what the Vampire did suddenly goes away. Still, she's giving everyone some ~time~ to escape since she does not want to hurt them, even in self-defense. Onto the pursuit of the threat!
    "Dante." The white haired hunter introduces himself coolly, holstering his sidearms. Vampire's run off, looks like it's wounded. He nods, just as he sees the angry mob hurdle towards them. "Shiiiiiiiiit." He takes Sonia's advice, running like hell as the mob is frozen in place for the moment. Brawling through said mob will just be a waste of time. Also a shitty thing for heroes to do, you see.

    Sprinting after Sonia, Dante seems able to keep pace with her easily.
Holly Winn
"Wait so the vampire made everyone think you're the vampire?" Holly's a bit confused by that as the angry townspeople is suddenly stopped, "Holly, ask questions later when we don't have an angry mob after us." Servis advises the witch to run for now and she does so, the two ghosts floating closely behind her.
Emily Nyx
Emily nods to Sonia. "Glad to know I have a wonderful future of monster-hunting," she says dryly.

She groans as the mob appears. "See, this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say I play the hero instead of the villain," she says. "Okay, I think I can --"

But then Sonia freezes the mob in its collective tracks, and her glowing eyes widen. "Did you just stop time?" she says, grinning widely as she moves to follow her and Dante. "I wish I could stop time!" Her consummate glee seems to be returning. That, or she's just recovered enough to put on a brave face for now.
Dorian Pavus
    Dorian nods as he notices Rydia assisting. "Thank you," he offers to her, with all honesty. Whether all they're doing is overkill (or overHEAL) or not, is unimportant. Better safe than splattered, right?

    The hooded woman gives her name and Dorian, now finished with the healing, offers a bow. "Dorian Pavus," he introduces in return. The explanation of the 'turning', whatever that is, gets a nod. "I see. I'm not familiar with these creatures, so the information is helpful." As for the unconscious woman? "Seems she'll pull through little the worse for wear," he notes.

    And then suddenly the mob is back. And of COURSE it looks like they're in league with her -- as long as the person looking is an IDIOT. Which apparently the townspeople here are. "Venhedis kaffan vas! This lot's worse than Ferelden templars!" He's prepared to fight his way out -- he's no hero, after all -- when Sonia does her thing.

    Hero or not, he does wait for the rest of the group to start off before he goes, sort of bringing up the rear. Makes sense to him for the guy with barrier abilities to be between the group and the horde of pissed-off townspeople.
    Of all times for the town constabulary to show up... Now is the worst.
    "If he's getting away we should-- oh crap." It looks like the townsfolk want blood now, and when they call for heads on pikes and devolve into a lynch mob, Rydia's eyes widen.
    She hardly even realizes that she's drawn her dagger from her belt, she simply has. ... Thankfully she is spared from using it when the men seem to... slow to a crawl. ... And then freeze in place. Needless to say it's impressive, but more importantly she's putting her dagger away.
    "-Emily, now's really not a good time to gush, we should probably get going." She asides rising back to her feet once she and Dorian are done with the girl. "Let me guess... Those templars are hardheaded, single-minded, and ready to pin blame on the most obvious target?" She ventures, before heaving a sigh. "Why do I keep getting into messes like this... Okay so. How exactly DO we kill a vampire, if we're going with you?"
Sonia Belmont
"Kind of," Sonia quickly remarks as she hustles--for who appears to be human, she can /move/ swiftly, barely slowing even amidst turns, sometimes executing parkour-like maneuvers. She isn't physically /watching/. "Dorian. Dante. Emily, I believe," she continues. "I'm missing your two's names--" she remarks as she bounds towards, her body spinning once to let her kick off a wall to maintain her momentum. Then with enough distance and finally the group as a whole reaching the outskirts--notably, Sonia taking a particular path that seems guided better than anyone has the right to be, she slows the group briefly. 

"Vampires: stake in the heart, using wood. Faith is the stronger weapon, true faith, we're not talking faith simply for faith's sake and a Sunday service." She's a bit snarky at that. "But in more practical terms, holy magic is their bane. This," she lifts her armored hand out of her cloak, "Also kills them. I didn't get as good of a hit as I would have liked. He wasn't expecting me. Which... goes to your question." She nods to Holly. "He wasn't keying his influence specifically to me, but I believe what he did was pick this town specifically to feed on. He took advantage of their suspicion and tendency to shun outsiders... and spread that miasma-like feeling you've undoubtedly picked up on just recently. All it did was take their negative aspects and ramped it up. I quickly became a target of suspicion. Now, with just me here, his influence didn't have to work hard... but all of you here?" A thin smile.

She tugs her cloak off and lets it fall to the ground behind her, revealing a more practical attire for a Belmont. Which is to say still not far removed from a combat stripper somehow, but if one isn't distracted they can see each piece is picked for flexibility of motion.

"Other ways include beheading and stuffing the head through garlic, but most vampires are going to die after a beheading besides, this just makes things certain. There's a lot of different ways, because there's a lot of different kinds of vampires. Most all of them have umbrage with running water--lakes, rivers, oceans and the like." Her lips quirk slightly. "Yes, but I would appreciate you not prying... I would rather have not shown any of you that, but neither were we about to even risk harming them." There's a sense of paranoia from her as she explains that part.

Her gaze turns towards an unseen point on the horizon. "I am going to go finish this job. It is one I began, it is one I will finish. All of you have been troubled enough by it." Seems like she's offering a way off the crazy train, and wouldn't be bothered if anyone took it!
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> A discussion on vampires and what actually went wrong here. There's also twinkle star vampires, but we don't talk about that here.
    Dante eyes Sonia's choice in attire briefly, but other than a glance he doesn't seem to be a creeper about it. To be fair, it makes sense, and his first big adventure had him foregoing a shirt beneath his coat. (He was just out of the shower, cut the guy slack.)

    Then Dante glances between Sonia, the distant mob, and the hiding spot. "Eh, we'll be quick." He decides, shrugging his shoulders.

    "Let's go get this sucker."
Holly Winn
"I'm Holly! And stopping time would be neat, I could make every day Halloween!" She nods in agreement with Emily. She's not exactly the person to go for holy magic, but Christmas and Easter decorations might have an effect. Maybe a Christmas tree through the heart? Sonia's attire doesn't really get much notice from her, she dresses as a witch 24/7 after all.
Emily Nyx
Emily snickers at Rydia's chastisement. Yeah, she's pretty much back in top form.

She listens intently as she follows along with Sonia, and she actually seems to be gliding above the ground as she moves. Sonia's choice of attire doesn't even get raised eyebrows; she's seen more ridiculous. "You're offering for us to leave?" she says. "Like hell I'm gonna pass on showing up the mob that came after me."

A quick glance at the rest of the group. Everyone else's capability versus the fact that it's against one lousy vampire ... "Releasing capacitor seal three!" She's promptly surrounded by three distinct auras, one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent. The silver one shatters, the other two fade, and in a swirl of what looks like silvery glitter, a longsword with a heart-emblem on the hilt appears in her hands. "Decapitation, I can do."
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Gettin' ready to get ornery!
Dorian Pavus
    "Yes," Dorian confirms, to Rydia's words. "Usually those 'easy targets' are mages, or people from Tevinter. I happen to be both. Once we aren't running for our lives, remind me to tell you what Ferelden does with its mages," he offers. She does bring a point, though -- how are these beasts killed? "Hopefully with something we can manage."

    Sonia's explanation gets a nod. "Well, I'm afraid holy is a bit beyond me. I can do wonders with fire and lightning, though." And the mention of the miasma and its effects. "Aha! That was what I was picking up. It felt like it was everywhere, but on the people here, not so much just floating about. Fascinating." And he's not kidding either; that's pretty damn amazing. Why? "A spell of that caliber back home would have taken enough reagents and lyrium that you'd have to kill for it."

    Fortunately Dorian's not interested in whatever may lie under Sonia's outfit, so the whole 'combat stripper' thing escapes him. He does however, note, "You see, this is why you became a natural target. You're far too beautiful to hail from these parts." Hey, he's still a flirt! More seriously, when Sonia offers a way off the crazy train, he offers in return, "I believe we're a little too involved with this to leave now. Not that I don't think you can handle yourself, but we're here and just as hunted by the townspeople, so we might as well see it through."

    Emily's sudden change gets a look, and a blink. "...Well, that's something," he states. though it's also notable that he steps away from the auras. They're usually a bad thing where the magic that he's familiar with is concerned...
    "-Rydia. Rydia of Mist." That accounts for one of the names Sonia is missing as the party takes the opportunity to take flight from the time-frozen villagers before they can rouse again and perform a proper lynching. And then she's on the run. She is small, but a spry little thing. Though she also probably doesn't have the stamina to keep up a full blown sprint to the outskirts of town.
    Which is why she puts her hand to her lips and lets out a sharp whistle.
    "Chocobo! Get over here, I need you!"
    That's when it comes tromping along at top speed, weaving around or leaping over any obstacle in its way; a great yellow bird charging on two feet, easily overtaking the girl and letting her swing right into the saddle on its back. The chocobo has no issue keeping up with Sonia and the others, now.
    "Holy magic, huh..." Murmured as she clutches the reins of her bird while Sonia explains just what the vampire had done to the town. "... I might have something."
Sonia Belmont
Had Sonia the time, she'd undoubtedly be arguing down these people. But the lack of time to really discourage these people is something she doesn't have time for. "Fools, or good people. Haven't decided what to make of you people." It's a begrudging look, but she's not really meanspirited. Just the kind of person who is used to people wanting to push her away and not keen on getting other people hurt. Still, enough talk, have at--

No, no, that's too soon.

Though she is surprised by the Chocobo call that Rydia does, if somewhat familiar with that 'Capacitor release' or whatever is that Holly calls it. Very useful skills among these people. Still, a wry look given the others. "If it survives long enough to be decapitated at what all of you seem to have." A small scoff. "Most don't think I should be doing simply because I'm a woman. Or don't believe it." Don't even get her started about age--apparently the times have changed and she's young according to some worlds. Pssh. "Still, I think with time once we kill the bastard, the effects will be gone. And they'll still be assholes out there, but less..." She stops for a moment. "...maybe. Still, Rydia, Holly. A pleasure."

Shaking her head, she gestures, and begins to move again. It'll be through a field a bit of ways, and a forest path that has natural alternatives to those who are nimble and the like. It'll lead to a modest kind of one-two person brick and wood house. You know the type: for those who are doing things like alchemy, or some other business that requires some distance from town. Or being a serial killer. Or a privacy nut.

And as they're drawing close, the door *SLAMS* open and a figure, about six feet in height looking like he just fell out of a teen horror movie for how handsome he is, snarls, "YOU! I knew you... were... coming." He stares. There's an awful wound, his left arm completely gone, thanks in part to Sonia's whip from merely an hour. He stares. He's devilishly handsome, criminally young-looking. And as his eyes lock onto each individual, counting Sonia.

"...I am so incredibly dead, aren't I." The answer to that is Sonia wheeling back and unfurling her whip to strike, undoubtedly with the others right along with her.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Probably not an Edward Cullen wannabe. Probably.
    "YEP." Dante grins widely as he kicks the door down, guns aimed at the vampire. His pistols bark repeatedly as he riddles the vampire with bullets. There's a lot of these, and demonically powered. Nobody gets up from that.
Dorian Pavus
    Dorian smirks at the mention of 'fools or good people'. "They're often cut from the same cloth anyway," he notes in a teasing voice. As for the vampire's projected fate with the group there? "I'm sure 'completely destroying the body' should work just as well as decapitation. You can put any overkill down to 'incredibly fed up with his nonsense'." Also with a teasing note.

    Once the vampire finally shows himself Dorian smirks. "Several times over, my good man," he replies to that rhetorical question, with a terse smile. He raises his staff and spins it ove rhis head, and trails of icy smoke trail behind it. Then he slams the end on the ground, and aims a blast of ice to erupt underneath the vampire.

    The threat of the icy blast is not merely in the damage that an ice spell would give, though. It seeks to freeze the vampire in place, to freeze his feet to the ground. With luck that'll keep the vampire in place for the others, like an undead punching bag.
Holly Winn
Holly looks a bit surprised at their opponent and is a bit heistant. She rather not fight the vampire but he would continue to be a threat if he wasn't dealt with. Plus, she's pretty sure the others wouldn't let him go if she showed mercy. The witch attempts to conjure up a jack o' lantern but instead ends up with a burning yule log instead. She chucks it at the vampire with a great deal of force hoping it would end things quickly and painlessly.
Emily Nyx
Emily grins widely at Sonia. "Well, I'm certainly not a good person, so I must be a fool," she quips. "But you saw what I did to Simone."

And then ... hmm. Emily's enthusiasm falters visibly. If even he thinks he can't beat a crowd of this size ... "This isn't a fair fight," she mutters. "That happened with Oberyn, too." She sighs and lowers her sword. She doesn't make any move to stop everyone else from attacking, though.
    That's the vampire?
    Rydia doesn't even dismount from her chocobo.
    "Totally dead." She confirms though, before she calls again.
    The mist clinging close to her detaches, floating away; just a small cloud of nonsensical mist hovering in the air. ... A small cloud of mist that re-shapes itself into the form of a dragon hatchling. A hatchling that draws in a breath.
    The Mist Dragons of the valley of Mist are sacred creatures, considered holy in their own way, and as Whyt exhales, he exhales a plume of frigid air; the little dragon's freezing, holy, breath aimed to wash over the prettyboy vampire.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> I call upon Blue Eyes Whyt Dragon. I attack your Pretty Points directly!
Sonia Belmont
Turns out, while at one point he was really dangerous given what he was doing to the people as whole, separate him from all of that, and it's nothing but bluster. 

And after what Rydia, Dante, Sonia, Dorian and Holly respectively do?

...he's exactly nothing. Well, nothing but a vague burn mark on the ground as he immolates and otherwise disintegrates into nothingness, from which the fire is quickly put out with that holy ice breath of Whyt.

And with that all said and done, it's time for the group to vamoose out of there. Preferably to a place with a far more agreeable tavern to converse at.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> He almost sparkled as much as someone else was known to done. But now, it's time to slay and run. Scene End!