World Tree MUSH

Welcome to Olympus... Mons

People are disappearing. Not just from Olympus City on Mars, but from surrounding worlds as well. It has always been a tourist trap, but the number of people who decide not to return has gotten to be suspicious. What could be causing this?

Athena wants to know, and she's likely to run into anyone else who might be looking into the cause, either because a friend never came back, or someone hired them, or maybe just a vacation trip in the area. Whatever the reason why, everyone stock up on your oxium, and get your ass to Mars.
Character Pose
    Olympus Mons. Coming to Mars isn't as extreme a situation as one would think. The leaps of technology in this world have allowed the barren planet to be partially terraformed, leaving a thin atmosphere upon it. The place is VERY cold, and the air not truly breathable, but an oxygen mask is all that a normal person needs.

    Not like people are going to be dropped off out in the wastelands! The actual Olympus City is in a dome. Well... multiple domes. Buildings under domes line the mountain of the volcano, connected by tubing and watched over by anti-meteor point defense, just in case the shields aren't enough.

    A Vine has become a prominent feature of the massive green park in one part of the city, making it a new center of trade and commerce. A rising tourist attraction from offworld has started here, as well. See Mars! Experience the Red Planet! In many worlds, this is exotic enough to draw travel.

    A shuttle port is also present, but whether arriving by tourism, or to investigate the suspiciously high number of visitors who haven't been returning, everything leads down to the downtown area. Uptown is where the immortals live, and downtown resembles something like a sprawling red light district, no pun intended. So many have chosen to stay here... though most of them, at least, write back to say that they had chosen to make their new home here. The sudden surge of immigration had begun to cause both suspicion and worry, with the life support being so limited.

    Specifically, the biggest hotspot is a dance club and bar on this level known as the Martian Molpe. An odd name, but apparently people love it. The place has grown drastically and dominates this level of the dome, surrounded by small shanties and loud, glitzy lights and advertisements, some for it and some for less successful places. The air, despite the filters, feels greasy and dirty, and the whole place looks... well, like it should have a less pleasant reputation than it does.
    "I think....this is the wrong Mars."

    "...what ever gave you that idea?" The exchange is made between a hooded figure with a robotic face of blue, silver and white, and a small floating, worn red and white form with eight angles and a blue lit core who's provided the latter, very dry remark. The odd pair wander the walkway awash in the shifting neon glow of the area in question.

    "I was just saying," Cayde says, giving his Ghost a flat look before his own glowing blue gaze skims over their surroundings. Wrong Mars of likely the wrong solar system as it is, the place is preferrable to the one he knows. This one's still kicking with life that isn't in the form of warmongering space rhinos.

    He tosses his floaty AI companion a grin as he spies the sign for one particular club and bar, jerking his head in the direction of the Martian Molpe. "Well, since we're here, may as well have a drink."
Rune Walsh
     This is a scene much more familiar to Rune than it ought to be. The domes, the space port, the hyper-science-fiction, it's all very familiar in a way that Rune doesn't really like, a nagging at the back of his mind that inevitably means one thing and one thing only. That nagging at the back of his mind sets him ill at ease and short of temper as he walks through the streets looking like a teenage outcast from a fantasy vid. It's dug in under his bright blue hair and it's wiped the permanent smirk from his face, to be replaced by a long-term scowl. He's not happy. He's the kind of Not Happy only a wizard being inconvenienced by something too minor to name but too indestructible to just blow up can really be, the unique sort of irritated that compounds his mood at taking this job. 

     But, frankly, he needs the funds, he needs the reward, and if there's a reward to be had, it'll finance his continued Search For His Definitely Not A Girlfriend And It's Totally Platonic Fighting Partner. And the off chance that she disappeared in a place like this-

     Ha, ha, no. Alys could take care of herself. And Alys in a dance club? /That/ was ludicrous.

     That almost made him laugh. That was ALMOST enough to get rid of the persistent niggling familiarity that pissed him off so much. Almost.

     Rune veers into the Martian Molpe for the simple reason that he's a teenager, he's angry, and the probability of a Shady Dance Club That Is Mysteriously Popular knowing Something about People Disappearing is too high for anyone to ignore, let alone a Reasonable And Clever Wizard like himself. His scepter settles onto his shoulder as he enters, in case this place is like some of the bars he's been in instead of some of the dance clubs that...

     ...that he's never been in. His scowl deepens.
Tsuyu Asui
    So many worlds connecting together means there are a lot of opportunities to see some pretty fantastic sights. Seeing Mars sounds like a pretty interesting prospect, even to people from most modern worlds. This might be why a completely ordinary girl in a completely ordinary school uniform disembarks from a shuttle that lands at the shuttleport. Clearly a tourist on a day trip while school is out.
    Tsuyu Asui most certainly doesn't look like a local in her UA Academy uniform, wandering around the domed city, pausing every now and then to tap thoughtfully on her lower lip as she takes in the sights and locales, utterly clueless about the whole issue of people... Simply choosing to not go back home.
    Not exactly a club faring kind of girl, it is mostly curiosity that draws her toward the Martian Molpe, considering how popular it seems.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag had been tasked by her father and the tribe's leader to go forth and put up ads for the hunting/fishing/sight seeing services their tribe offered to outsiders. She'd visited the mushroom kingdom and several other locals the poster's she'd put up oddly were in English, Greek, German and Old Nordic of all things. However she'd been distracted after a bit. 

She looked out of place from her clothing, to the pack on her back and the fact she had a freaking Raptor with a saddle on it's back, which was following her along, looking as wary of all the lights and sounds as Olivia was.

"All right Clever, you be a good girl, I have business to attend to. If your good I'll give you some prime meat when we get home!"

The Raptor seems smart enough to get the idea of getting a treat later, she'll use a pole or something like that to tie her companion harness up.

"Is this really the sort of thing Dad called home?"

She had a mission an allied tribe known for trading food stuffs had had a person go missing here, so she'd chose to be a good neighbor and come to check it out, maybe she could find a lead but she's clearly a bit overloaded.

Olivia enters a moment after Rune and he might here her muttering about witchcraft and bad magic in regards to this place. A palce named mars? She expected warriors, not this...
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Afterschool Tourism
Rune Walsh
>> SUMMARY[Rune Walsh] >> Rune's annoyed.
Olivia Montag
>> SUMMARY[Olivia Montag] >> little savage not ready for transhumanistic soiceuity even if she might count as a transhuman herself. She's also tied a freaking Raptor up outside before she came in too.
    Blues actually fits in pretty okay here. With his helmet off and in casual clothing, he blends in well! Wearing a trench coat like he is, and a pair of sunglasses, the young-looking bot has all the appearance of a native, though one with a lot of hair gel maybe. So long as nobody scans him or looks too close, that is. He's also observing the Molpe, but... wait a minute. Is that the Rune kid he saw? From the Rome incident? Going in there?

    Blues has a bad feeling about this.

    "Not my problem," he grumbles... but it is now, isn't it? He can't help but get involved now, knowing how Rune was kind of blundering into trouble before. The kid can take care of himself, probably, but...

    Blues enteres a moment later, or tries to. Depending on what kind of scanning they do.
>> SUMMARY[Blues] >> Hey I know that guy. I guess I'd better make sure it isn't trouble.
    Going into the Molpe does require a quick frisk, but they're looking for firearms... and pretty bad at it. Or rather, easily intimidated or bribed into looking the other way. Stuff like Rune's scepter is just ignored completely, and when Cayde and Blues come by, it's obvious why they are so lax about it. Synths - that is, artificial bodies - aren't unknown here, and the frisk is just to make sure that nobody is coming in with obvious intent to cause trouble. It's probably a legal thing to cover their ass. By the way people are acting, this is pretty normal and probably the standard for all the clubs in this area.

    A couple of the vagrant kids are gathering around Olivia's raptor, but they seem smart enough to not try to pet it at least. They seem to be taking bets on whether or not it's a gene-splice or a robot.

    Inside the club is where things get weird. It's large, especially for a cramped place like a Martian city. It's not as loud as can be expected, but the 'wub wub' of the music is still omnipresent. There are multiple bars, and a lot of the people here, the ones that seem like regulars, have some very anticipatory looks, and are staring at the stage with a look of eagerness that's unsettling. It's empty right now, but the next show is going to begin soon, if the timer behind it means anything. Most of the newer people - who can be told apart by their nicer clothing - are more curious. The vast bulk of the people here seem pretty regular though. It's weird how many there are, because the line was short. They must have been coming in all day.
    Pff. Firearms. The only weapon Cayde obviously has is the knife at his belt. He flashes what amounts to a smile from his Exo face, all orangey-yellow lit from the mouth, glowing optics cheery. His Ghost drifts closer to him, eyeing everything warily as its Guardian finally moves on past the security, or what amounts for it. He casts a look at the few that have filtered in before and after him, shrugging. No trouble, no problem, right?

    "Huuuh." Cayde looks around with an appreciative nod to fill in for the lack of a proper comment as he takes in the setup. He gives the stage area a glance, more so those practically hovering nearby in their anticipation for whatever's due to show. A brow plate lifts. He doesn't seem so curious about the entertainment as he does the drink menu, which is why he starts over in the direction of the bar nearest.
Tsuyu Asui
    That is a velociraptor.
    That is... An honest to goodness velociraptor.
    Tsuyu sort of has to stop and stare at the beast. Then again, the vacant expression on her face makes it seem like she's staring at everything, but she pauses, specifically to stare right at Clever. Though she gets a little closer, she doesn't crowd the beast like the gathering children do, and eventually decides to wander into the club proper. She takes the frisking surprisingly stoicly. She doesn't have any weapons on her, anyway.
    Though the pulsing beat of the music doesn't seem to agree with her as she puts on something of a grimace. The stage draws her attention next. And how many people seem to be waiting with such intense anticipation.
    Yes. She just croaked. Nobody mind the completely ordinary schoolgirl.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Staring at raptor. Entering club. Ribbit.
Olivia Montag
Clever seems to tolerate the kids and looks at them with interest it seems to watch them with interests, it's clearly used to people and the kids are not causing trouble, so it seems there's little trouble for them. The raptor find a can near by and flicks it towards the kids with it's snout, not as an attack but it's clearly watching them to see what they do. Clever also turns it's head to look at Tsuyu for a moment it's clearly curious, but turns her attention back to the children, also the creature has a saddle on it's back and harness it's clearly tame to some level from the looks of it. It also looks well fed too, which likely is for the best. 

Inside the club just awes Olivia she's heard tales of the sorts of things her Father did before he woke up in the Ark but seeing something like this is mind blowing for her. She will start to look about she is clearly armed but with a gun that should be in a collector's hands in this day and age it looks like an colt from the late 1800s. She's also got a knife but in her mind? She's openly armed there is no deception on her part. She pauses for a moment to pull what looks like paper from a pouch and unrolls it there's a sketch on it of a man and she looks about the club for a moment, she's now heading to the bar to looking for a bar keep. If she finds someone she'll show them the picture and ask them if they have seen anyone like them, it's a pretty good sketch too form the looks of it.
    Well that didn't work out as he'd like. Blues rapidly loses the person he was tailing and ends up near... a ribbiting girl and some kind of antiquarian. Offworlders, probably. Cayde is getting a look too, because the Exo is an obvious robot.

    "You guys don't look like you belong," Blues says suddenly. "You sure you have the right place?" He doesn't realize how threatening this can sound in the wrong tone, he's trying to help!
    The weirdest part of all this is, despite all the drugs in the street, this place seems... pretty clean? The regulars look a little blitzed, but they don't show telltale addiction signs either. That's kind of weird compared to the newcomers, who are milling about and some of them obviously high on something. It's super weird when one of the bouncers actually breaks up what looks like a drug trade on the floor, if anyone is watching for those.

    At least there are a number of offworlders around, and obviously so. Almost all of them have the look of regulars, relaxed and amiable. If anyone is actively hunting a bounty to pick one up, they can probably spot one in a cluster of locals, too. Nobody seems to mind the others being here, either.

    It isn't all that long until the 'show' starts, a little early even! A lovely woman, possibly gene-enhanced, is strolling onto the stage wearing a filmy but surprisingly modest - for a club - dress. Everyone quiets down, either out of sudden interest or, in the case of newcomers, curiosity that everyone else is shutting up. The club owner is there, saying something about the crowd as always in for a treat, the club's namesake here for another night of singing.

    And then she does start to sing. It IS quite lovely, but almost immediately there is an undercurrent of... pleasure. Of a yearning to get closer, to be utterly silent and listen to this woman. If anyone is able to detect such, it's an obviously magical compulsion, one that as the singing continues just keeps building up. Subtle, but powerful in its own right.

    It also isn't very long before the whole lulling song is interrupted by the crackle-hiss of an energy weapon, which blows Molpe's head off in an explosion of superheated blood and brains all over the stage. Despite this, the faint curse of the dark-haired woman perched on the scaffolding in one corner can clearly be heard to say, "Shit, missed."

    She's immediately trying to drop down, but everyone, including the bouncers, are briefly in a state of shock.
    Cayde turns his attention towards Blues, gasping. "What? Who, me?" he asks, looking over his shoulder and seeing...well, okay. The kid and the woman who stepped in are obviously not of the local crowd. The Exo looks back towards Blues, head tilting. "What, am I overdressed or somethin'? I'm sure the bouncers would've said something." There's a bit of sarcasm in that, but he's not sure what to make of the comment when this place just looks like a tourist trap.

    The commotion happens aroundn the stage, or sort of an anti-commotion as it looks like the show is starting, and the people around have gone quiet. Optics fix upon the woman that's stepped out to take her place and then begun to sing, and Cayde doesn't even realize he's started to move closer until his Ghost thumps against his head. "Hey, what was that for??" he hisses.

    "Look! Isn't it strange? Like she's just drawing everyone i-" his Ghost hisses back, vertices twitching anxiously, and suddenly breaking off with the sound of obvious weapon's fire. Both snap their attention to, staring at the mess on the stage.

    "Somehow, I don't think that was part of the show," Cayde observes.
Tsuyu Asui
    And then there's Blues. Tsuyu's attention turns to the first son of Light, staring at the casually-dressed robot. Then again it looks like she's staring at everything, most of the time she's been here.
    "Nope." She answers honestly, her voice a croak, apparently not taking his tone for threat. "I'm just looking around." Further honesty there. But then the show starts.
    The highschooler's attention drifts towards the stage and the woman on it. Tsuyu goes dead silent as her stare just... Drags on, seeming to last a silent eternity. At least until the report of weapons fire jerks her out of it. The only sign of this is a single blink.
    Though while the crowd is in shock, she's already on the move-- for the nearest wall.
    "We should get out of the way." She says, as calm as an undisturbed pond. "People are going to panic any second and either rush the stage or rush the exits."
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Oh what a lovely show-- nope. Gonna calmly nope my way out of the path before people panic. Warning Blues to do the same.
Olivia Montag
It's clear but very odd also as she moves anyone dealing with her would notice a strange diamond like chunk of metal embedded in left forearm which her clothing takes into account as there's a cut space for it. She's not having much luck there and she's about to say more, the woman sings and she feels something calling to her draw9ng her in, but as the goes on comes the crack of thunder and lighting. 

A weapon it fired and then the singer's head is taken off in a horrific display.

"Wait what was... why was I thinking that about her?!"

Her reflexes kick in she doe snot know.

She'll make for Blues and Tsuyu. She moves to interpose with Tsuyu she looks a bit odd but she's clearly just a kid still, still she's right and she moves away.

She's got her pistol unholstered at this point, ready for trouble.

"What madness is that her song ... it pulled me in."
    He might be a robot, but Blues is close enough to human that he starts to listen... which shouldn't be a surprise, with his love of music. He would normally hum along to it once he got the tune, but for some reason this time... he doesn't. An oddity that he doesn't notice until the blast shoots Molpe's head off.

    Shaking himself to make his circuits reset, Blues hears Tsuyu and Olivia, and that gets him moving. "What was... yeah. Make sure they don't hurt themselves, I'm going to see what's going on!"

    A look at Cayde quickly tries to assess if the Exo is with him. Either way he's going to be moving, fast, toward the stage. He knows there's nothing he can do for Molpe, but the woman said she /missed/ which means there's another objective here.
    When Blues starts to move, the bouncers and security are finally getting their act together. Several are drawing firearms, looking for the shooter and moving to defend... the body? One of them spots said shooter, which isn't hard because she's shoving her way through the stunned crowd with her rifle over her back, pistol in hand. One of the bouncers yells, "She's tryign to RD her!"

    Then one of the civilians goes down. Not from a shot from the girl, but one of the bouncers taking a shot at her, hitting a man in the shoulder with a high-caliber round that literally blows his arm off. The woman returns fire with a single shot, pegging him in the chest, but it's not a lethal wound. It does take him out of the fight, though... and it easily could have been lethal. She isn't holding back.

    The bouncers and her apparently have no trouble starting a firefight in the club, and that DOES shake people out of their stupor, for the predicted screaming and rush for the doors. Some of them are in such a hurry they are in danger of trampling some of the more stunned customers.
    "Whoa, this just got crazy real fast," Cayde notes, hand coming up to pull his Ghost over. It vanishes //into// the Exo with a shimmer of light, but by then the Guardian's already moving. He nods at Blues, somehow and from somewhere having summoned a weapon to hand- his favorite and trusty handcannon, the Ace of Spades, as per the insignia painted across the side of its barrel. 

    The kid is eerily calm in spite of what's just happened, but he's not going to argue the point made. Still unsure as to what exactly they've just found themselves in the middle of, Cayde knows one thing for certain- he's not going to just stand around.

    "Ar-Dee...what's that even mean?" He's not asking anyone in particular, but his eyes flick this way and that as more shots are fired, people caught in the middle of things.

    Internally his Ghost tracks things, and Cayde looks in the direction of the woman, helped along by the accidental hit from another patron nearby. "There," he says to Blues, gesturing with his gun. That the shot she returned isn't lethal doesn't escape his notice, or rather his Ghost's.
Tsuyu Asui
    And then there's gunfire. And then there's the panic that follows in the ensuing chaos.
    "Called it." Tsuyu says blandly, more to herself than to anyone listening as she decides the wall might not be the best idea if gunfire is going in every direction. She drops into a crouch on hands and knees, quickly assessingthe chaos. The bouncers are shooting and being little more than indiscriminate. The woman is either purposely not shooting to kill or the bouncers are simply resilient to her weapon. In the panic of people blitzing for the exit, Tsuyu doesn't join them.
    "Hey." She croaks to Olivia, eyeing the blue-haired woman. "Some of these people are going to get trampled if we don't do anything. Think you can play a game of catch?"
    Because from her crouch she suddenly pulls a leaping vault all the way up to the rafters, catching on with a hand and pulling herself up.
    From the rafters something long and pink darts downwards, wrapping the injured, armless, patron up and yanks him upwards. He's lazytossed to Olivia, before Tsuyu's tongue snaps down again.
    One by one she's going to start pulling the people at most risk of trampling that she can assess, up into the rafters with her.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Operation Ribbiting Rescue.
    Okay now the security is FIRING INTO A CROWD. Blues skids to a halt and shouts, "Are you insane?!" He doesn't have any compulsion to protect humans, but he's still a nice guy who doesn't want them shot!

    It's pretty obvious that the bouncers are probably not up to protecting the girl...'s corpse(?), so Blues interposes himself between the shooter and her objective, letting his arm shift into a large energy cannon and holding it out in front of him threateningly. Cayde will almost certainly beat him to talking to her, but this way at least he's making the statement that she'll have to go through him first, and he doesn't intend to make it easy.
Olivia Montag
The bouncers try to get it but they end up shooting one of the club goers, the attacker however will soon have someone to deal with. An injury like that she can't help but presume it's fatal. Still she's moving she looks to the high powered weapons. She could get weapons like that for hunting a Bronto or other large creature but against people?! It boggled her mind, then something she can focus on. 

"I can play catch."

She says seeing where this is going and she'll end up grabbing whomever is tossed at her, she's not super human strong, but dang the woman is able to handle this without too much trouble. She'll grab the person lacking an arm, she knows enough she's going to try to stop the bleeding and doesn't think trice about taking off her scarf and sash to start using them to try and help /stop/ the bleeding.
    If people were more together, maybe one would answer Cayde directly. The best he'll get is two people nearby, one still muddled and the other saying in a horrified tone, "She's... going for the stack!" Whatever that means it's shocking enough to whip the other one out of her stupor and for both to get moving as fast as possible.

    Blues stepping in does something. The bouncers stop shooting, and one of them yells, "GET THE STACK!" The other remaining bouncer ignores his wounded comrade and displays no respect for the dead, flipping Molpe onto her chest and jamming his hand into the smoldering wreckage of her neck. The bloodied hand is yanking at some metallic disc inside, but it appears stuck on something.

    The injured man grunts as he's caught by Olivia, and Tsuyu starts to sweep out the dazed and injured, making the retreat just as confusing but less dangerous. The screaming seems to be dying down a little, finally, and some of the people in the corners are actually hesitating to just run away despite the gunshots.

    Meanwhile the shooter is pointed out by Cayde, and warily sizes up Blues and Cayde as the crowd begins to thin. She holds her gun out, but doesn't fire. "Move, we don't have much time. If I don't take care of her this will just get worse. You're offworlders, I can tell. This isn't your fight, it's my world and my responsibility." Her words are in a tone that says 'or else' now.

    That's when a little drone buzzes out from the corner, hovering near her shoulder. A barrel extends, the small drone pointing that at Cayde while the woman is aiming at Blues. Then it speaks, "Lady Athena, scans indicate both of these beings are synthetic. Your slugthrower may not be strong enough to provide a swift resolution."

    Sigh. "Thanks."
    Stack??? Yeah, that doesn't exactly clarify things any more, but it seems to have gotten a reaction from others. With Blues taking up position by the body, Cayde's content to leave him to it. The only reason he hasn't started shooting yet is because- well, aside from seeing how well that's worked for the bouncers, he's not quite sure who should be getting shot here. No one's been aiming at //him//, after all.

    The bouncers shout about the mysterious stack, and the Exo kind of regrets looking when he does as the one guts the dead singer's body for...

    "What is that?" his Ghost asks within, and Cayde narrows his eyes as he makes out the disc. His Ghost abruptly squawks an alert and out of pure reflex the Hunter Vanguard's already turning with his weapon, aiming it back at the shooter, his finger hovering over the trigger.

    "...okay, not our business, that, I can get," Cayde replies as he studies the woman, his handcannon still held steadily as he's not about to lower it when he's got a weapon yet trained on him. "Athena, huh? Nice name," he says, fluidly shifting his aim towards the drone, his eyes following Athena as his Ghost keeps track internally on her little friend.

    "You give us a nice summary of what's going on, and kindly not point anything at me, and I'll return the favor." Not sure about the rest, but hey, he's only got half a story here and the fact that the former singer was doing something strange to the crowd. Maybe that's a thing here on this version of Mars??? Either way, he's giving the shooter the benefit of the doubt.
    This isn't making much sense to Blues, either. Facing down the shooter has him... getting a name. He's familiar with classical mythology, oddly, thanks to Dr Light's education. "What, like the goddess? Your parents must have had high hopes for you." That isn't meant as an insult, he sounds honestly surprised.

    He's also pointing a gun right back at her. Well, an arm cannon. Blues stares at Athena, trying to buy time for the civilians to get out of the way at least. He can't really shoot right now without endangering them. "It's been a really bad week. Giant worms and space-eating bugs and who knows what else. You want past us, we have to know why." Yeah! He has no idea who Cayde is, but he agrees on that point.
Tsuyu Asui
    At this point, Tsuyu can honestly say...
    She has no idea what is going on.
    But she's snatching a few more people off the floor and lowering them by Olivia so the other woman can start herding them. But while Blues and Cayde have Athena pressed for answers, she reels her tongue back into her mouth and gives the civilians the basic 'stay down and out of the way' handmotion from her space up in the rafters.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag does what she can hopefully she can keep this person from bleeding out, right? She knows it's beyond medical brews but with all this strange magic, here? Who knows she has no real medical supplies with her as she moves to deal with this person's injuries. Ones that is done she will be very bloody, and two be looking to help anyone else who is needed. She keeps storing things out, out wondering why her father /misses/ civilization. 

"What in Odin and Zeus names is going on here?!"
    Athena fingers her pistol, but after staring at the two for a few heartbeats, she realizes how swiftly she is losing her opening. "Parent. I only had a dad," she says quickly. "And the woman behind you is a Siren, coming into her power. If I don't get her stack then she'll just keep growing in power and soon people will flock to this dome beyond capacity. They'll put her in a new body and things will just get worse."

    Indeed, the man finally yells, "GOT IT!" Holding up a bloodied hand, he tosses the disc to his coworker, who is making a break for it toward the door.

    Tsuyu manages to get the civilians into something resembling a safe order, leaving the standoff the only thing keeping Athena from dealing with the bouncer. Olivia's rough first aid will probably be enough to save the man's life... provided he gets to a hospital FAST. But hearing Zeus invoked makes Athena's head snap toward Olivia in surprise... and cause a brief distraction for Cayde or Blues to take advantage of.
    That IS an answer. Blues blinks, and then... doesn't lower his gun. "How about you CATCH it and put her on an island or something? Isn't that what they did? My greek mythology is a little rusty, but I'm pretty sure the sirens weren't kill on sight." Pretty sure. It would make him very uncomfortable if they were.

    Seeing the man make a break for it makes him unsure though. "Hey! Stop that guy!" Not sure who else is around to hear that, though.
    Yeah, it's probably not the best of situations to have a conversation. A conversation that's getting easily derailed for everyone that's joined in. At least the patrons are being seen to if they haven't already fled the premises. But Athena does start to explain, and while it still doesn't really tell him a whole lot (Boy, this world's a lot more complicated than we figured, right? I almost miss Cabal land-) it tells him enough. 

    Now, to be fair, Cayde's level of 'enough' might be different from another person's level, and vastly shifts according to any number of things. For instance, an itchy trigger finger.

    'Got it!' the guy trying to extract the gut disc shouts, and at that moment the Exo turns his head, tracking the flight of the bloody object as it's flung towards someone else. He swings around his Ace of Spades from the little drone, squeezing the trigger to send off a blazing shot.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag attmeps to get another club goer for help to find their way to a heler as she knows this guy needs it and needs it /fast/. She's slowed the bleeding and that might byu him time but then comes Athena looking right at her in suprise for a moment, and then ther'es more weapons fire, okay this is a confusing world to her, a very confusing one. She'll focus on getting this guy to a healer.
Tsuyu Asui
    The people are mostly handled, and Olivia has triage and herding them well in hand. Tsuyu is, however, paying attention to the exchange between Athena, Blues, and Cayde. And learning from her perch in the rafters just what exactly the threat of this siren is, and that she can be put in a new body, in spite of her apparent 'death'.
    The bouncers are mucking about in the body- and one produces something that seems important.
    As soon as he hucks it through the air, as soon as Cayde pulls off his shot, Tsuyu opens her mouth, tongue lashing out like a frog catching a fly. Intent to snatch the disk out of the air before it can be destroyed and yank it up into the rafters with her.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Become Yoshi.
    Before Athena can respond to anything, Cayde lets off a shot... and Tsu's tongue lashes out. It isn't clear if the disc survived... at the least, Cayde either clipped it, or more likely came very close given the power of his gun. Something caused a spark. But it wasn't blasted to pieces either, because something ends up in Tsuyu's stomach, making Molpe's fate uncertain for now. For now.

    Athena lets out a breath, and Little Owl withdraws the laser to land on her shoulder. "... not many islands on Mars, but if she survived that it might be a better solution. The underworld is still without a guardian, so she might end up crawling back if we just killed her anyway," she grudgingly admits.

    The man groans softly, and the noise is fading. Athena grimaces, "He might need a new sleeve... and I sure can't afford one. Maybe they can replace his arm instead. Unless he's an offworlder... if you want to save him, there's a clinic down the street that can keep him alive until a real doctor arrives." Okay so she isn't totally heartless.

    She grumps, "You're lucky Ares wasn't here with me. Taking care of stuff like this is one of the few things we agree on. I need to ditch to get out before the police arrive, but... thanks for listening. Just keep that thing out of circulation until I can find a better solution then."

    She stops. "... you want to know details, I'll meet you in the Cradle at this address and time."
    So it can maybe be solved without killing. Blues doesn't begrudge Cayde if the shot took, though... this world is obviously pretty violent. It doesn't seem like a place he'd like, but that was a quick thinking on his part. "Nice shot," he mutters. Even if it survived, which he isn't sure of, it's clear it would have hit without interference.

    "Yeah, maybe I'll show up. I'm just here to get these people home," he finishes, putting his shades back on. "I don't think I'll stick around for the cops. I'll get that guy to a hospital."

    Unless there are objections, he'll walk over and place a hand on the injured man, then blip out in a teleport to the nearest hospital.
Tsuyu Asui
    The disk disappears up into the rafters. And a moment later, Tsuyu comes rappelling down, the tongue attached to a railing and being used to rappel her way back down safely.
    There's no sign of the disk. She makes no gestures to hide it nor show that she even has it. Thos bouncers can search up there or search her for as long as they like, but one thing is certain. No one will find that stack.
    "That's the last time I go to Mars for the weekend." She decides, staring intently at Athena, Cayde, and Blues for a moment. At least before Blues blips away. "I'll be going home now, too. I shouldn't be doing hero work without a license."
    She'll just... Hock Molpe up later, when no one is looking.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag looks at Athena confused. "A new sleeve? That is a terrible joke to make about someone who has lost an arm." She nod however and moves to get him up and she looks for a moment. "Ares...As the god of war?" 

She whistles loudly for a moment, outside? Clever pauses rises up move to /untie/ herself and walks up to the front door making an odd chittering noise. She'll help the man get out side get him on her Raptor and start making for the clinic. There are questions and she's still not found the man she's looking for either, though on the way out Tsuyu would find a flyer handed to her that speaks of a place called the ARK, where there are dinosaur sight seeing, fishing and hunting tours aviliabl and the prices are not too bad, though the thing in English, German, Greek and Old Nordic.
    Both Cayde and internally, his Ghost are staring because both aren't sure what just happened. Or maybe they'd like to deny the possibility. Either way, it seems the matter's out of the Guardian's hands. 

    He looks at Athena and the perceptive drone, neither of whom seem intent on shooting him anymore. Casting a glance towards Blues, he offers the other a nod. Could have been better, could have been a whole lot worse. However making oneself scarce seems like a good plan here. "Good call."

    His gun disappears from his hand as he turns, planning on making himself disappear in short order. But Athena offers further explanation of things, and well, he supposes it can't hurt to learn more about this crazy place. Slowly he nods at the woman. He'll take her up on that.

    Tsuyu is given a side-eye as she comes back down to ground level. "Eh, you should come by my Mars. A regular party and no need to ask who needs to get shot!" he quips. "...yeah, I think it's time to leave."