World Tree MUSH

Big Trouble in Little Offworld

Character Pose
Piera Forta
    It's a fairly early-tech world. Just starting to get the beginnings of industrialization, horses are still the main mode of long-distance transportation, carriages transporting people and goods over cobble streets. Town Guards patrol the streets in bright colours with swords and crossbows, a few rudimentary firearms scattered amongst the more senior ranks.

    A disturbance has drawn attention to an old warehouse... the gutted ruin of some workhouse, long abandoned.

    A group of men in bright uniforms, clearly different from the locals, block access to the building, turning curious people away, and outright threatening violence if someone should try and press them. The local guards seem to be turning a blind eye to this as well.

    On a nearby rooftop, a woman in a white robe watches, observing the site and seeming to be making a plan for herself.
Luke Gray
    Luke always had interest in low tech worlds, simply enjoys admiring the carriages, old roads and buildings, plus usually they were peaceful, and a good source for trinkets and curious items to take back home. 
     To avoid causing trouble... or scaring people, for once he seems to be wandering around on his own!. Of course, given his curiosity, he is naturally drawn to the disturbance, joining the crowd. He does stand out with his shorts, and baseball style cap, clearly a 'visitor'.
Emily Nyx
    A woman with sandy blonde hair walks by a building on the opposite side of the warehouse from the onlooker -- she might seem at a cursory glance to be a native, but someone right next to her would see that her clothing seems to be made out of preposterously expensive silks, and the text "Not From Around Here" is embroidered in small silver letters over her chest. Also, she has robotic-looking eyes. Still, from a distance, she probably wouldn't turn anyone's heads as she peers over at the crowd and the warehouse, the buildings past them, and ever-so-casually ducks into a nearby alleyway.

    A moment later, the breeze carries what appear to be glowing white flower petals (some sort of moonflower, perhaps?) towards the warehouse on the breeze. ... There's not enough of a breeze for them to drift like that, is there?
Piera Forta
    The guards outside of the warehouse finally seem to have had enough of the crowd and one fires a shot from a firearm into the air. This makes the crowd disperse and scatter, screaming. If Luke remains after the crowd scatters, he'll find himself facing down about half a dozen men with swords drawn and one with a pistol in the process of reloading... it looks like a flintlock, but he's loading what looks like a single, solid cartridge into a side chamber, before bringing it back up to aim.

    The woman earns Piera's eyes... she's seen that particular sequence before, she's certain... when the woman vanishes down an alleyway and flower petals emerge and start wafting against the light breeze, the Assassin starts moving. She leaps from the rooftop, and lands in a hay stack placed in a convenient location before emerging and skulking along the street, keeping in the shadows as she moves to the fence while the gate guards are distracted.
Luke Gray
    The boy looks surprisingly unimpressed by the weapon, even if reasonably uneasy when he sees the guards all unsheating swords, "Please, I promise I am not looking for trouble, I was just curious on what happened, I rather not start a fight.". He is holding one of his hands on his belt, holding a curious red and white sphere attached to it and taking a step back.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta was looking to go somewhere to get away from the holidays. The al'mir-aj girl figured somewhere low tech wouldn't have constant Christmas music playing. She doesn't hate Christmas or anything but when you have senstive hearing it gets a bit old after a while. Of course she has the hood on her jacket up, she was doing her best not to stand out anymore than necessary. It looks and sounds like there's some kind of trouble going on out at a warehouse and she sighs a bit. You figure someone with rabbit's feet would have better luck.
     Damian at least has the luxury of being a shapeshifter, though for some reason he still insists on a black and red ensemble, and his eyes are still that very unnatural color of black pits with burning coals inside them. Unlike Benedicta, he actually likes Christmas, though he recognizes the irony. Buuuut the bunnygirl seemed like she needed some company, so he joined her on a trip to this... whatever this place is.

"Heh, what do you think it is? Goblins stealing silverware or something?" he jokes, actually walking alongside Bene for once instead of levitating. Gotta try to look *slightly* less conspicuous, right?
Emily Nyx
    The petals continue drifting their merry way along, and start to sink down slightly until they're about eye-level. And, yes, they're starting to pass directly in front of the warehouse, near the guards.

    Oh, and don't mind the robot-eyed woman, who's coming back out of the alleyway and taking a circuitous route which just happens to take her closer to the warehouse (so that the petals don't get too far out of her nanomachines' range), without actually looking like she's trying to get closer. She's just, y'know, walking here. The best way to get to where she's going is close to the warehouse by sheer coincidence.
Piera Forta
    The guards advance. "Leave, now. You've been warned. If you don't want trouble, then move along." The man with the firearm says. He looks more important than the others, a large fancy feather adorning his hat.

    Piera leaps over the fence and begins scaling the outside of the warehouse, vanishing inside an open window near the roof.

    Emily's approach is largely unmolested, while Benedicta and Damian are far enough away at the moment to not draw aggro.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray just looks at the guards a bit longer and simply sighs, "Ok.". He really rather not cause trouble with the guards, so he simply turns around and begins walking away. He doesnt spot Emily, given his attention was on the guards, and now on moving out of their sight before any of them decide to try their luck.
Benedicta Cornell
"I think goblins would be's hard to say. I don't know what beings live here besides humans..." Benedicta looks around to see if there's any other entrances to the warehouse besides the front door. She supposes she could fly onto the roof, but she would need to get some distance away before taking to the air.
Emily Nyx
    The woman keeps walking, and turns around a corner and starts walking away from the warehouse. She nods in greeting to Luke ...

    And then, as soon as she's out of sight of the guards, and heedless of anyone else who might be watching -- she's probably in full view of Damian and Benedicta -- she opens up a four-foot-wide staticky portal which leads her directly into the window Piera just went through.

    "What's up, amicida?" she says cheerfully (a portmanteau of Italian 'amica', meaning 'friend', and 'omicida', meaning 'murderer') -- and, yes, that's Emily's voice, and her eyes are glowing purple now to boot. The street she just vacated is clearly visible through the portal. Then she pauses. "... That pun sounded better pun in my head."
     "Eh, who knows. Could just be a boring mundane medieval world. Buuuuut I think I see someone who might help us out a bit~" he remarks, tapping Benedicta's shoulder and gesturing toward Emily and her newly opened portal. Clearing his throat, he heads off in that direction to peer through said portal with a wide grin. "Fancy! I really should learn how to do this sometime. Regular teleportation is nice, but there's just something about portals."
Piera Forta
    With the 'threat' contained, the guards begin to disperse a bit. Fancy Hat, and three of the others start to patrol the grounds inside the fence, while two remain at the gate, arms folded.

    A scream erupts from inside the building... it's deep and pained sounding, a man's voice crying out perhaps from injury, or maybe something more sinister.

    Emily would find Piera perched on a large crossbeam. The Assassin looks over at the Eudaemon and holds up a finger to her lips, then points down to the ground floor.

    There's no other ground-level access for Damian and Benedicta, but the wall of the building touches the fence one one side, a rickety looking fireescape seems to have been overlooked by the current occupants of the building. It leads to a door to an upperfloor. Perhaps some kind of maintenance space or overviewer catwalk. They could also use Emily's portal if she keeps it open for them.

    The ground floor has about 20 people, 5 of them looking like upperclass civilians from the local world by their attire, the rest are more of those flambouyantly clad men. An older man is strapped into a chair, and is currently being beaten by two of the lower class guards, while another man in a fancy hat asks questions. "Where is the Aegis Mantle? Our informants tell us you know... this doesn't have to be so painful. Just give us the information. Your and your family can then go back to your pitiful, mundane lives." The older man just spits a glob of bloody plegm in Fancy Hat's face.
Benedicta Cornell
"Because you can't get into enough trouble as it is with shapeshifting and teleporting. I figure portals would come with the whole son of the devil thing, you know opening a gateway to Hell?" Benedicta's feeling extra snarky today. She doesn't see any easier way than the portal and the sudden scream gives the more reason to get inside quickly.

"I guess, I'll have to take the slight risk of being ripped part on the subatomic level." She climbs inside hoping she comes out on the other side in one piece or doesn't land on something sharp.
Emily Nyx
    Emily looks back through the portal (she's keeping it open), and cheerfully nods in greeting to Damian and Benedicta as they follow after her. She looks back at Piera when she makes that motion, then looks back to Benedicta and Damian and puts a finger to her lips in an identical gesture.

    "There's tradeoffs between teleportation and portals," she murmurs in a low voice. "Some stuff works better with one, other stuff works better with the other."

    She looks at the man as he spits at Fancy Hat, then at Piera, then back at the man. "... Who's up for causing pure chaos?" she says. In a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, a sheet of paper appears in her hand with the text "LOOK OUT BELOW." Seemingly controlling it with her mind, she sends it to float over towards the opposite end of the warehouse from where the group is stationed, then floats herself over so that she's directly above the bound man.

    Then she sends the paper to fall down to the floor. It hits the ground with a louder rustle than you might expect.

    And then she swoops down to land directly behind the bound man. Her gaze alights on the man's hand ... "Hi, Templars!" she says. "Releasing capacitor seal 3!" Three distinct auras appear around her, one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent. The silver one shatters and the other two fade ...

    And then she begins blaring Caramelldansen. There's no speakers visible, either.
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Emily says 'Who's up for causing pure chaos?' and then doesn't wait for an answer.
     Damian just gives Benedicta a shrug at her response. "What? You think I pay attention in class? /Me/? My dad can do the portal to Hell thing, but for me, teleportation was always faster and had less risk of anyone noticing." he explains, then shrugs again and follows after her once that scream rings out. Hostage situation, some fancy boys beating up an old man and threatening his family over some MacGuffin or another, ooh this is the juicy stuff.

"Chaos, you say?" he says to Emily with a toothy grin, his human form melting into a tall, lanky beast of blood red fur and exposed bone, eyes glowing in the dim lighting of the warehouse. Once Emily does her dramatic entrance, he's soon to follow, leaping down from the rafters to land amid the Templars with a blood-curdling roar.
Benedicta Cornell
"Well, I can't do either...ugh I came here to get away from the noisy music," Benedicta doesn't seem to be too amused by Emily doing the Carmelldansen. She settles for hoping down from the rafters and unsheathes her claws. She keeps her hood up though, figuring a giant rabbit isn't to stir fear into too many people. "Okay, we can do this easy way and you can stop beating that man or we can do this the hard way and make you look like complete idiots."
Piera Forta
    "Come now, Mister Daniels... there's no need for that. But if you won't talk, perhaps your wife... or your daughter will?" Fancy Hat says, before that paper lands and he goes straight for his sword and gun. "INTRUDERS!" Emily's announcement has him training the gun on her. "KILL THEM ALL!"

    That's what the others start to do... even as Damian lands, some of the others are going for the other prisoners, aiming their swords to stab them while they're down.

    Benedicta's descent and announcement earns her a pair of swordsmen and a man with a large hammer approaching her, seemingly ready to throw hands... uh, weapons.The Brute brings a surprisingly fast overhead swing toward the rabbitmage, belying his size.

    Piera just, kind of blinks at the sudden music. "That will draw the guards from outside... and maybe the locals too... This is going to get messy." She leaps from her perch and lands on one of the guards threatening the prisoners, a spray of arterial blood marking his end before she stands and draws a rapier from its scabbard, moving to threaten some of the other guards and keep them away from the civilians.

    True enough, more men burst in through various doors on the ground floor, another Fancy Hat, two more big Brutes, and a pair of men weapong half-plate and carrying polearms, hooked spears, specifically. They join the chaos, splitting up between the various fighters.
Piera Forta
>> SUMMARY[Piera Forta] >> Danse Med Os. Killa all the prisoners.
Emily Nyx
    "Oops!" The music abruptly cuts out as Emily leaps into the air --

    No, wait. Her legs extend upward until she's about ten feet tall, silvery nanomachines swirling around them, and she fires two bolt of golden light in succession towards the guards going for the prisoners. She attempts to kick Fancy Hat in the face, her legs moving like ridiculous stilts, and she lunges at a third murderous guard, claws extending from her hands as she seems to stumble forward towards him with a cry of, "I concede that this wasn't my best plaaaaaaaaaan!" Crash.

    Of course, with the way she's falling, the guard might still get clawed.
     Ironically, Damian seems to be getting the /least/ attention from these guys, despite his appearance. "Aww, come on. I thought you guys were all hyper religious and stuff! You'd relish the chance to kill a DEMON, wouldn't you? The SON OF SATAN especially!" he starts taunting them, numerous tentacles emerging from his body and lashing out to wrap around the guys going after the prisoners, aiming to pull them away before they can bring harm to the family.

Meanwhile, he asides to Benedicta, "What? You wanna listen to Nicki Minaj instead? I can summon a jukebox or something if you want."
Benedicta Cornell
"I would prefer it to be quiet!" Benedicta sounds a bit annoyed as she ducks under the man with the hammer and sweeps at him with her leg. "Can everyone here change their appearance at-will here except me?" Her main concern is the man with the gun though, she's quick but she's not faster than a bullet. "Look, I'm sure this isn't worth dying over. Maybe you can all put your weapons away before someone gets killed." She's not quite sure how willing the others are to hold back.
Piera Forta
    "Allies of the Assassins will die!" says Fancy Hat, aiming to put a bullet in the bound old man, but gets stilted in the face and sent sprawling, his gun sliding away from his grasp as he lands hard. The men that get clawed for aren't really ready for it and get themselves badly mauled. One adventerous man does try to stab at Emily while she's down though.

    Damian has guys coming to attack him, but they're not doing so with any religeous zeal or quotes of scripture. No they bring simple, efficient strikes, slashing at the tentacles and trying to go for his main body if they can get close enough.

    Benedicta manages to bring the Brute down, but the two swordsmen close in with their swords raised.

    Piera parries one of her opponents, shoulder checks him backward then runs through another as he comes in from behind, his guard wide open as he brings his sword from overhead in a heavy slash. "Don't try to negotiate with Templars. They'll stab you in the back the first chance they get." she says to the rabbitmage, ducking under a slash and sweeping the leg of another foe, knocking him to his knees before she plants her palm on his head and a gunshot rings out in the warehouse, the man jerking and falling limply.
Emily Nyx
    Oh, good, Damian is spreading his reach further than Emily can do reliably at the moment. "Nicki Al-Minaj?" she says. "Okay, fiiiiiine~" She stops the music.

    As the swordsman tries to stab her ... a hole opens up in her body, and the sword thuds against the floor. "Yeah, the world these guys are from is Stab-Dudes versus Assassins," she says.

    In a swirl of nanomachines, she simply transforms into the same form but with the legs she originally had and standing upright, and she fires a golden bolt at the swordsman's face. "The last Templars I ran into tried to murder me 'n' a group of others for the crime of 'entering their Blossom'." A falchion sword appears in her hands, and she slashes at the legs of the Templars around her -- mostly just aiming to wound, but she isn't trying not to kill anyone, either. "These fuckers don't do 'before someone gets killed'."
     "Really? I mean, I have every Muppets song ever recorded too, you can't go wrong with Muppets." Damian continues, sprouting extra eyes to keep track of all the guys trying to kill him at the moment. They *are* driving him back, at any rate, eliciting some pained hisses as their blades bite into the flesh of his tentacles. "Sheesh, okay, I'm trying /not/ to kill any of you, but you're making it really hard right now."

Overhearing Piera's words, he nods in confirmation. "Yep, Templars. Figures. Weird that they're not spewing any of their usual drivel though. Whoa, hey, watch it!" This last is accompanied by a sudden growth of thick ribs over his torso, catching one of those swords between them to stop it from piercing into any of his vital organs. With a twist of his body, he snaps the blade in two, then enlarges one of his arms further to sweep it across the group, aiming to knock any off their feet who aren't fast enough to duck in time.
Benedicta Cornell
"I guess play whatever you want..." Benedicta sighs a bit as she hears Emily's comment. "So much for trying to be a good Catholic guys are making the rest of us look bad, by murdering people." Tentacles sprout out her back, Damian isn't the only one who can do that trick as she reaches for the two swordsman's weapons. "Well, it's kind of hard for them to stab me in the back without weapons.
Piera Forta
    The Templars are thinning out, gradually. The Seekers continue to bat and jab at Damian with their spears, the swordsmen that closed in finally taking the hint and getting back out of range after getting clawed at. One doesn't make it, and gets punted clean across the room and into a pile of rubble. He doesn't get up again.

    Benedicta's trick catches the swordsmen off guard, the tentacles disarming them before they can react to the new situation... they instead go to draw their backup weapons... six-inch long daggers, the blades tapered and wickedly sharp, but short.

    Emily's trick gets a surprised yelp out of the swordsman before he's silenced with backalley laser face surgery, falling to the ground with a hollow cough. Emily's own sweeping strikes get her some breathing room as well, as a Brute lumbers closer to try his luck with a heavy waraxe.

    Piera snorts as the others are all trying to be pacifistic about this. "Just kill them and lets get this over with." she grunts, taking a pommel strike to the temple and dropping her rapier. She comes back with a dagger drawn, knocking away the sword and using a one-two strike of her dagger and hidden blade on the assailant.
Emily Nyx
    Emily perks up. "Muppets? Sounds great!" she answers Damian, with undisguised delight. She leaps back to avoid the Brute, and then shoots up into the air, hovering just out of reach of his axe, as she fires another golden bolt at his face. "... humans have more weak-points than Eudaemons, and they always stay in the same place ..." she mutters to herself.

    At Piera's interjection, she nods. "See?" she says. "That's basically what I've been saying!" She glides backwards through the air, and fires another bolt at one of the Templars going after Benedicta, before she lands behind the Al-Miraj girl, fighting back-to-back with her against the surrounding assailants. "Ahaha, damn my creators would be horrified if they saw me here, may they rip in fucking pieces ..."
     "Alrighty!" Damian says to Benedicta, winking at Emily as she turns off her music. One of those Templars may soon find a comically large and *very* neon-laden jukebox falling on top of him out of seemingly nowhere, conjured with a puff of flame and the stench of brimstone. While continuing to sweep his arms at the others and fend off their attacks with tentacle and bone, one of those tentacles sneakily presses a few buttons on the jukebox...

And now Nicki Minaj's dulcet tones fill the air as the battle rages toward its conclusion, Damian moving to help the bunnymage out by combining their tentacular assaults. "Hey, I'm just trying to be a good boy, alright? Benedicta's people don't like it when I kill. I think. I haven't actually asked them."
Benedicta Cornell
"That's correct, we rather not kill anyone if it's avoidable. I had to watch someone kill herself, that was bad enough..." Benedicta remembers what happened with Luna and frowns with that. "Don't you have families to go home to?" She uses her reach advantage and points the two swords she grabbed at the knife wielding men. "You're not going to be able to provide for them if you end up dead here." Mercy might not work, but there has to be a reason they're doing this.
Piera Forta
    The men facing off against Benedicta just grit their teeth, glance at each other and drop their daggers. They also discard a pair of silver rings. They not as ornate as the one on Fancy Hat's finger, but still have a design on them reminiscent. Perhaps they were also Initiates.

    Damien's music choice doesn't seem to affect the Templars around him, except for the one crushed by the arrival of the jukebox. One of the Seekers finally succumbs, getting caught by the tentacle slamming into him from the side and breaking something important. He goes down hard with a grunt of agony.

    Emily takes out that Brute, the big man going down much like his swordsman companion with laser surgery to the facehole. As Emily comes down again behind Benedicta, she comes face to face with the other Brute, his warhammer already mid-swing.

    Piera kicks her final opponent away, and finally has a bit of breathing room. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." she quotes back at Benedicta without further explanation. While she has the chance, the Assassin goes to cut the bonds on the civilians, releasing them so they can at least evade any swings that might go errant.
Emily Nyx
    Emily shrugs grandiosely. "See, I feel like Benedicta's 'the hero' here," she says. "So I'm gonna follow her lead. Like, as I said before, Miss Accoltellatrice --" (the feminine form of Italian for 'stabber'.) "-- I don't entirely trust dudes who call themselves Assassins, and no offense to you, Damian, but the unrepentant son of the Devil isn't ... exactly ..."

    She looks up at the approaching Brute and furrows her brow. "... hmm." She rises up off the ground and tries to parry the axe with her sword. Due to the difference in size and mass, she gets sent flying through the air with a squawk of alarm, and crashes sideways into a wall.

    She sits up, grimacing. "... ngh ... Uh, over to you, Benny!" she calls back. In place of bleeding, she's gained a few silvery scars.
Benedicta Cornell
"Look, I know not everyone shares my beliefs and is willing to show mercy. I know there are beings who can't be reasoned with. I've had to destroy them before to protect those I care about. Still it wouldn't be right if I don't give them a chance to stand down first." She rushes over to the brute that's threatening Emily and wraps her tentacles around him. Hopefully the force alone with be enough for him to tap out.
     Damian looks like he's about to object to Emily's words, but just shrugs. "Yeah, fair enough." It does seem like Benedicta's words are having some effect however, as some of those younger looking guys decide to throw away what are likely symbols of their initiation. "Benny's probably the one who's done the least awful things here. Super cool of her, trying to spare a bunch of crazy stabby people's lives and all. You Templar guys should be grateful."

He hangs by Benedicta's side in any case, reasoning that of the three of them, she's the most vulnerable to getting stabbed. Piera... well, he doesn't know her at all, and she's all cryptic and stuff. "Not helpful!" he calls to the assassin.
Piera Forta
    Fancy Hat's the only one left who's still trying to fight. He scrambles for his gun, but the old man, once freed, kicks it away and boots the guy in the face. The old man then turns to the others as the remaining Templar either start running, or have been incapacitated in one way or another. Piera goes for the kill but the old man stops her. "He is our responsibility now, Offworlder. You have no right to his life."

    The assassin, briefly considers going for it anyway, but relents once the other civilians move in to restrain Fancy Hat. "Alright Signore(Sir)... but I ask for the signet ring as proof he's been dealt with. My Brothers are attempting to ensure his Order don't get their talons into other worlds, like yours." To the others the Assassina doesn't really react, save to give Damian a shrug. "Tell me about it." Seems even she doesn't really understand what that phrase really means.

    Once Fancy Hat has been tied up, and his ring removed and handed over, Piera pulls down her hood. "I could have handled that myself, but thank you for the assistance." She bows graciously to Benedicta, Damian and Emily. "It is good to see you again, Senora(Miss) Nyx, you certainly get around in this 'Tree'."
Emily Nyx
    Emily dusts herself off, and then the silvery scars and all signs of damage vanish (because she's hiding the damaged nanomachines under the surface). "So, we're going for the 'mooks can be killed, but the main bad guy is spared, huh?" she says dryly.

    She smirks faintly at the 'could have handled myself' comment, peering over at Piera. "Yeah, I have no doubt," she says dryly. "This way, however, was much more fabulous."

    She shrugs. "And it looks like these Templar assholes are tryin' to get around, huh." She turns to the old man. "What is the Aegis Mantle, anyway, Daniels?" She pauses as she realizes how that might have sounded. "-- I mean, I'm not asking where it is, I'm sure as hell not gonna try to finish what these Knights Who Say 'Templar' started." She shrugs. "But aside from some obvious guesses, it's kind of going to annoy me, not quite knowing what I was just fighting for."
Benedicta Cornell
"You're welcome. I'm Benedicta and I certainly wouldn't want them showing up on my world. Though given how many people have guns, I don't think it would end well for them. At least we can agree on protecting people, even though we don't agree on how to do so." She certainly wouldn't want to have to fight the assassin, she's pretty sure that the woman could end her life if she wanted to. "Yes, it would be nice to know what this was all about."
     As the Templars make their getaway and the old man gives Fancy Hat what-for, Damian shrinks back down to his human form and tenderly nurses some cuts on his arms and torso. "Mmmf, that stings. It'll heal up quick, but still..." he grumbles, then chooses now to object to Emily. "Hey! I didn't kill any of them. I think. Not sure about the guy under the jukebox, speaking of which..."

The jukebox disappears in another puff of flame, and the demon prince gives the Templar under it a cursory glance before listening to the explanation of the Aegis... whatever.
Piera Forta
    Mister Daniels narrows his eyes at Emily to start with, then indicates for the others to cart the Templar away, one of the bigger men just hoisting Fancy Hat over his shoulder and carrying him off like a sack of produce. The old man then wipes at his mouth with a handkerchief. He then says. "A wives tale, an old legend passed down from ancient times. A cloak that made the wearer invulnerable to attack. Swords turned aside at the last moment, arrows bouncing off an invisible barrier of force. Pure fantasy. These 'Templars' were adamant that my family knew where it was kept." he chuckles. "We do, but whatever power it once held is long depleted."

    Piera nods a little.. "Sounds like this world has artifacts like my own. Troubling that the Templars are after them."

    The Templar under the jukebox is very much not alive anymore.
Emily Nyx
    Emily shrugs. "I was talking more about Piera 'kill them already' Forta than you," she answers Damian.

    She frowns thoughtfully. "Dollars to donuts they eventually find out about the halcyon remnant of my world," she says, and she almost sounds actually annoyed by the idea. "Not that anyone has any reliable idea where anything useful is." She nods to Daniels. "I don't have a use for anything like that, depleted or no. Glad we could help, though." And she sounds sincere about it.
     "So it's useless now anyway. Fat lot of good all that torture would've done them, huh?" Damian says while floating up in the air and "laying down" on nothing, idly picking at one ear. "Saved them some trouble and you guys some pain. Sounds like a win/win in my book." Then, to Emily, "Again, fair."
Benedicta Cornell
"So, they basically got themselves killed over nothing. Then again I doubt those in charge would be happy if they came back with a useless artifact. It sounds like a lose/lose situation for them," Benedicta can't help but to comment on what Damian said.
Piera Forta
    "The Templars are ruthless." comments Piera. "That is why I said to kill them. If they were victorious we would have no chance at parley." Hands prop on her hips, then she shakes her head and pulls her hood back up. "I should leave.. but again thank you for the help." she says to the others, before looking back at Daniels. "And make sure he either rots in a cell for the rest of his life, or meets a permanent ending. Templar are dangerous, even the low-ranking scum like him." she says, before bowing and turning to walk away with a flourish of her cape.