World Tree MUSH

Recovery and Aftermath

Some of Miwa's friends visit her at the Pokemon Center, and Ash has to deal with a little fallout from Miwa in reguards to his actions against Team Skull.
Character Pose
It's the afternoon after the incident with Team Skull down at the beach, and Miwa is still at the Pokemon Center, though she's awake and taking it easy in one of the recovery rooms. If anyone came to visit her, they would be allowed into the room which was well lit, with a large window on once side of the room lending itself to a spectacular view of the shoreline and ocean in the distance. In the middle of the room sits a large tank filled with salt water and a few natural additives to aid in healing. It wasn't spacious by any means, but at least gave Miwa enough room to swim around a little. 

Having fainted before the end of the battle with Team Skull, she didn't really know what happened last night, though she did get a few bits of information from an obviously scared straight former member of Team Skull who visited her in the morning to apologize. In the corner of the room there was a bouquet of local flowers he left as a gift, the centerpiece being a beautiful bird of paradise. Miwa had no way of really contacting anyone at the moment, but had a good feeling that her friends would come visit to check on her and see how she was doing.
"Operator it would be better if you went with your frame," Ordis groused as Ash made his way towardsthe poke center to check on Miwa. "In case anyone attempts reprisals?"

"Ordis." As's voice was calm as he mimed holding a thing to his ear so others would understand 'talking on phone. do not disturb, "Miwa deserves to know how i ended the fight, and I doubt anyone will put two and two together with me being the same guy that's willing to go about eight steps further than any of the locals in a fight." Ash didn't want to admit it, but he also wanted to talk to Miwa about just how disturbing it was to be that violent to someone so young. Grineer? Pfft brainwashed clones that literally are compelled to obey. Corpus? Indoctronated banker-cultists. That kid could've been a Tenno for all the years he had. Yet he outright chose that life.

Eventually ash stopped in front of the Poke-Center and after getting to the front desk asked for Miwa's room, and would give his name i fasked. He felt conflicted about all of this.
    Of course Bewul came back to visit, hoping that the nurse will allow him to come in to Miwa's room of course. He was wondering how to do such an approach, when he notices Ash coming over, and decides to try his luck by coming with well... a human. (or humanlike) person. "Hi!" he tells his friend, quickly moving closer on his standard Gabumon shape, "Glad to run into you again, coming over to check on Miwa?" he says.
Mirage Mouse
It would appear the others have another guest tagging along with them on this trip. If Miwa asked for help in assisting getting those injured to the Pokemon Center. This is probably the first time Bewul or Ash have seen the things that Mouse is capable of with her telekinetic powers, as they surely are not going to be physically helping to lug people and things along. If they needed carrying, anyway--otherwise Mirage would be busy with a takeout burger as she tagged along with the rest of them--munching on one along with a bag of fries and other such bits.
Upon arriving at the Pokemon Center and asking to see Miwa, Nurse Joy would check each guest into a visitor log before passing them off to Blissey, who would lead them over to the water type recovery room that was currently occupied by Miwa. Miwa was very happy to see her friends, though she was surprised Mirage knew to find her here, must be those psychic powers at work. She waved a flipper at all of them and smiled. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming to check on me, really means a lot. I'm already feeling much better, and Nurse Joy says I'm free to go home today if I want, though I should still take it easy for a few days."
Ash nodded to Bewul, "Well, that and going by the whispers I keep hearing it seems like i made a bit of a splash with how i made those thugs buzz off." Ash wasn't happy sounding in this perticular moment. "Frankly I'm not happy about it either, but well... someone in my team just went down, threat escilating..." He made a dismissive gesture as he stared of at nothing while talking. "Realizing just how unlike everywhere home is."

He would nod to Mirage if he saw her but oddly wouldn't say nothing. Mirage would perhaps get flashes of what he did the day before, feelings of conflict, unease. Some soldier huh?

When he looked at miwa Ash nodded, very obviously preoccupied with something. "So... flowers?" He tilted his head at hte bouquet. "Friend? Admirer?"
    Bewul was a bit surprised to see Mirage too, in all fairness, but has no reason to really doubt the mouse person at all, seemed pleasant enough. He makes sure to greet Mouse with a smile,before rushing to the sea water tank in the room, "How are you?" he asks curiously, tail twitching and reaching one hand/paw to her, "Maybe you should stay a bit longer... not sure what is it that htey did to you, but seemed really nasty." he mumbles softly. 
     Bewul turns towards Ash, tilting his head, "I am not sure how I feel about you... attacking like that at those guys, but I think I might have done the same, if you weren't there... Did you manage to catch them after they ran away? I admit I was busy taking Miwa to the doctor so did not see."
Mirage Mouse
"Hello Miwa, I heard about what happened, thought you guys might need some help getting people in here--but it seems like you're alright," Mirage had the takeout burger wrapper folded back over the food as she ate, giving her a little wave as she passed the burger to her bag carrying hand for a moment. She wasn't making the food float, exactly--though she would have floated folks in if they couldn't walk under their own power.

"So, did this one here go all Ashley Williams on someone? least that's what I'm getting from the rough vibes in the air," Mirage half-wrapped the burger up and took out the pouch of french fries, smiling as she offered one to Bewul.

"I know foxes can eat mice too, but do they like potato...?" she mutters a little, holding the golden browned bit of fried tuber out to him.
Miwa goes quiet as she listens to her guests for the moment. Once everyone has said their piece, she looks to Bewul, deciding to respond to him first as it was an easier place to start. "I still feel a little weak, but I'm fine Bewul. I think I mentioned Pokemon types to you before, but talked to Gao about them in more detail, though I'm not sure he quite grasped all of it. Anyway, I'm half fairy type, which makes me weak to Poison type attacks from other Pokemon, as in, it hurts twice as much. That Salazzle used venoshock on me, which is a fairly strong poison attack as it is, but because I was poisoned previously by it's smog attack, it had double it's normal power. So, basically it hit me four times harder than it would a normal unpoisoned Pokemon without the type weakness. Fortunately you got me to the Pokemon Center quickly and they were able to give me an antidote." 

She gives Mirage a smile for a moment, watching her offer a french fry to Bewul, before turning her attention to Ash as he mentions the flowers, her smile souring as a look of anger colors her expression. "Wrong on both accounts, don't think anyone else I know has learned about what happened yesterday yet. This morning I was visited by a teenage boy, who I'm pretty sure was one of the grunts we fought last night, though he'd certainly cleaned himself up some. He seemed terrified by something that happened last night, and wanted to apologize to me and make sure if I knew the person who nearly cut his head off, that I wouldn't send him after him again... What the hell did you do? I mean sure, those guys were being a nuisance, and they hurt me pretty bad, but I don't think it even came close to warranting deadly force!"
The term 'Ashley Williams' meant nothing to Ash. So he shook his head at mouse, waitig for Miwa to speak. Then when she said his piecehe elaborated. He wasn't remorseful of his actions in spite of the internal conflict, nor did he raise his voice as he looked into Miwa's eyes. "Persons intent on vuiolence, kidnapping, enslavement, and probably more were attacking you and seem to be a reoccoring problem here."

He took a measured breath, ordering his mind and attempting to find his center. "WHere I'm frome is a violent place. Not 'Kill or be killed' for most since for most it's 'run or get run through.' I responded with what i feel was appropriate measure to take at least one of the attackers alive and reletively unharmed. I was never going to kill him, as mission goal was capture. Dead men give little information and since pokemon are self-aware, these people knowingly, and for fun, torture and enslave other thinking beings for their own ends." His gaze never wavered from Miwa. "So I am sorry for upsetting you, but in a situation where I must fight. I'm going to fight."

And that's when his composure broke andh e found a place to sit. Mirage might hear screaming from Ash's mind as he sat down and buried his face in his hands. "....He was just a kid..... they're... just kids. WHy?"
    Bewul seems curious about the offered snack, sniffing on the french fry, before carefully accepting it, his tail wagging, "That's good, thank you." he chuckles, "I can eat about anything, I just tend to prefer meat." he says softly. He of course listens to Miwa's explanation, trying to make sense of it, and simply wincing a bit at the mention of how dangerous it was. "I am still concerned... glad the doctors were able to help." he mumbles softly. He turns back to Ash as he hears that, listening curiously and nodding slowly.
Mirage Mouse
"Who exactly were these people that attacked you, Miwa? I am vaguely getting something about soccer hooligans in themed outfits, or the like--some kind of gang?" Mirage asked, nibbling on a few fries herself. Meanwhile, Mouse seemed to get the idea that Ash didn't understand the reference. She sighed a little with a shrug, she'd find another place to work it in to make it funny somehow.

Mirage also picked up on the mental screaming from Ash, though if she reacted to it, she didn't show it, for now. She was used to these kinds of dissonant voices--what she went through with Miwa was proof enough.

"Of course it's good, potato has never betrayed me," Mirage grinned, watching the Gabumon gobble the fry. "Right, you'd think I wouldn't either, being a mouse and all--but my stomach can handle protein rich diets like meat just fine," she nodded.
Miwa frowns at Ash, though her anger lifts a bit as she thinks about what he said just now. She had not considered how different his world might be from her own, and that certainly did change things. "I'm sorry to hear that your world is like that, though it does explain your actions, and considering that, I'm glad you were able to restrain yourself to an extent. Team Skull are... scum, though still not as bad as some of the other criminal organizations I've heard about elsewhere. In any case, I just wanted them to leave, beyond that, it's the job of the police to deal with them." She said before turning to Mirage and nodding, further explaining. 

"They are a bunch of thugs who loosely form a group that often cause trouble around Alola. Rumor is some of them used to be regular Pokemon trainers who failed the Island Challenge and with nothing better to do, have turned to minor crimes to pass the time, the worst of which usually being stealing Pokemon from others. I don't really know much more about them." She says before reaching over the edge of the tank with a flipper and petting Bewul's head gently. "Maybe it's best if we changed the subject to something less depressing though, or, maybe have lunch even. I'm hungry and watching Mirage eat isn't helping matters." She says with a laugh.
Ash nodded whereh e sat, still trying to reign his thoughts on. mirage might get the idea of someone stuffing the screaming into a box and kicking it down a hole. Only then would ash look towards Miwa. "This is perhaps for the best, though I do hope I didn't hurt hat kid too badly. He's young enough if he straightens out he can put it all past."

Then after a moment he looked to Mirage and grinned, "I saw a taco truck on my way through town, figure you'd be more of a wrap sort of girl. Live and learn." A soft chuckle and a smile. He had fond memories of the flatbread creations from Cetus's market.
    Bewul asks Mirage where she got the fries, perhaps a bit hungry now, especially after tasting the snack, and in general, thinking about the fight of the other day, those pokemon adn the 'thugs'. He listens to Miwa's explanation, frowning a bit, "I should have gone and smacked them directly last time, rather than fight the pokemon." he says softly. 
    He is glad to change the subject, "I forgot to bring the food I prepared." he chuckles softly, his tail wagging over the petting. "Sorry I was so slow to help, Miwa." he says casually, before smiling to Ash, "I think you are right, hopefully now they will be more cautious." "Taco?" he asks curiously. "Never saw one of those, are they good?" he asks.
Mirage Mouse
"Huh, so they're kind of like failed politicians who became gameshow hosts--or in this case, street thugs. And they traffic in sapient creatures--didn't expect to find a group like that here--though considering the humans cavalier attitude about capturing living beings I suppose it's not too surprising," Mirage paused for a moment, looking down at the floor for a moment in thought, before raising her head again.

"No, I'm pretty easy to please, when it comes to food--so you almost got a bit too... rough, eh Ash? well it's understandable, given the circumstances--if young punks came up and tried to steal people I'd be pretty cross with them," Mirage took out the half-wrapped, half-finished takeout burger she had and offered it to Bewul--it was just a cheeseburger.

"A cafe across the way, I forget the name of it--least the humans here are good about cooking things," she grinned.
Miwa gives Ash a nod, and finally a smile for the first time since he first walked in with the others. "Yeah, hopefully he'll turn his life around for the better, and maybe the other two that got away will at least give cleaning up their act a thought." She says before shaking her head a bit at Bewul's apology. "No need to be sorry, I know you and your friend and Ash did their best, and there is no way I would have been able to face those thugs on my own." She says with a shudder at the thought of where she might be if she had tried to fight them alone. "But anyway yes, lets have lunch, and if Bewul still has room after his burger he can have some more." She says with a grin. 

"Tacos sound nice actually if it's alright with everyone else, though the cafe is good too. Wherever we do end up going, Mouse, do you think you could use your floaty power to float me over there? I don't think I feel up to doing a lot of walking around on land just yet."
Ash smiled at Miwa, glad to see she wasn't going to drag the idea of excessive force over his head for the time bieng. "Either's fine. I've got money for running errends while i was in town yesterday." Sure he made Big Bucks from murer, kidnapping, and the like, but he wasn't above being a glorified courier. It was actually kinda fun to be able to parkour around town withotu fear of getting shot at. "So Mirage.... who is this Ashley Williams?"
Bewul seems to do quick work of the offered burger, and of course, made ure to thank Mirage for the snack, his tail wagging as he tosses the wrapper around, "I am still a bit hungry." he chuckles a bit, "I admit I don't have... whatever money they use here on me." he mumbles, "I only have the currency from my own world." he says, before blinking, "Floaty power?"
Mirage Mouse
"I can do that for you, honey--sure," Mirage smiles a bit and nods her head to Miwa, the mermaid would feel a bit of a pull on her already, as if to demonstrate the ease in which Mirage could levitate her around. It definiely helped to have a psionic around the house.

"Ash, from Housewares, you never heard of him?" Mirage grinned at Ash, looking over at him again. She knew he didn't know who she meant, so she was fine with making jokes about it. "Not sure your chin is as strong as his, though--maybe we can get you some plastic surgery," she teased with a grin.

As Bewul finished with the half of the burger, Mirage would be patting his head and stroking his ears, treating the Gabumon sorta like a pet cat.

"Yes, lets go Miwa, dear--when you're better it's off to the botique, we definitely need to get me some new boots~" she grinned at that, crumpling up her takeout bag and lifting Miwa up to float alongside her, sort of like she was anchored to Mirage.

"I figure Ash might be hungry too--lets go."
Miwa's smile brightened as she did her best to put the negativity of yesterday's events behind her, while looking forward to having lunch with three of her newest friends. She was quiet as she listened to them talking to each other, though when Mirage mentioned a trip to the boutique, she grinned and nodded. "You're on!" It still felt strange to her having Mirage carry her with her psionic power, it was very different than floating in one of her own water bubbles. She felt like her whole body was both supported, and just hanging there at the same time. 

As the group moved out into the main lobby of the Pokemon Center, she gently swished her tail like she was swimming through the air. She offered Nurse Joy a wave on the way past, and the nurse waved back. "Take care of yourself Miwa."

Once they made it to the taco truck, she waited till no one was ahead of her in line before going ahead and ordering as she still floated next to Mirage, much to the bewilderment of the man running the truck. "I'd like a double order of tacos, three fish three shrimp, and a large pinap-nomelade, thank you." She was starving, and her stomach growled audibly to make that clear if the amount of food she just ordered didn't already make that clear. She paid with a plastic card which she pulled from her hair, and then waited for everyone else to order.
Ash actually enjoyed this pineapple drink. So come his turn to order he made his similar to Miwa's, though six fish rather than any shrimp. "Tastes like lungfish." he commented. Then after a pause, "Local fish to Cetus, the locals love it when we bring'em in." Even though Ash knew what a credit card as he put a small collection of bills down on the counter after he made his order. Honestly he could eat probably the man's entire inventory clean through, but it was on essentially someone else's dime so he didn't want to be greedy as whtat he put down probably would only account for a tip, or it might be enough to pay the guy's truck off. Ash wasn't sure what priceswere here.
Bewul did not have any issue with the petting, the gabumon just casually wagging his tail and following Mirage, intrigued at how poor Miwa was being 'carried'. "How are you doing that?" he asks to Mirage, his tail still wagging, and reaching to swipe a hand at hte air under the Primarina, as if expecting to find some kind of thread or hidden secret there. He does follow to the taco truck, and reads the different things avaiable, peeking what seemed simpler, and with enough meat. He does get a fruity drink similar to Miwa's, trusting her judgement.
Mirage Mouse
"Just in case anyone is curious how I am doing this--I'm telekinetic, like a psychic pokemon," Mirage explained, nodding to Ash. "Ashley here has probably seen me using some of my powers before--but I didn't want people to be too spooked by me, so I usually hold off on using them--gross displays of power, and all that," Mir shrugged, putting an arm around her mermaid ally as she hovered near her. They looked like two gal pals!

"I already ate, so I'll probably just take some water, that'd be nice, I feel a bit dehydrated," she nodded.
Miwa was happy to pay for any unaccounted for total between the orders of her friends. She wasn't super rich, but still wealthy enough to not have to worry about money too much, at least for a while. Once her order was ready, she managed to balance the tray atop her front flippers. "Can one of you be a dear and get my drink? Then we can find a table and Mirage can put me down. Though I must admit I'm curious how long she could hold me up like this." 

Sure enough, there was an area on the side of the street with tables each with four chairs and an umbrella open above them to help block some of the glaring sun. Miwa was a bit amused as Ash and Bewul ordered similar drinks to her own. "I might be a little biased, but I think Alola has the best berry based drinks, must be the climate. You guys are in for a treat." She said brightly before leaning into Mirage's offered arm, grinning and playfully blowing a few water bubbles into the mouse-girl's hair.
Ash flashed Miwa a smile as he carried her drink for her. "I actually passed by that truck before so I completely agree with the drink qualith." He was amused at how in stride the truck owner took everythingand even gave the man contact info for Darvo on the off chance he ever found a stable connection to his world. After all business connections for the Tenno's major commerce contact would be valued and Ash figured favors would help lower the plat prices on a few things he wanted.

"If my home ever shows up remind you to take you guys on a tour of Cetus. Wall to wall to wall traders, husslers, artisans... it's far less organized than here, but... well.. I don't mind the hussle they put on. THey're at their core friendly, it's atmospheric, and I actually like the rugs they make." Along with the lighting, decorative bits, and some of his clothing were from there. He took a sip of his drink and grinned broadly.

"How about how Bewul? Mirage? ANy fun market stories?"
Bewul chuckles a bit as he hears of the powers of Mirage, "Really?, you can pick me up just like that as well?" he asks, devouring a taco and politely listening to Ash's comments, nodding a few times, "Well, my world does not have that many interesting things... there are destilleries, but I don't really drink so can't compare how it is to... other places, I heard it is a bit different, given the ingredients." he muses, and grins, "As for markets themselves, to be honest it's mostly food and simple stuff, like food, or things from near blackmiths." he explains. The mention of stories makes him rub his chin, "There was this guy trying to scam digimons near my home selling low quality chrome digizoid stuff as if it was pure... I ended up having to chase the guy to send him to the authorities." he says, "Thankfully was not a very strong digimon, just... fast." he chuckles. "Otherwise, most digimon enjoy haggling, or even just showing their wares back at the markets, as long as you are polite."
Mirage Mouse
Mirage grinned and hugged Miwa to her side a little, before looking over and finding them a good table or two, and would float Miwa over to it, giggling as she had the water bubbles blown at her.

"Oh you, Primarina's are such playful types, aren't they?" she teased, being careful to allow the primarina to float over a chair gradually till she could get comfortable before her TK was released.

"Sounds like that city we ran into eachother in, Ash--a hive of scum and villainry," Mir tilted her head, grinning a little. "Market stories, eh, not terribly man--wasn't that big on shopping--at least till I met this one," she winked to Miwa.

"I can, yes--it's like lifting something with your mind--it can be stressful, if the amount is very heavy--but thankfully you guys are pretty light," she nodded, settling down into a chair finally, crossing her legs--a fairly dainty mannerism, the way she did it. It was clear Miwa was an influence on her!
Miwa settled in by a table and set her food down before starting to chow down, though not to the point of being ravenous, she didn't want to appear uncivilized or make a mess of herself. She enjoyed listening to the conversations of her friends as she ate, and once she had finished half of her tacos, she slowed down a bit and took a long sip from her drink. 

"I love seeing new worlds, as long as it's not a sweltering desert like Dillon's, and shopping is always nice. I could use some more neat accessories for both myself and my little grotto. So yes, let me know Ash, I'd be more than thrilled to visit." She adds to the talk about markets before shifting to making a comment on her abilities that are somewhat similar to Mirage's. "I can form large water bubbles, solid or hollow, and lift them with my voice, controlling them with a combination of pitch and melody. It helps me get around on land over longer distances, and also is useful for attacking too."