World Tree MUSH

Lego Castle

Character Pose
Iota Assistant
A bunch of villagers from a near by town have asked for someone to check out a castle that has appeared which is made out of lego. As you get closer you can see it made out of legos! Alot of lego no paricualar pattern to them many different colour made out of this very typical medival style castle it just all Lego blocks! It even got a drawbrige! No moat thought.
As he has been exploring the World Tree. And heard of the castle, and as he has answered the call. Not so much, a hero. But he is genuinely curious. And then seeing the massice Castle he slowly approaches it. Looking at it, without his armor he just blinks and deadpans.

He is young, 17 at the youngest but as he walks to the area he is looking for any structure like infront of the draw bridge where it is set to lower or be lowered. As he will inspect the area and even try to pull off one of the tiny bricks if he can.

Instantly he just seems to break mentally. If this was a cartoon he might have a coocoo popping in and out of his mouth, and with those whirling noise makers spining out his ears...
Weird things in worlds made of things one wouldn't expect? Of course Luigi's on this one! It's a weird thing to happen, but he's no stranger to those either. So he's going to go investigate this. Even Luigi can't really find much to be scared of out of a castle made of brightly-colored toy bricks!

Luke Gray
    Mysterious castle appearing out of nowhere?, that sounds like adventure!. And thus, Luke seems to find himself in the vicinity!. He seems genuinely impressed by the construction, poking at the small plastic bricks making the drawbridge, even trying to remove some of them!. Next to him, is a large, very round looking tiger, who seems curious about the plastic things, casually pawing at the colourful chunks of plastic, and if Luke manages to remove one of them, it begins batting the loose plastic around!. LEt's hope no one is walking around barefoot.
Mirage Mouse
As Winter begins to set in around various worlds on the tree, it has been noted that the Psionic Mercenary known as Mirage Mouse has been apparently elusive. As people begin to roll up on the giant multi-colored lego castle, out of nowhere she appears--the humanoid mouse woman clad in a full-length dark coat over her undersuit and boots, along with what appears to be a full-face gas mask--the lenses of the mask's eyes tinted blood red. Of course, her large white conical ears rise up from the sides of the mask. It does have a somewhat 'deadmaus' or 'Georgian riot mask' look to it. Cute and creepy, or just creepy.

She floats in the air, arms at her side as she draws closer, particularly to David.

<I hope you're not surprised by everything here /that/ easily...>
Krystal has also been taking some time to explore different worlds of the tree, while also seeing if anyone needed any help in things she was capable of assisting with. Having stopped in that town while on this quiet world, she learns of the strange castle, and decides to check it out. Still wearing her rose and mulberry flight suit with a white belt, jacket, boots and gloves, and a aquamarine scarf around her neck. Her golden colored staff with the blue scroll-work along the shaft was collapsed down for travel and hanging from her belt. She makes her way toward the castle, and her eyes widen as she sees it growing in the distance, seeing that indeed it was made of many different colored bricks. "Well, just when I thought I'd seen it all." She comments to herself before hurrying on and joining the others as she appears to not be the first to arrive. She offers Mirage in particular a wave, having met the woman before. "Hey Mouse."
as he holds the Lego Brick he is fairly lax in the guard department. His mind is fairly empty too stunned, to focus on everything else. "Ok new arrivals if I meet them. Tell them don't try to make sense of anything here." And then after a moment he composes himself, he realizes he wasn't hearing that message through his ears. And Instantly he turns to look at the mouse as images flash through his mind of Death, destruction, hate, pain, rage, and anguish.

Instantly he clamps down on his mind bringing his defences to full power, as he does his best to erect his full strength telepathic barrier. As he turns to look at her and says, "Don't touch my mind again!" He says in a very harsh voice, then flexing his hand he composes himself keeping himself calm. "Please..." he says to the Mouse woman. The Blue foxwoman is ignored for the moment "I just arrived to this world tree palce so the shock and novelty..." then he notices Krystal for a moment and just deadpans for a moment. "Has not entirely worn off." He does spot Luke and he spots Luigi....
Iota Assistant
"Hey why are talking blocks out my castle??", a figure says from the top wall of the castle. Odd looking girl with banages covering half of her body and the notiable large hat that sort of looks like a halloween pumpkin. She looks at Luke. "Ahh put it back!"
Luigi waves in greeting to David, as well as to the others has has or has not met. "Are you all here to look at the castle too -- wah!" The girl's sudden appearance startles Luigi and he jumps. Not just a little few inches or so either. No, this jump takes him higher than his normal height. He scuttles his feet in the air to slow his descent, and once on the ground again, looks up in the direction the voice spoke from.

"Oh, uh... is this your castle?" Luigi asks. Fairly obvious it is, since she kinda JUST SAID it was. So instead he just forges on, "It's really impressive -- did you build it all by yourself? That seems like a lot of work for one person to do all alone."
Mirage Mouse
"So many friends," Mirage Mouse speaks, somewhat muffled and with a raspy breathing effect through the mask, turning towards Krystal. She notices the fox is not in her casual wear today, much moreso in something more suited for work in the field.

When ...Iota, suddenly appears--it is quite a shock to everyone, likely--the huge size giving her a much deeper voice than usual, for one thing.

The resistance and pushback from David is not unnoticed, either. "Oof--someone spooks easily, what's the matter? You don't like anyone messing with your head?" it's hard to see, due to the mask, but Mirage's mouse buckteeth are bared in a very large grin, eyes visibly narrowed through the eye lenses of the gas mask.

"Well, since you ask so nicely..." she floats back toward Luigi and Krystal, turning to the former.

"Is this your castle? I don't think there's a princess in it," she muttered.
Krystal's eyes lock with David as he looks at her briefly, but otherwise she is just casually listening to what he's saying to Mirage. She grins when Mirage makes the comment about so many friends, but ultimately her gaze falls upon the odd girl called Iota. This is your castle? I was told in town that there is some sort of trouble here. What exactly is going on?" She asks kindly, deciding as she often does to start with just words as she tries to work diplomatically with the locals, saving her telepathic powers for later if they prove to be needed.
Luke Gray
    Luke was certainly not expecting someone to complain about playing with... well, a toy castle!. It was kind of tricky, now that the big tiger pokemon had taken a shine to the lose piece and batted it to one side. "I'm sorry! didn't know it was important!" he calls, rushing to try to find the lost piece, barely noticing the others and offering a wave, far too nervous about the darn thing to properly greet people, even if Luigi's floaty jump and Krysta and Mirage just... being what they are.. kinda get his attention.
He was in the process of Replacing said Brick exactly where he found it. When someone calls out to put it back. Someone went through a lot of trouble to make this place. So he wasn't going to ruin their work.

"I meant no harm, I was just checking it out. Lovely work you have done."

And David replaces said brick exactly where he found it and how he found it. He calls over to Luke, "Luke, Let's not cause damage to a work of Art here." Refering to the pokemon tiger.

He is at least hoping to project an air of civility despite his little outburst to the mouse (Mirage) and in front of the Foxwoman (Krystal).

He comments to Mirage and says, "I like my privacy, and I don't think you want to risk seeing the kind of hell I been put through. Trust me on that."

"Some of the locals near by were concerned they might be in danger. So I think when we all heard we sorta just came out to check up on the place. I had to see if it was really made out of Legos. I loved these growing up as a Kid!"

Luigi's jump doesn't get more than a raised eyebrow, he smiles as the large cat seems to be enjoying his new toy.
Iota Assistant
From atop the battlement Iota looks at Luigi. "I didn't call for a plumber... Yup! It's my castle! I built all by myself!", she sounds quite proud about that. She looks around at the other people gather around her castle. "So many people..", she ohs and waves entusically to Mirage. "heyyy Miss Mouse!", 

She looks at Kystal a fox girl? Floofly tail... "Trouble? Hmm I don't know of any myself.."
"Eh?" Luigi looks up at Mirage Mouse at her comment. "No, Princesses in castles is Mario's thing," he notes. Not that he hasn't done the Princess-saving a time or two himself, but it's not really what he's known for. And to be fair, David's seen him do that floaty jump thing, so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

Surprisingly when he's instantly recognized as a plumber, he... doesn't feel all that bad about it. He hasn't been recognized as 'just a plumber' for a REALLY LONG TIME. So he smiles a little bit, wistfully. But! Yes! "The locals were a little concerned, that's all," he replies. "I guess they've never seen anything like this before so they wanted to see if it was something dangerous."
Mirage Mouse
"You just stumbled into a gang of psychics, I think you're doing a bad job of preserving your headspace," Mirage shrugs a little, not mentioning WHO ELSE is psychic capable there, of course. She'll let David find that out on his own.

"Men," Mirage said with a grin and a shrug, as she turned back to Krystal. "What say you and me get a cappacino after this, vixen?" she rests the side of her head on the palm of her hand, elbow cushioned on empty space as she shamelessly chats up the blue fox.

"So what is the deal here, exactly? Did you just take this place over? The villagers were putting up money to have whoever was here chased out, I think," Mirage Mouse calls up to Iota, likely sending the message telepathically too, just to make sure she heard it.

"They even hired a plumber in green to come here and deal with it, you know they mean business," she jerks a thumb back towards Luigi.

"A pokemon trainer, too!" she gestures to Luke Gray.
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant blinks. Well just a blink. She only has one eye visble. "I'm not at threat! I didn't take it over. I build it from scratch!",she looks quite proud about that. "I saw a smaller version in a store window and thought it make a nice place to live.", she pauses. "Sort of like the place I used to live. It was made out of stone. So I got alott of the lego block and build this place! The floor a bit hard to walk on and I still need to get some furiture.", she pauses. "I wonder if I should put a moat. Mabye with Sharks!", she sounds quite exicted by that idea.
David makes note to keep his defences up. Then he says, "No, No SHARKS, Castle Moats Should have Alligators!"
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant shakes her head and waves her arms around. "No no everyone has alligators No one would be expecting Sharks!"
"It appears they hired me too, though if you're not hurting everyone out here, and this is just open land, I don't see any reason to not just let things be. If you need some help working with the town to come to some sort of agreement, that's actually sort of my specialty." Krystal offers with a smile to Iota. She then flashes Mirage a grin and nods. "That sounds lovely, and honestly it sounds like a bit misunderstanding. Maybe the folks in town just really aren't used to seeing castles built from bricks in every color of the rainbow." She says with a chuckle, grinning at the exchange between Iota and David. "You'll need a saltwater moat then I guess. Would be a lot more upkeep work I think."
"You could build an identical floor out of very thin bricks and turn it upside down over the pegs?" Luigi suggests. "The floor might move around a little unless you glue it down, but then you can put a carpet over the underside of the top sheet and it might make it a little easier. Or you could just put carpet with padding down -- waffle rubber might sit over the pegs easier." Hey, he IS a technical-minded sort, despite being a bit of an airhead at times.
David sighs as he looks out and calls up, "Just just hear me out. Castles like this one expects Dragons. Aligators being fresh water is less hastle, and being similar in appearance to dragons is more fitting to the asthetic. and unless you want to actually have dragons, you don't have to worry about the whole firing breathing lizards melting your home!"
Luke Gray
    Thankfully the piece is found easily enogh, and Dynamo is given a large rubber toy to poke at while he rushes to place it back into place. "There, I think that was the last one." he muses before before bowing to Iota, "I'm sorry for that.". Despite his curiosity, he is not quite shocked by Krystal or Mirage, likely due to having met Wolf and a fox person already!. He approaches Luigi, who is the person closest to him, "Hello!", offering a hand to the green Plumber, and of course, waving towards Krystal and Mirage, who gets a curious look at being familiar about pokemon!. 

     Meanwhile, there is a big, round tiger creature playing with a large rubber ball. It wanders close to David, casually eavesdropping, and simply trying to act cute, small electric sparks arcing from it's fur now adn then as it purred, "Dynamo, just be careful not to break anything." comes the warning from the boy, the big pokemon just huffing in response, biting on the ball and bringing it back.
Iota Assistant
"But.. oh!", she dissapears from the battlement and after a few mintues the drawbrige opens up and Iota comes out. "I got tired of yelling..", she walks over to David ingoring everyone else for the moment. "I guess you have some good points there... what about a sharkator? Best of both!"
Mirage Mouse
"So... where did you get all the legos?" Mirage has to wonder aloud, when Iota Assistant states she built the castle herself. She blinks a little bit and stares at Iota's explanation of these events. Well, what kid hasn't seen a lego castle and wanted to live in it, to be fair? And Iota pretty much was still a kid, in a lot of ways.

"Okay then," Mouse replies matter of factly. "A space heater will probably be a bad idea, just hope that helps--" she then pauses and nods.

"Yes, Krystal would be better for that than me, negotiation and public relations isn't my strong suit," the mouse is kinda scary, to be fair. She's not wrong, exactly!

"What, you think I didn't know what those creatures are?" Mirage grins at Luke Gray. "One of the first places I popped into in the World Tree had pokemon in it, a child in shorts tried to have me battle their creatures," she snerked, shrugging.
Krystal lets Iota and David talk for the moment, about the moat idea. Meanwhile she returns Luke's wave, and having picked up on Mirage's statement of what he was, and Luke's response, she eyes the boy and his creatures curiously. "Pokemon huh? Interesting. How are they different from... well I guess 'normal animals' is probably the wrong way to put it with so many varied worlds around."
David smiles when she comes down to him and starts talking as he thinks on it... "hmmm There was this old B-Movie called Dino shark. The best way I could describe it is a cross between a Dinosuar and a shark, heavy on the shark features. It could work. If it's friendly it could give rides. I.... might be able to remember enough to make a vauge drawing if general features." he does his best to verbally describe it. Yes David is almost sure this won't end in combat.

"I'd love to help you build the frame of it." To work with this many Legos.... "Asthetics... and appearance That would need to be your choice." And he offers his hand, "Name's David, pleasure to meet you. Can we please see inside?"
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles and nods, "True, guess I am used to most people not being aware of what a pokemon was." he says, reaching to pick up the rubber ball from his pokemon, "This is Dynamo, don't worry, he is friendly, just be careful, he sometimes likes generating static electricty." he warns, especially towards Krystal and Mirage. Meanwhile, the electric tiger seems curious on the description of the dino shark, moving closer to David as he explained, even sitting besides him. 

    Luke approaches Mirage (and Krystal) to introduce himself properly, "I'm Luke by the way, nice to meet you." he says with a grin, "Hope that kid didn't cause much troubles." he replies, before turning to Krystal, "Dunno, Wolf took me on a visit to one of the planets from his... world I guess?, met an electric boar there, seemed fairly normal to me."
Iota Assistant
"I got them from Lego trees of course Mirage!", Iota says. She turns back to David. "ooh that sound really cool a dino-shark!", she smiles. "Sure! but I havnen't really got much set up yet.. It pretty plain. Lego furnature isn't all that comfortable. Might have to get some normal furniture. She ohs. "I haven't introduced myself yet and I sort of is cause of all the problems here! I'm Iota Assistant! Nice to meet you all, and sorry for all the trouble."
Mirage Mouse
"Yeah, you've never seen those before? They are cute--some of them can speak, even, I know a few," Mirage asides to Krystal, surprised apparently she's never seen Pokemon before. It's not like the World Tree had a shortage of them, exactly.

"I guess you'll be okay here, artificial girl--he's even willing to help you build the place so you have more of a shelter, I suppose we could help you move the castle too, if the villagers wanted to pay someone to 'remove' the threat here, if you get my meaning," Mirage is basically idly suggesting they sort of 'con' the villagers, it would at least mean she gets paid.

"Oh don't worry, he didn't cause me any trouble at all," Mirage Mouse shook her head with a grin beneath her mask. "I am Mirage Mouse, the blue fox here has met me before," she gestures to Krystal, introducing herself and the fox to Luke Gray.

"Lego trees?? What is this shenanigans?" Mouse explores Iota's lego castle a little bit, floating around from place to place, she doesn't bother walking anywhere when she can telekinetically fly around like Peter Pan.
Krystal grins, nodding to Luke and at the mention of static, briefly pictures herself with her fur standing up in all directions. She shudders for a moment before looking back at Luke and smiling as she returns his introduction with one of her own. "So you've met Wolf then huh? Well I'm Krystal, nice to meet you Luke." She offers before finally turning her attention to Iota and nodding to her. "Nice to meet you as well, Iota. It's no trouble at all though. This sort of thing happens fairly often in my experience."
Iota Assistant
The Lego castle is pretty plain no furinture or anything just base walls and doors. The floor is very plain and grey with some bit of green here and there. It's very colourful thought! A rainbow of coloured bricks! 

"Whats a shenanigan?"
David being a Lego Geek, almost jumps for joy. "Yeah normal furnature is the way to go. Though the frame could have Lego exterior." David looks to the Tiger and smiles offering his hand for pets and rubs. Getting a bit of that static. "Kitty needs a dryer sheet rubbed over him."

"Lego Trees?" he asks and just imagines them and is most likely wayyyy off in his thoughts. He does turn to Mirage and says, "I am sorry for Snapping at you."
Luke Gray
    Luke offers to shake either Krystal or Mirage's hand, glad to meet more people of course, and chuckles at the shudder, "Yeah, he just likes giving little zaps to people sometimes, and other times he can't help it, he is an electric pokemon... the trick is figuring out... when he is doing it on purpose or not." he muses, looking back at the round ball of tiger just luxuriating under the petting, purring loudly, tail twitching around, almost like an oversized housecat. "Pleased to meet you Krystal." he adds, before nodding to Mirage, "Glad to meet you as well, Mirage Mouse." he replies to the masked rodent. 

     As thee focus returns to castle, he blinks, "Lego trees... now that is unusual." he begins, "I would love to see those." he adds, chuckling a bit and moving to get a better look at the castle, impressed by the construction, "This took a lot of time."
Mirage Mouse
"A shenanigan is amusing or mischievous goings on, Iota, kind of what you're soon becoming famous for," Mirage Mouse pivoted in the air and reached over--generating a holographic copy of her hand in mid-air, disembodied to pat the artificial girl on the top of her pumpkin hat and cheek. It'd feel real, at the very least--though she might not realize at first Mirage is too far away to physically reach out and touch her like that.

"Why be sorry? I'm not sorry for using my mental prowess, It's how I am, why apologize for it," Mirage replies a little indifferently to David. It might sound standoffish or a little rude, but she doesn't feel the same way about her powers as a normal person might, it seems--while it's obvious humans would feel it as an odd intrusion, some might even equate it to rape, it's not the same thing for a psionic like her. At least just trying to speak with someone, anyway.

"We should talk sometime, Luke, since I have a background in pokemon already, aheh--I might be able to use you if you would like some work..."
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant smiles and blushes at Mirages patting. "I'm getting famous!", she pauses. "That's a good thing right?", she turns to David. "It didn't take that long. It got a bit challenging to put the blocks on the top parts. The blocks got hard to hold in my hand!"
Krystal makes her way closer, heading over to join David in petting Dynamo while she gazes at the castle. "This is pretty incredible, I have to wonder how long it took to put all these bricks together. You didn't have anyone helping you?" She asks as she looks to Iota, while also watching how Mirage is floating, deciding she'll have to learn how to do that sometime.
As David looks aroudn and sees the bumpy tops as he says, "Yeah not a place to go barefoot in." Thankfully he has hiking boots on. "If you have a load of Flat tiles. They would make an excellent floor. Gotta preserve the asthetic however for furnature."

"A Very long time." He is thoughly impressed. Even if it was done with special powers...