World Tree MUSH

Explosive Arrival

A new arrival to the World Tree arrives with an explosive entrance
Character Pose
There are a few things known. One the heat seems to be environmental, not mystical. Which means a portal to Hell is unlikely given that there is no aura if evil is coming from the breech.

Two It has been here for the last three hours when it was first detected and the call for Help was put out.

Three those flashes and images are becoming more intense and vivid. Which means very soon there will be a breach into this world.

Four It is about a half mile away from any sort of large settlement. As it is In a fairly large forest.

And Five the more superstitious Scientists believe that when the breach does occur in this forest. Something dangerous is going to emerge. That was why they called in some help.

The Energy Distortion is clear as day to anyone in this area. For the last three hours, The area has been shimmering and waving almost as if a stone has been dropped into a pool of water. Except the distortion is Spherical. With the pulsing, out from the center tinged red and burning. The grass under it along with the trees around it have been burned away completely. With the entire area some seventy foot across, it radiates intense heat. Almost like the heart of a Volcano. Some Radiation as well is detected, nuclear is suspected. Thankfully the Scientists are back some eighty feet from the edge as several drones and R.O.V.s are there, a Few magic users are as well protected and warded from the dangers they are studying the anomaly.

Flashes of figures swathed in the energy can occasionally be seen. Inhuman monstrosities. The images show one creature apparently being swarmed. vaguely humanoid with a single horn on the head. two arms with spikes projecting over the hands slashing at the also vaguely humanoid creatures, then fading.

The Bad thing is that This has been increasing and flashes have been going on longer and more clear. A breach is imminent, and unavoidable causing some of the closer mages to pull back.
This... was actually a situation reasonably within Ash's proverbial wheelhouse to handle. Ordis had gotten the message about odd disturbances, relayed it and any relevant details to Ash, and 'work is work.'

"Operator," Ordis's voice hummed throughout the ship as Ash made last minute checks to his warframe. "While you are quite capible of doing exploration with relative saftey...this... May be a first contact scenerio."

Ash remained quiet within the somatic pod of the ship as his warframe doublechecked the shotgun he planned on carrying if the potential new neighbors decided to not be friendly.

"Maybe ... someone else should..." Ordis trailed off as Ash's warframe headed to the navigation and knelt at the controls. "Laying in course." Ordis's voice was cold in that moment.

Eventually Ash would be dropped off by a lander-craft a kilometer away from the disturbance, not wantign to risk his craft. He hadn't wanted to tell Ordis, but he hoped this was a way home. Even with as terrifying and war filled as his home system was... it wa home.

So he started jogging at a brisk clip. The jog didn't take the warframe long, and would put Ash as arriving on scene roughly when the distortion started showing the armored elbow bladed figure.

"Ordis are you seeing this?" Ash referring to his suit's sensor feed.

"Affermitive.... Design does not match any known designs or prototypes... If it is a warframe at all that is."

Well, Home this might not be, but he was still seeing a lot of violence on display so held his shotgun at the ready as he looked for cover to duck behind.
Temulin Dotharl
Circling the sky after confirming payment details is a very large bird, a bird Ash should be familiar with. The black-armoured knight on the bird's back is leaning close to the bird, looking down but making sure not to be easily seen directly. Whatever threat this is may mistake the bird for a simple bird of pray if it doesn't notice her; and Temulin prefers to have a good look of what's happening before she goes in.
Renya Rimehart
Three hours ago a message for help had gone out, and been intercepted by a wary televox operator. It was less the call for help itself and more the description of the situation that had perked curiousity, and a course change was put in to make haste for the sight.

Three hours later the Polar Vortex now loomed near the 'site of interest' though the grand airship was keeping its distance as to not panic the already anxious investigators. Captain Rhimehart stood at the bow of the deck, one foot up on the railing as she watched the disturbance through a spyglass. "Those sequences definately be getting faster..."
"Confirmed," chirruped the raccoon woman fiddling with a cluster of slapdashed together equipment on the deck. "The energy readies are nearing critical." Maven rapped a knuckle against one of the gauges that refused to hold it's needle in one place. "Whatever it's building to, it's gonna be big."

Renya collapsed the spyglass and tucked it away inside her coat as she turned away from the railing. "And big is all the more reason to... intervene." Assist would be a little too strong of a word, she was more interested in her own thrill than the worried scientists. What else would you expect from a pirate? The vixen's tail flicked behind her as she strode across the deck towards one of the hatchways. "Hold position and have the cannons warm. Gonna get a closer look with one of the gunboats."
Justine Lawson
    She probably wasn't invited by the Gardeners, but Justine is here. The young girl who is relatively new to poking around at things, but seems to be showing up at the oddest places. This doesn't seem to be her doing though, not this time. In fact, her approach is... much different than usual.

    Gunboat or bird? Justine knows the bird, so chooses that one. "Could be trouble, could be interesting. I wonder how it will all turn out?" The young girl is dressed a bit more casually this time as she speaks to Temulin, in as casual a manner as can be.

    This is a bit strange because Temulin is in the air, but Justine is treating this situation a little differently. Her shoulders mount two large, elegant clockwork wings. Lovely in design, they appear to be merely decorative... but as they are obviously letting her sweep in to join the Dark Knight in a lazy approach - so she doesn't look like she's attacking - just like wings should.
The Pulsing is growing stronger, more violent, and as the energy turns darker more blood red, screams and roars can be heard. The scent of burning flesh and fur hangs in the air. Fire and melted rock.

The Figures are now appearing more solid and more vivid. It is a slaughter. One figure, that creature with the arm spikes is slaughtering his attackers. Reacting with lightning fast reflexes and speed. Slicing through the monsters. Leaping, ducking, dodging. Rolling with attacks.

It appears to be no professionally trained fighter, More a street fighter with the sheer number of low blows it makes. Even picking up what appears to be a large cicular cover and throws it like a discus slicing through several of the creatures.

The field pulses with energy and in this pulse it releases a massive burst of heat and fire.

The Scientists are pulling back completely as fast as they can to keep away from the heroes and stay the hell out of their way.

It is at this point a force field is being erected around the distortion that is starting to belch fire and rock.
>> SUMMARY[David] >> All Hell is about to break loose.
Was the thing stabilizing? Ash frowned i nthe somatic pod as the imagry and sounds felt alltogehter too faamiliar. Death, Battle, desperation...

His warframe thrw something down, or at least made the gesture of throwing something, before disappearing in a puff of smoke as he searched for somewhere else ot wait and watch. This he did on the idea that if he could see in, whatever's on the other side might see out. His job was to secure the eggheads right? He'd be poor security if they knew he was there when 'they' seemed like violent psychopaths... or at the very least in the middle of a heated battle.

Then the fire and rock. Ash lept away from one rock, only to have to roll under something else. the way the Scientists pulled back was sensical, but they were non-combatants. His place was here waiting for whatever came in case he needed to stll for time. This, as a side effect gave him time to study the brawler through the anomoly. His style was inelegant, yet at the same time brutally effective.

"Hey Ordis can you link up with anyone else in the area, see if you can share data?"

"I will make the attempt, Operator." The problem is, did anyone else actually use what Ordis considered 'proper' radio and data? The airship looked decidedly primative to the cephelon's opinion, and Temulin was, much liek Ash, just a singular mercenary.... using a magicked device he could not communicate with.
Renya Rimehart
As the breach is having it's tantrum a smaller boat-like craft, suspended by an aether filled zepplin and propelled by steam engine props, descends from the Polar Vortex. Distance does nothing to lesson the stench emerging from the gap in space, causing Renya to scrunch up her muzzle a bit. "Smells like literal bloody hell. Hold her steady and ready for battle!" Renya kicks the lever to the forward cannon as she steps past it, and it starts to churn as steam pressure is pumped in to ready it for firing. "Maestro, gimme something appropriate to work with." The squirrel behind her lifts her aetherphone into position, and as bow touches the aetheric field that replaces strings a haunting ominous tune emits from the phonograph-like speaker at the end of the instrument. "Perfect."

As a rather large and hulkish equine moves to man the cannon Renya steps to the front of the gunship alongside the weapon, resuming a stance similar to what she had upon the main deck with a foot upon the front guard. But this time she draws her weapon and extends the blade to point ahead with. "Steady as she goes! Whatever fiend comes forth from that elderitch pit, it will be greeted with an appropriate welcome."
Justine Lawson
    'Heroes' huh? Justine would be very angry to be called that. She does want to see what's caused such panic though, and she was HIRED to protect these scientists. She smiles, then her expression hardens as she folds her wings and lets herself plummet. This isn't to drop right into the action, just to get closer, reaching out with her Empath abilities to get a sense of what's going on... aside from fire and death of course, which have the associated emotions she's sure.

    She isn't coming down near Ash, but the mercenary should be able to see her. She's not hiding, and they both have the goal of protecting the scientists. A quick slice of the plasma torch through one of the bits of debris flying about takes care of that much.
Anger, Hatred, Revulsion, outrage. And above all a sheer desire to kill. So over whelming it is almost like touching the mind of a telepathic god that emanates from so many creatures on the other side of the Portal.

Lightning arches and then comes the explosion of heat and flames as the area around it is blasted out with heat. And emergency force-field throws up a barrier but all it can do is channel the excess heat up into the sky to dissipate.

The area as it filled with smoke and a brief pause is there. Now Standing there perhaps a hundred of those monsters, burned and charred. They all surrounding the figure who has a reddish glow about him his body glows with a terrible heat. but the glow rapidly vanishings showing melted green plates. Then it begins again either the monsters attacking the Insectoid like creature have not seen around them, or they do not care.

They Rush and attack slashing at him with Claws, firing what appear to be energy bursts, or others actually launching spikes that when they hit something explode like a missile. They are also showing some signs of rapid regeneration. Their charred skin falls off replaced with new skin as some fur or scales seemed to be regrowing.

The Insectoid lunges and attacks those blades slice through the attackers cleaving cleanly through them and as they fall in a pool of their own blood they begin to melt and dissolve. The Insectoid is also showing signs of regeneration his armor is pulling back and flowing back into a much more uniform appearance. it is unclear who the antagonist is in this fight. But one thing is clear.

This is a fight to the Death, No mercy shall be asked.

None shall be given.
>> SUMMARY[David] >> Battle Music
Renya Rimehart
No questions are asked. No concern is made over 'sides' or whatever. Not like there's time for it. Or does Renya really care. She just sees a huge battle and wants to make her mark on the action. A very big mark. "Status Carronade?"

The hulking stallion looks down at the gauges. "CANNON READY CAP'N." He's not shouting, his voice is just that loud and deep due to his size.

Renya stands up tall at the bow and makes a grandoise gesture of sweeping her calisabre to point towards the horde that's left in the wake of the hellious emergence. "Then let the glory of battle commence. Fire!"

Carronade pulls the lever and with a cacophonous rumble the steam cannon expels a cannonball towards the center of the swarm.
The shields do what they're designed to do, which is less to Absolutely Contain, which is recklessly stupid since energy has to always go somewhere, and instead channel that energy into a least-harmful direction. Incidentilly this is why Ash didn't want Ordis anywhere near the anomoly itself. He smiled within the somatic pod of his craft as his warframe stood, examining the hateful mass of beings.

He watched the fight unfold, making sure Ordis paid attention to the warframe-esque fighter'ss regenerative abilities. This focus they gave on their initial prey allowed Ash to carefully study the field and start marking targets. As many as he personally could hold energy for his suit to target, which for the record was a lot, there was just this boiling mass of Violence going on to the point it'd only be a fraction of the total even if what he was going to try killed all his targets.

So he picked another animal man thing and aimed with his shotgun before pulling the trigger, and triggering bladestorm.

Right when shotgun slug impacted one, others might catch a glimps of translucent smokey clones of Ash's warframe. Each clone only lasts long enough to stab at its target with a wrist mounted blade before dissipating, but normal people? Even genetically augmented freaks like the Grineer? They tended to not do so well when getting face stabbed.

To say nothing of the poor sod that got a canister of buckshot to the skull.

"ALRIGHT YOU PRIMATIVE SCREWHEADS, LISTEN UP!" Ash stood in the open with no cover as he racked his shotgun to punctuate his statement.

If Ordis had hands, the poor cephelon would facepalm.
Justine Lawson
    It's hard to tell who the villain is. Justine is well aware of that, and why she casts a disgusted look at some of the others. Really disgusted, so much that the hatred on there, for an instant, is unrealistic.

    But she has a job to do, and the clockwork limbs whrr and flex as she adjusts wings and hands, considering her job. The explosion of flame toward the mages and scientists makes it easy. Well, reasonably. A quick check to make sure no familiar faces are about, and Justine leaps into the air, and does an abrupt yet simple punch downward.

    It shouldn't have any effect. She doesn't look that strong, nor have any of her attacks before been so powerful. Yet the thunderous boom is followed by a roar of concussive force spreading outward, a buffet that forms a very brief, yet effective blast wave against the debris.
Justine Lawson
>> SUMMARY[Justine Lawson] >> Using copied Deku punch.
The Monster men have no mercy as they slash at the figure. Several of them do land a hit, others might have grabbed hold of his head had he not ducked and pulled in a direction. Taking a slash against his chest leaving furries in his armor. Blood streams from a dozen cuts. Or was streaming. As those holograms vanish it gives the Lone warrior a chance to evade flipped and jumping off the shoulders of one of the creatures attack it.

The sudden appearance of the holograms is enough to distract them. As Ash is able to Tag several of the creatures wounding them badly.

With the Firing of that Cannonball it lands in the middle of the Zoanoids cluster and several of them are knocked away. One had the Ball hit them directly.

and knocked back and down he actually stands right back up turns his gaze to the vessel and then pods on his shoulders open up. Instantly a dozen spikes fly out at various wild angles. Streaking through the Sky at the ship in the air.

Each missile telepathically guided. Each missile packing the explosive force of a half pound of C4. Every missile designed to penetrate tank armor.

Several missiles impact the weakened barrier shield And bring it down.

Now the creatures are noticing they have other targets to attack. several of the creatures Lunge at Ash, claws open reach to slash and lash at him.

Justine is able to shield the researchers from the debris heading their way. Thankfully they are running in the other direction.

The problem is that several of the creatures have been hit by her Deku punch as they turn look at her, then the researchers. several of them have shoulder pods that open up, and then fire off what appear to be energy blasts. One directly at her, several others at the Scientists. One of which hits the ground causing an explosion blowing several of them into the air as they come down battered, broken and bloodied...

Right now The Insectoid jumps as he roars out at the top of his lungs. And with it comes a high pitched sound that is escalating rapidly as the soundwaves are on the Missile Launcher. And instantly his entire body seems to just Shatter and disintigrate

The Leap up Also Cost him as one of the Monsters have jumped up to Grab his leg and yanks him down to the ground as hard as he can.

As there is a resounding Thud and explosion of Smoke the creature roars out stumbling back as he is now missing his arms sliced off above the elbow without blood spilled as his eyes bleed.

Lunging out of the Smoke the Insectoid grabs hold on his head in his hand and with a sickening wet crunch comes the sound of crushing bone and grey matter. The figure drops to the ground dead and like all the others starts to dissolve.
Ash's dance partners would feel a hard energy barrier millimeters from his Warframe's armor. Sure they could easily surround and overwhelm, but Ash was nothing if not mobile. So he focused on rolling and sliding. "Alright class. Now that i have your attention. If you have even a basic understanding of language." He then drew his sword, plunging it into a manimal thing in front of him before pivoting, using the dying creature as a counterwieght, putting it between him and his attackers. "You are not in your home world. You being here acting like a pack of jackels is going to get yourselves killed."

He was angry. htese things acted like mindless beasts. "I do NOT want to kill any more of you, but you jepordize lives right now. So either sit down or i'll put you down."

And then... "Ordis what the hell was that?" Ash saw... what he THINKS he saw anyway was one of those animal things get striaght up disintegrated by a Bass Cannon.

"Sonic attack, highly localized, suggest you remain at range if that unit remains hostile." Ordis continued searching for literally anyone using compatible equipment with to try transmitting the data being gathered. Even if it was just to scientists awayfrom the bloodbath.

Ash vaulted into the air, then semed to jump off of flat nothing to spiral further upward. "Archwing!" At the yelled command Ordis would send a pair of metal wings that clamped to the base of Ash's spine, holding him in the air on ion thruters as pannels on each side opened up to fire a volly of unguided missiles into the crowd. "See if you can find a clear path out of this mess. " Ash swore in both Grineer and Corpus at the mess this was becomming. "What i wouldn't give to be able to actually coordinate with htese people instead of a giant cluster sandwich."
Renya Rimehart
*TUNK* *TUNK* *TUNK* *TUNK* *TUNK* The majority of the spikes dig into the raid zepplin's hull and fortunately none angle high enough to hit the aether balloon.

Unfortunately one does *THUN-THANG* loudly as it hits the intake of one of the steam-engine pods and gets sucked into the works. Something audibly jams, smoke belchs out of the machine as the prop sputters and the entire flying boat lists to that side. "Captain, we've been hit! I can't keep her airbound long!" shouts the crewman from the wheel as he struggles with it.

"Then back off and have someone retrieve her," Renya replies. "Ally oop, cannoneer." Being nearly three times her size Carronade has little trouble picking the vixen up and lifting her to straddle his shoulders like a weird bipedal mount. He is a clydesdale after all. Then Carronade grabs the cannon and steamcore and pulls them off the deck, holding them like a Heavy with his minigun.

Then leaps off the struggling ship as it starts to turn away from the fight. There is an audible *WHUMP* due to his size and bulk as the equinoid lands on the ground and those massive hooves dig in to brace himself as he pulls a cannonball out of his backpack and shoves it into the weapon.

As he's doing that Renya stands up on his shoulders and strikes her Dramatic Pose with gunblade held aloft. "Avast ye interspacial scallywags! I know not where ye be from, nor do I particularly care. But ye abyssal lot be horrid even by pirate standards, so prepare to be cut down by the infamous Captain Renya Rimehart!"

After the dramatic speech she leaps off Carronade's shoulders, doing a rather impressive flip midair and swinging her icebranded blade down at the nearest invader as she lands.

Which is swiftly followed by Carronade hefting the powered up cannon like a mortar, handling it with little trouble with his great size and strength to fire another cannonball arcing into the mass melee.
Wolf O'Donnell
     The high-pitched whine of plasma engines grows louder. Three jet-sized ships leaving energy trails scream through the sky toward the encounter in triangular formation. Within the cockpit of the lead ship, various high tech panels and a holographic overlay displayed on the inside of the canopy reveals the activity in the area. Various IFF tags are sorted and assigned based on scans from the three ships -- the Wolfen, the Rainbow Delta, and the Black Rose -- combined with transmitted data shared by Ordis's observations. Red, green, and yellow filters are used to identify Hostiles, Friendlies, and Unknowns. 

     "Cap'n, that's a big ship up ahead," chimes in a chameleon over intraship comms. "Heh, doesn't look hostile, though."

     A set of meters on the console show full green, the readout indicating the charge of the on-board weapon systems. Tiny pings of sound make audible confirmations as the red markers on the three-dimensional map displayed for the pilot are tagged by circles indicating locks-on. The ships, upon arrival to the very immediate area, are going a solid Mach 4, but they slow to a crawling 762 mph before the wings of each ship begin to fold-out to a degree, extending, allowing for more drag and finer aerial control. Together as one, the three ships bank portside and begin to circle the area in a wide holding pattern. Cra-cra-crack! The sound of multiple sonic booms more than announce their presence if they have not yet been seen.

     "Looks like the party's still going," comments a new voice and new face over the comms. This one is a panther. "I hope we still have partners for dancing leftover."

     A fingerlessly gloved hand reaches over to press a few buttons and toggle a switch. It would seem that the lead pilot aims to target many nearby trees, but not to destroy. Instead, a few scans are made to determine the resonance frequency so that a strong directed signal at those trees, resonating, uses them as loudspeakers!

     "This is Wolf O'Donnell uhvde mercenary team Star Wolf speakhhn. Get those people vh safety and we'll help hold uhvde horde. This hzza fifteen second warning befor- wewohin -hot. Heads up." The sound isn't crystal, but it's loud and clear enough; the trees, however, look heavily damaged from such use now bare of most leaves and bark.
Justine Lawson
    Energy beams lancing back at her? That's... not good, but Justine should have expected that. She can't dodge, as that would mean she'd let the fleeing scientists get hit. Arms cross in front of her as she vanishes in a blast, moving to try to intercept as many as she can. She's unarmored, so by rights she should be ash by now.

    She isn't. Her clothes, when the lancing beams pause for a moment, are tattered and burned... and she has several burns upon her as well, but is far from down entirely. A few smoking components on her arms are looking bad though.

    "Heh..." Justine's arm clicks, a needle extending... but not firing. "Looks like the cavalry's here. Let's get you guys to safety." She is pointedly NOT endgaging again, though her grin says she is very tempted to. Not right now though. Instead, she blurs as she dashes at high speed toward the fleeing mages, moving to collect any stragglers.
By now most have regenerated. Still They are not mindless animals, as ash finds out. They use tactics. Three lunge at Ash while a fourth hangs back just enough so that when Ash Jumps for his Archwing he can lunges to try and grab and and impale him on the claws he has. "The masters command it! We'll kill you all! All allies of the Guyver must die, Burn this world to ash!" One roars out at him. But something about the voice, it was almost a half demand, half plea?"

Renya as she orders her ship to will find that several of the monsters lunge at here. They look like purple wolf bat hybrids screeching at her with hairy bodies and razor sharp claws Thankfully she is able to connect solidly with her weapon caving in it's rib cage. One creature that looks like a cross between a Lobster and a bipedal tank roars at her as a Black Goo is shot from it's head tubes. Some of the spurts land on rock and begin to eat into the stone with corrosive effects.

Wolf O'Donnel and his Co=pilotys can easilly see the situation. The green insectoid is pulling back drawing many of these monsters into a line that might be perfect for carpet bombing. But they are spread out. And it is at thos point what could be detected as an energy build up. Not from the creatures here. But the insectoid being.

The Sonic boom of the Star Wolf team is enough to make some of those with ranged attacks find what are lasers being fired at them. Bio-lasers blasts as they shoot at the air trying to get a solid hit. Several of the monsters actually suddenly extend their feathered arms and with a single flap take to the Sky in hot persuit of the fighter creaft. Perhaps twenty or so screeching my war birds.

Of course those Blasters having seen the fighters fly over head have chosen to let Justine go for the time being. "We'll slaughter her later Kill the Guyver." One roars out.

They begin to persue.

The creature... apparenlt called a Guyver. Is lunging attacking and slashing as he is drawing back away from the direction the Scientists are heading. From his forhead is a flash of light as he slices off legs just above the knees. His blades on his arms cleave through armored hide, flesh, and bone.

A Kick that was made with a flip impacts the head of one of the monsters as it makes a sick cracking sound as the flesh of the neck is stretched so far it is almost comical as it falls dead.

Black orbs composed of Compressed Gravity wves form in his hands as he throws three, each one explodes with tremendous force leaving a hold in the ground.

Right now under his breast plates is an energy signature. a Big one. As if he is charging up for one massive attack, and he is betting the farm on it.
Renya Rimehart
"CAPTAIN, DUCK!" Carronade bellows, and Renya dives to roll out of the way as he hefts up the cannon... Only for it to get hit with some of that black goo which starts to corrode down the metal. "BASTARD!" Angerly Carronade hefts up the melting weapon and heaves it at the lobster beast.

Renya rolls back onto her feet. "Back off! Go guard the boat for retrieval." Ordering her crewmate to withdraw, Renya turns her attention back to the freaks around her, and gives her weapon a twirl. "~If ye wish to feed the fish, come an' dance with me today. I'll see ye home to Davy Jones and wash yer deeds away!~"

With that she leaps back into the fray, and calling it a dance isn't really that far off as she weaves her way through the melee, alternating between slashing with Frostbite's blade, parrying attacks and snapping off shots of bitter cold from the weapon's gun barrels.

"~ A swing and a swish, a dying wish with swift gift of the cutlass' kiss. Feeling down? Then com'n'round, I'll rest your crown fifteen leagues down! ~"

No, you're not imagining that. She is singing along with the rhythm of her strikes and dodges.
"Yea well destruction's bad for business." Ash aimed his shotgun at the thing's head even as its claws sunk into his warframe's flesh. Ye GODS that didn't feel good. "I'll be in touch with your boss, assuming the way back there stabilizes." And then ash started dumping shotgun shells at the thing's skull as his archwing launched him skyward. He didn't know if any of those thigns flew, but til he got chomper off of his leg he didn't want to find out.

From his vantage point he saw this Guyver was seemingly attempting to lead these... whatevers away from non-combatants. He pinned a note on the IFF node to attempt to contact if possible after hostilities.

The micro-missile racks of his archwing refilled before again firing into the mass of monsters. "Finally! Someone using standard radio gear!" Ash's elation at Wolf's comms traffic was, well, perhaps a tad unprofessional. However being part of and in the middle of an uncoordinated combat blob had him on edge.

"Ordis fill you in boss?" He detatched from his achwing... while he was a hundred meters up, drawing his sword as he fell downward towards the biggest of these... Creatures he could find.

This was entirely stupid, reckless, and his warframe already had a torn calf as well as lots of chip damage to the shield subsystems.

Then again Ash has been hanging out around the mushroom kingdom. Maybe their stories of the Mario Brothers method of dealing with ones enemies were rubbing off on him.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Okay, you two. Fire support, triangulate your shots and control your aim; we've got friendlies down there. Leon, you take 12 to 2 o'clock. Panther, 12 to 10. Tight fire -- I want it tight. I need you to cover me, then break off to help coordinate the counteroffensive." 

     "Sure thing, Cap'n!" "You got it, boss."

     "Main guns primed and ready. Bank and strike in...five, four-"

     "Incoming fire, Cap'n!"

     "Break and reengage, evasive maneuvers! Don't lose your locks on ground targets, don't waste time!" The three ships sudden split apart. A few enemy attacks look to hit the ships, but the jets seem to impossibly roll in defensive deflection.

     Comms go completely silent for this and the following moment. The three ships seem to be almost be uncoordinated and chaotic as they bank and loop around, but like a flock of birds coming together again the coordination suddenly becomes clear as they reform formation. The two trailing behind to each side change up formation and take a double-point forward of the lead and all three begin to descend in altitude for a strafing run despite any damage given to their shields. That's what shields are for. They won't last long against successive attacks, as the warning beeps insist, but they shouldn't have to.

     When the fire begins, there is no sound to be heard on the ground from the laser-type weaponry except for whatever sound is created from their impacts. The streaks are intensely bright, the blinding level one gets from seeing thick lightning, as the very air around the streams emitted glows briefly from gas-turned-plasma at the sudden increase in temperature. Each shot causes a quickly dissipating purple afterimage.

     As weapons that are designed for use against heavily armored ships, their effectiveness against these Zoanoids are unknown, but there is something equally brutal about these high tech weapons that they have in common with some of those alien abilities: The Are Not Subtle. Against most infantry, it would likely lead to immediate disintegration on clean hits. Against most metal alloys, the beams have strong penetrative force. If they can't stop the many multiple bogeys they should likely hit, the fire should absolutely slow them down. The fate of those scientists are in the hands of others, but this should help.

     It had better.
Wolf O'Donnell
>> GAME >> Wolf O'Donnell spends an Edge for: Death from above, Wolfen-style! Eat multi-lock laser fire, ground targets!
Justine Lawson
    Oh good they aren't shooting at her any more. Justine narrows her eyes, shifting to inspect the damage and see what the current situation is. Also, she heard the warning... she doens't want to be in the line of fire there! Especially when she isn't at her full power. Is she?

    But she is a snarky teen. "That's not a duck, that's a fox!" she protests... before the thundering explosions come down, forcing her to lift her arms up and-

    A surge of shattered stone and trees twist upward, forming a vague shape to put between her and the incoming barrage, hopefully keeping them safe.
As The lobster man linges at Renya with claws they glow and shimmer with energy as he tries to slash and club her. He also spits acid at her or the ground. Attempting to get her into a position which he can get a solid hit on her. Unlike the others it will impact his hard carpace and while digging in does some moderate damage.

The Zoanoid that Ash stomps on had a brown and white form with a slight turtle style appearance. He is able to punch through the shell and as it bleeds provides lubracation enough to cause it to spin and streat across the ground into several of the Zoanoids.

The plasma lasers of Wolf's fighters do the Best at carving through them. Zoanoids are touch and can resist military level artileray in some cases and specimiens. But Future tech plasma lasers? no they put holes right in the Zoanoids as it blows out their backs.

The Guyver has been Ducking dodging and leaping around. And then he is in position. Instantly hje jumps, high in the air, some hundred foot as his gravity controller allows him to flip and summersault through the air. Landing in an arch clear on the other side of the Colum turning around he grabs hold of his chest plates... and opens them up.

Inside his chest are two lenses... as the energy inside builds up to a Glowing bright Light.... as the energy equal to about 41.86 terajoules is being gathered.....
>> SUMMARY[David] >> 41.86 terajoules is about 10 kilotons of energy.
Warning klaxions blared in Ash's ship. "Operator you need to get out of there! THer'es a MASSIVE energy surge comming from that... Guyver."

Ash yankedh is sword free of the turtle-zoanoid and rolled under a pair of other bestial creatures before sprinting. "Reactor breech?" Ash was racing towards the Guyver. He didn't like the idea of sacraficing his warframe, but if he could extend its shield system it might blunt the blast. "Boss, you getting these readings?" Ash snapped as he dove and lept through the crowd.

"Negative," Ordis confirmed after several moments. "ENergy readings are contained, but rapidly rising to parity with readings taken from corpus frigate cannons."

Ash swore then lept back into the air, only to be caught by his Archwing.Ash'seyes were wide as Ordis tried running predictives based on potential shapes this energy outflow would take. A majority of these quick and dirty models put any energy outflow other than a catastrophic detonation as leaving the science teams unharmed.

Still, Ash again fired missiles from the thing into the crowd of Zoanoids. Not every model showed every ostile as being in the path the energy would take.
Renya Rimehart
And so continues the dangerous dance. Renya's agile footwork keeps her away from the acidic goo, but her strikes are only getting minimal effect against that mutanted exterior. The lobster monster smacks her a few times with his claws and swats her about but can't get her to stand still long enough to crush her as intended. Around and around they go, striking back and forth but neither getting an edge over the other.

Pity too, if she wasn't so occupied with the fight, Renya would probably be oogling the Star Wolf antics overhead, and wondering where she could get her paws on guns like that.

Then all the hairs stand on the back of her neck. Mainly from all the energy building up in the area, crackling through the air. Renya spares a glance back just long enough to see the one creature that's been fighting the horde from the start leaping into the air, his chest glowing. "Seven seas and seven hells."

... Oh wait, the lobster. Renya whips around with a dramatic flutter of her coat and scarf, dodging one way from the first claw, then the otehr way from the second, and then diving. Not for cover, but diving under the monster. Usually monsters with hard exteriors have a soft underside.

As she rolls onto her back Renya thrusts the frigid calisabre blade up into the monster and pulls the trigger to unload both barrels hopefully into whatever wound the blade makes. It doesn't need to be big or deep, just enough of a break for the vicious cold to seep through.
Renya Rimehart
>> SUMMARY[Renya Rimehart] >> Dives under the lobster and strikes hoping it's less armored on the bottom.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Shake...those bogeys! But lead them away from the others first. Don't let them regroup." 

     The three jets JUST skim over the tops of the trees in their flyby. First one breaks off from the trio, then the other, as they try to divide and draw off the twenty or so aerial units giving chase. Because of this, the jet fighters are -unable to regroup in a way to provide any additional fire-.

     There's a loud bang as Wolf's ship's shielding gives way and the next attack strikes a wingtip. Readout inside to cockpit reveals that a G-Diffuser has gone offline and the ship lists to the right. Warning beeps begin to rhythmically punctuate the seriousness of the issue as Wolf fights with the controls to keep from outright crashing into the trees. With a sneer, he pulls up, and goes straight up, and up, and up.

     Then the Wolfen suddenly brakes in a near-instant stop. Because of the Gravity-Diffusion (even with only three online), inertia is dampened to the point of being barely felt. This hopefully causes those giving chase to speed past as that very ship of Wolf's literally begins to tumble out of the sky in a backwards spiral. This gives him precious few seconds of free fall to reset the fickle G-Diffuser, re-enable it, and make a getaway to find a place to land and help the evacuation on foot. You can't fight an air battle very well with a damaged wing.
As Ash gets out of the way and caught by the Arcwing he is able to nail several of the Zoanoids with his missiles. Some even blow them into the crowd of their fellows helping to bunch the majority of them up.

Renya is about to have her head taken off when the Lobsterman turns to spot the Guyver Landing and Pry open his chest plates. He actually turns his back at her as her blades and guns find a chink in the armor causing his acid spray to go wide and land on the face of another of the Zoanoids as it begins to melt. But her blades get deep inside the Zoanoid to effect it with her blades allowing her a glorious finishing blow!

Wolf and his team have only a few scant seconds to get a good reading as the energy blast is finally charged.

The total time it takes for him to open those chest plates and to the point he fires. Is exactly five seconds.

"You are the Weakest Link! Good bye!" The Guyver roars out.

Then it fires. A directed energy Burst. Highly energized charged particles tear through the area infront of him as the Monsters barely have time to spread out.

The Energy bures fires trillions of them as the beam reaches an easy 15 feet across tearing into the ground as it blows through the Monsters. Through the trees and the grounds.

The flash of light lasts barely a second as he has left a path of destruction some 300 yards long in fifteen feet across. Every monster that was in the collum of light is now gone as the ground smokes with a furry some 5 feet deep and U shaped.

Closing his Chest plates comes a massive burst of steam from his face.

The monster's numbers have been decimated. And those that were outside the energy blast... choose to flee scattering in all directions fleeing through the woods trying to escape.

The insectoid guyver stands there inhaling and exhaling....
>> GAME >> David spends an Edge for: Mega Smasher says, You are the weakest link. Good bye.
Justine Lawson
    What a weird thing to say for an ultimate attack.

    Justine can tell something big is coming, so more of the shattered tree branches and rocks gather up, forming a vaguely humanoid shape crossing its arms just as she is... but in front of her. Bracing for impact, as it were.

    A good thing, too, because the blowback from the heat washes over everything, and though it probably wouldn't have hurt - it is just heat, nothing lethal - she couldn't know that for sure.

    As the whole scene calms down, Justine lets the figure collapse, wiping her brow with mechanical arm. "That was a little more rough than most new arrivals," she reasons. She walks forward, intent on just seeing what happened... and perhaps figuring out who new allies or enemies are.
Renya Rimehart
For a moment there Renya wasn't entirely sure if that would work. Though you would never know it by the way she confidently picks herself off the ground and swats some debris off her coat while the monsters are melting behind her and the others are fleeing. Well that can't be good, but that's not her problem to worry about.

Whatever world that breach came from though, she most certainly wants to not go investigate. There's enough elderitch horrors to deal with back home.

Idly she pokes at the corpse with the tip of her sword. "Someone's got one hell of a mess to clean up."
FGIve second chargeup time? Huh... Both Ash and ORdis were impressed, and going over the readings gathered as well as tracking now fleeing hostile units as Ash slowly glided back to earth beside the insectoid guyver. "So.... Hi. Welcoem to the multiverse." Ash's warframe looked almost like an ornate statue of sculpted flesh and armor, a styalized representation of some mythic warrior blended with light here and about nestled in the armor plating and where the warframe's 'eyes' should have been. Yet Ash's voice sounded young, a teenager's voice. "I'm Ash." He pointed at the Wulfen, "That's my sometimes boss and his crew." Point again, "Temulin's bird... I imagine she's busy keepign the scientists studying the anomoly tht spat you out safe."

He glanced around at Reyna, "Dunno who she is but she has a rather impressive ship." Then he points to Justine. "Dunno who that is, seen her around before."

Then he gave an aquard bow, "And I'm Ash, Mercenary, wanderer.... andI take it that pack of monsters is after the suit you're wearing? .. Or is that suit... You?" Ash's head tilted.%rThen he gestured to Justine. "Hello there. I remember you from the wolf-hunter-spirit attack. Nice to see us working on the same side for a change." His warframe would grin if it had a mouth. As is he sounded.. convrosational, happy even in spite of all the carnage.

Speaking of he looked at the mess and hmmed thoughtfully. "HUH..... Yeeeaaa uh. I just chop the people up I leave Vicera Cleanup to someone else. Sorry."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The jets that appeared suddenly and delivered heavy firepower have just as quickly departed. That's rather normal for attack jets called in for air strikes, however. Hopefully it was a help in the aftermath of truly devastating firepower used to actually end the conflict. 

     It will take some time for the Wolfen and Wolf, the Rainbow Delta and Leon, and the Black Rose and Panther to find a safe place to land after doubling back. They fully plan on helping with further evacuation and escort, as needed.

     O'Donnell speaks. "Ordis, if you're out there and copy this, Star Wolf is setting down closer to the city. We'll help rally any townsfolk and provide escort as required. If you can let Ash know, he can relay this. We're on the way, but it will take a while."
for a brief moment the figure, the Guyver stands there doing nothing doesn't speak to ash or seem to respond as the scratches and slashes on his armor heal rapidly soon leaving him prestine and unblemished. Then he starts to fall forward, or so it seems before catching himself. The Insectoid litterally peels open pulling appart and flying off the figure as a young human falls forward apparently blooded and battered.

The Form of the insect hovers for a moment and then vanishes into a dimensional fold.

the young human hits the ground. His clothes what's left of them. are cut, slashed, torn, burned. And bloodied. He lays there utterly immobile. What parts of him can be seen he is thin. Practically skin and bones and at this point. But a scan or check will show he is alive... and vaugely human in biological terms.

The only sure things are he is out cold, dehydrated and malnourished. But despite the damage to his clothes... there is not one scratch on him. His vitals are weak... but steady.
>> SUMMARY[David] >> David is out cold!
Ash's warframe looked at David as hthe armor peeled away. "That is monumentally unfai-"


He knelt beside David, flipping him over and holding his head up while he checked for a pulse as he tried radioing for a dedicated medic or doctor or someone of that sort with the egghead brigade. He kenw nothing of medicine and very little of first aid beyond 'keep head elevated, check for breathing and pulse. "Void and Damnation... does that armor leech directly from this poor shmuck's body for fuel?" For once, and perhaps for the first time, Ash gave silent thanks his powers drew from an extradimensional hellscape rather than his own biology.
Justine Lawson
    "Looks like," Justine says shortly. As she peers at the haggard boy, she sighs. "Well, I have no idea what to do with him. I could whip up a quick golem to carry him somewhere close by, but I'm no good with first aid. Let's get him somewhere he can recover and find out what he's doing. Or was doing. I think that portal isn't opening again... probably a Bud World."

    Wolf and Renya's presences are noted of course. She looks toward them with some frowning... but not a scowl. "I guess it was a good thing they hired everyone."

    Ash's theory is met with a shrug though, wings lifting and clicking. "Or he's just been fighting a long time and hasn't had a chance to eat."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The pilots of those jets eventually arrive with help and whatever medical aid is appropriate for the local tech and magic level. Leon has also brought medical supplies from the ships for a different level of treatment, if needed, (and he has such delicate hands) on whatever forms of vehicular transportation they possess. The devastation of the wooded land and beyond is unbelievable and some people surely cannot help but stare at this raw -- and some might say evil -- power. 

     "All right, knuckleheads," calls out a biker-dressed wolf hopping free and walking closer. "Come get patched up. Let's go." He points at somebody, "You, give that man a hand and bring him over here. Leon, help the doctors or...whatever they do. I can't keep track in these backward dimensions."

     "Aye aye, Cap'n," responds the chameleon man. "Heh heh, come on over. Everybody wants to play doctor with the Great Leon, kehahaha."