World Tree MUSH

Hearts and Crafts

    Starting late, so this is going to be a short little low-key RP to hang out and introduce a few concepts of my world IC, and let people talk about theirs! Sort of a prep for anyone wanting to jump into more serious stuff later.
Character Pose

    A large man thuds on the street outside the bar, making the woman just walking in sigh. Looks like someone tried to start trouble, which means this won't be the quiet and easygoing meeting she thought it would be... too many eyes. But she did give this as the time and place, and it's one of the few bars that is also a grill, so it can allow minors, in this area of town.

    It just means she might get some visitors that aren't just the ones she invited.

    The mediterranean woman slips into the bar area, grabbing a table and menu. The little hovering drone hops off her shoulder to start scanning about for familiar faces.
    Having esconced himself in an unobtrusive corner of the bar, Cayde's already into his second glass of liquor, some vaguely glowing concoction, or perhaps it's just the way the light hits it. It looks blue and probably can double as cleaning fluid. Blending in would work better if you didn't have a face with glowing eyes and a light-up throat, but at least in a place like this he's surely not the strangest being to visit the place. 

    From this spot he can see people coming in, and keep a fair eye on the rest of the room, not that he expects trouble, but it's better to be prepared than not to. Beside him floats his Ghost, worn red in coloration with broad white lines slashed across its twitching angles as its blue core observes those coming and going. Its frontward vertices shift as it notices the woman and her drone, the little AI turning about to face its Guardian, murmuring something lost in the general hum of the bar's ambiance.
Tsuyu Asui
    When you go to a highschool for heroes, the classes can be very exacting, very taxing, and have a very grueling effect on its students. Tsuyu Asui shows absolutely zero signs of it as she makes her way into the bar-grill joint. Though the girl's eerily vacant stare falls on the man booted out for a moment, she walks into the place as cool as a cucumber.
    As soon as she spots Athena she's already making her way over to the table, shrugging off her backpack and settling down into a seat without a word. No words. Not a thing is said, she just stares at the other woman for a long, long, moment, before she says anything.
    "I was wondering what kind of Quirk could hook someone with a song like that. So you said she was a siren, right?"
    This girl is incredibly direct.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag was an odd appearance really here from her clothing to the weapons that would be in a museum or a collector's hands by now? she was curious to know what was going on with here. Also strange food? That had her interest too, and so here she was. She's placed an order she's still puzzling over money, coins, bills or digital money were not a thing in the Ark. They had money per-say but it was different either way she's got it worked out for a moment. She takes note of Athena and Tsuyu whom she'll move to join at the table now. 

"I want to know too, it was some kind of spell? Also Quirk?"

She tilts her head looking at Tsuyu for a moment.
Yahiko Myojin
    It's the bar fight that gets Yahiko's attention. The young man isn't really into bars, in general, but with that he can get a little curious about what's going on and take a peek inside. Finding the cosmopolitan people, the young samurai slips in with a frown. "Is everything okay?"

    If he's let in. His sword is obviously of fine make, at least the metal one, but the wooden one is mended a few times, and his kimono is looking pretty ragged these days. He looks more like a wandering hobo than a samurai.
Ash was most definitely not a familiar face to Athena, or really anyone lse here. For the past week he's been tattempting to keep a low profile, or at least as low as the ornately armored two meter and change murder-suit that doubled as security blanket allowed. In the name of compromise he had left his guns on his orbiter0-craft, but walked the streets with an ornately scabbarded katana strapped to his hp, which probably would have had stares all on it's own without the combat-oriented nature of his 'sleeve'... to use local parlance that most agreed with what warframes were.

So, picture this two meter and change likely made for combat handing his sword over to the doorman while concluding a convrosation over an internal radio, as signified by him pressing a couplefingers to the side of his head as outward polite indicator. "-Ordis for the past standard week I've had everything and everyone giving me grief when all i want to do is actually have a look around. I think it's safe to ditch the frame next time i leave." THere was a pause as Ash entered proper, "Yes i know you worry and i appreciate it... but I'm half expecting someone to try taking shots at me just to see if I can take it.'

Then an abrupt cutoff of the convrosation and Ash's shoulders slumped while making his way to the booth Cayde sat at. He didn't know Cayde, but his warframe posessed no traditional mouth, and the booth did provide an opprotune location to people watch from.

Cade would hear a youthful voice, heavily modulated, mutter an apology as Ash found a seat.
    Athena nods to Cayde, and gestures toward the table near the booth in an invite, but she doesn't insist. Several of the people from the other night are here, so she feels comfortable enough to actually explain a few things. She'll even gesture to the tender, when she sees Olivia fumbling. "I'll handle hers for this round." She's not normally nice, but these people did end up helping her.

    "Siren, yes. Molpe. Daughter of the Muse of Tragedy and the River God, Achelous," Athena explains. "Not very strong, but she's been out for a long time, so she'd really begun to adapt... I'm getting ahead of myself." She holds her hand out.

    "Pallus Athena. Just Athena is fine, though. And this is Little Owl," She jestures to the drone currently hovering around Yahiko, checking him out.

    The drone whistles and then notes, "Garment decay is at 57%, a replacement should be found."
    New faces, old faces. Actually, it's quite a few that Cayde's come to know. The two- three, rather, from that weird Mars. The kid from the bog of the undead soldiers...

    This last guy, Cayde does not know, and the least thing he expects is for Ash to make way over specifically to his spot in question. A brow plate lifting, Cayde exchanges a glance with his Ghost before looking back at the tallish form. His attention shifts back to Athena, and he returns the nod he's given before he pushes himself up from his seat.

    "All yours," he says in passing the Warframe, gesturing loosely at the table with his hand as he scoops up his glass with the other. He starts over towards the table that the others have gathered at, his Ghost hovering along after him. Glass tipping to down more of its suspiciously luminiscent contents, the Exo snags an empty chair with his foot, pulling it out to settle into.

    "Well, glad you caught yourself before you jumped too far into things," he says, already mentally leaping hurdles to catch up with the conversation. Again he nods to Athena once she introduces herself, glowing optics flicking towards the drone that had been attempting to hold him at gun point their last meeting.

    "Here's a fun little gathering. Guess we can do for some show-and-tell. Heya kid," he also throws Yahiko's way, even though he remembers how much the young samurai had been fond of being called such. "Name's Cayde. This here's my Ghost." The Exo thumbs at his floating companion at his shoulder who tilts in something of a nod itself.
Tsuyu Asui
    And there's Olivia, too. Tsuyu recognized the blue-haired woman, turning that stare on her for a beat before nodding faintly in familiarity and greeting. She seems hardly taken aback in the least by the sight of metal men like Cayde, or the tall, machine-like frame of the Warframe entering the bar. Or even young samurai. She takes everything and everyone in equally with that probing stare.
    "A Quirk." She croaks at Olivia, at first. "You know. What makes someone special. Usually their power. It's pretty common where I'm from. Being born without one these days is pretty rare."
    But then her attention is back on Athena, as Tsuyu taps her index finger on her lower lip thoughtfully. "Ribbit?"
    She actually ribbits at first, letting the woman's explanation and introduction sink in. "I always say what comes to mind." She notes in a point blank warning before she jumps right INTO exactly what she's thinking.
    "That sounds like something right out of Greek mythology."
    She's a highschooler. She's at least had an intro to mythology.
    She's not rude though.
    "Asui, Tsuyu." She introduces herself. "Call me 'Tsuyu-chan' if you wanna be my friend."
Ash paused and backed up a half-step as Cayde followed through on Athena's invitation. Back on board his orbiter Ash's true body blinked and his brow furrowed in concern he had comitted some strange social gaff. This gesture only vaguely mirrored on the frame due to it lacking eyebrows or mouth. Still, puzzlement could be seen in its posture before Ash sat, faing he direction Cayde walked and listened. Athena? Ghost? The names meant little to him and he had no idea how to make introduction.

"That....looks like a Sentinel." Ash hal started a gesture towards where Helios would normally hover and then remembered the amount of ship-damage that dumped him here left helios in repair, and Wuffles stuk in the freezer. that absense made his shoulders slump almost theatrically. "I get a feeling Ghosts are more than a bit diffrent. So... Uh.. Hi?" Ash lifted a hand to give a tenetive wave to the little shoulder surfing entity.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko eyes the drone. "If you're saying I need new clothes, I know. I was hoping to find a job." He shudders at a thought and sighs, trying to arrange his kimono to be less awful-looking. "Sorry."

    Huh, Cayde. He remembers that one. The boy smiles, even being called kid, and nods, "Yahiko Myojin. That's... western style naming." Awkwardly. Sometimes he gives his given name first and people do know Japanese name order. "I remember you," he notes to Cayde...

    And then looks at everyone else. "Kind of an odd gathering. Everything all right? Those names don't really sound familiar." You could say they're Greek to him.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag looks to Athena "Thank you!" She seems to meean it too and she pauses for a moment looking at Athena, with more than a little suprised at that name she's using. 

"Siren? Wait your serious a siren?! That would explain why I was suddenly entranced by her...that was actual magic." She seems concerned and then the name drop comes which gets her to just stare for a moment at Athena she doe snot say a thing on that though.

She's going to need that drink now.

"Olivia Montag just call me Olivia."

She also stares at Ash for a moment, he looks as mean as a pissed off Rex. She really hopes he's not going to as her father would put it flip out and kill people.

She looks at Cayde-6 for a moment still taking him in, things were getting strange, very strange.

"That would explain you being able to jump like a Beelzebufo."

She pauses t the mention of Greek.

" mother is from the Greek City states. It is a strange gathering, this world is strange, so built up so pakced with people. I didn't think this many people could exist let alone in such a tiny place."
    "Greek mythology... something like that." Athena sighs, and scoots to let Cayde in. Ash is given a strange look... eyes narrowed. Then she gestures. "Sit, warrior." Yes, well, being a goddess of war, she does have some curiosity about that.

    The bartender grunts, "Not dressed like that, you aren't getting a job," he points out irritably. He's getting the drinks though, and some water.

    Athena says, "Little Owl, go get some thread to match that outfit, and a few scraps." She shoos the drone out the street, hoping his range can be enough to find a shop. Meanwhile, "You can have a seat too, I like to have something for my hands to do while I talk, so I might as well fix you up."

    To the others, "Greece... yes. I know we're myth in many places, but my family are real, at least in my world. We lost our place when the Titans... did something. My memory of those times is still hazy." She runs her hand through her hair. "Some of us were reborn some time ago." She doesn't DIRECTLY say she's a goddess, but it isn't out of humility. She's taking a look at reactions.

    "So a Quirk is some sort of... divine blessing?" Might as well keep things running. She's also looking at the others, though. "And some of you seem to have much different bodies..."
Ash looked to Olivia's exasperation at how crowded this place was. He would have smileif he could, "With my home you could get this many people together. Problem is..." He made an offhanded gesture as he cut himself short of a actual exlaination, "I'd have to dump a lot of history that may or may not be important. Short version is still a bit long, and I don't have Darvo's gift for story telling."

Ash rested his forearms on his knees, letting the blades on said forearms hang over his knees. "I'm still trying to convince Ordis that I won't instantly get stabbed by several dozen people or a grineer kill squad won't suddenly appear if I show up without this," He gestured to the rather conspicuous warframe he ws speaking through. "I get it... I mean Ordis's entire job is keeping me safe, but I feel like I have a target on my back... and forehead..and... everywhere else."

Then Ash fell silent as others started speaking. He had a feeling he walked in on a half-explaination, and that half made him wish Teshin were around. Rebirth and Divinity and he had mental images of yet more of Nef Anyo's prattling to scam desperate colonists out of what little they had. Athena might be able t otell Ash was a mix of curious and skeptical either as some divine quirk, or raw experiance dealing with interacting with armor and people with concealed faces. Ash didn't verbilize any sort of challenge to Athena's claims however. He knew too little, and as much as he hated Vey Hek's taunting, the Lotus really did do most of the Tenno's intelligance filtering and broad level stratagizing. He would be stepping into a fight with nothing to go on what if any response was best.

Instead he looked the crowd over. "I... like the food around here?" He offered after a moment, obviously unsure ow to carry the convrosation.
Tsuyu Asui
    "Jump like a what?" Tsuyu asks, staring at Olivia. "Sorry, don't know what that is. My Quirk is 'Frog'." Tsuyu says in her croaky voice. When the bartender comes to handle the table she settles for a soda, instead of a more adult beverage, eyes following Athena's drone before she shifts her focus.
    Leeeeeeaaaaaning over to stare at Yahiko.
    "That kimono is archaic. And a katana, I'm guessing you're some kind of samurai." She ventures, before she resumes tapping at her lip, listening to the reborn goddess.
    "So when you say 'Pallus Athena', you really mean THE Athena, huh?" Murmured as she tap-tap-taps her lip. But then Tsuyu shakes her head.
    "Not divine, no. People just sort of started being born with them. They're pretty varied. Some people get super strength or speed, while others take on inhuman features. It's more like a mutation than anything else. --Oh right."
    She keeps her explanation brief, because a memory strikes her, and she reaches down to unzip her schoolbag where it rests between her legs. She pulls something silvery and disk-like from within and sets it on the table in front of Athena. "I figured you'd be the best person to give this to, after that time on Mars."
    She pauses for a long beat.
    "Don't ask where I hid that on my way home."
    Moving on. She stares clean at Ash.
    "Can you even eat with that thing on?"
    Tsuyu Asui. Asking all the important questions here.
Olivia Montag
As Olivi settles in another thing becomes clear on her left ofram there is metal in it a diamoned shape with a glowing organge light line about the middle, it's some sort of implant. "...are you claiming to be the Goddess Athena?! That is a very bold claim." 

Ollie's eyes go wide if Athena is not nuts or trying to mess with her for some reason? This is one of the gods and she feels /very/ tiny all of a sudden. Ash thankfully snaps her out of it.

"It seems my father was not lying about New York, then. Oh a Beelzebufo? A giant frog some of the tribes use as a mount, or to keep the local insect populations under control."
Yahiko Myojin
    "My family were samurai," Yahiko confirms. "These days that's less impressive to most people. But I'm glad you saw it." He watches the owl fly off, and sighs as he takes a seat and just has water. Soda is scary.

    "I'm still getting used to all these different worlds," Yahiko says. "Nobody seems to know where mine is. Every Tokyo I've been to has been a terrible place."
    Ash is getting a funny look, and eventually Athena leans over, examining more closely. "I haven't seen technology like that before... but I don't think anyone here will stab you." She straightens. "I'd like to look at that more closely sometime."

    Tsuyu and Olivia get the same reply. "Yes, the Athena. The gods are reborn, but only because humanity has started to stretch what the underworld can handle. That is why the dead are also being reborn... they are escaping, in the lack of a guardian." She lifts the cracked and damaged stack. "Like Molpe, here. We inhabit human bodies, and make them our own, but humanity isn't what it used to be."

    She tucks the stack away. "It's harder being in an almost-mortal body though. I'm weaker than I once was, and I think it is safe to say that. A weakened soldier needs allies, and I will need more if something more destructive shows up. Though... I'm not familiar with your blade style," she gestures at Yahiko.

    Then her eyes fix on Olivia. "Or why you have that thing in your body."
Back in the orbiter Ash smiled at Tsuyu's question as his warframe gave a slow head shake, "My Warframe," Somehow the capitolization of the name could be heard, "Can't, not in a traditional sense." Ash gestured as he talked, "But I use it to bring take-out back to my orbiter. Some of the stuff here reminds me of Ostron cooking. Other's... More like grineer protine slurry." a short laugh at the latter, as if he told a small joke. "Sorry... Sorry," was all he said after the likely blank stares of the rest of the room. "Saw a pretty good noodle bar a few blocks back..." A place that sol this wonderful stuff called Wasabi. He wondered what it was made out of. 

Then his head bowed down as he took stock of his thoughts, "I'm... Look I don't want to make this all about me but I get the feel most people can travelto and from wherever Home is to wherever else. I can't. Whatever Void-Forsaken thing Ordis flew us through stranted my ship and slamed the airlock behind..... and i'm not sure how to feel." He gives a glance to Yahiko, "So I suppose you are not alone in not being sure how to get back." SOmething tickled at the back of Ash's mind. Something about Samurai. Tokyo. SOMETHING was... Bah forget it. It'll either hapen or it won't. Stop stressing kiddo.

When Athena leaned in Ash's midn flashed back to Alad V, which caused him to instinctivly pull back just as far as she leanedforward. "I will give a demonstration, but i will not turn my frame over for invasive study. Thanks." His reply was curt, far moreso than it really should have been, but something nagged at how Athena's request felt less request-y and more order-y.
Tsuyu Asui
    "I don't know. Tokyo seems kind of average. It's not too far from Musutafu City and they're both pretty big metropolises." Tsuyu muses, leaning back in her seat. "I mean it's not bad, I just wouldn't want to ride the trains at rush hour." She does add, slurping down the last of her soda. "I'm from Japan, too, if you can't tell. We just don't have samurai around anymore on a day to day basis. But there's probably a samurai themed hero around somewhere I guess. I know one guy fancies himself a ninja, but my classmate would know more about that than I do. He actually follows heroes like a fanboy."
    There's a blink though. "I think she just wanted to check out what you can do, it didn't sound like she wanted to take you apart or anything." She notes to Ash. But then she nods to Oliva. "Oh. Bigger frogs. I get it."
    Makes sense.
    But she's already pushing her chair back and standing up. "Well I can't say it wasn't interesting hobnobbing with reborn gods. But I should get going. I have class in the morning."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag says "Thing? Oh this!" She points ot the implant. "I was born with it, and the others in my tribes, no everyone I have ever met from the Ark? Has one of these. She pauses for a moment They all wake up on the beach somewhere naked with an implant like this. I on the other hand was born with it and that ... was a shock to the entire tribe and it grew with me." 

She taps it and a faint holo screen appears for a moment showing some kind of interface.

the idea of the dead coming back doesn't phase Olivia at all.

"The dead do not always stay so. It's at the whim of the ... gods however."

The tech level of the implant though is past any bit of gear Olivia has shown to have it's rather /odd/.

"Is a Samurai anything like a Knight?"
Yahiko Myojin
    A knight? Oh. "Yes, like a knight," Yahiko answers Olivia. He eyes Athena uncertainly as she starts rambling about things he doesn't know, but he picks up one thing. "You're offering to fix my clothes, and you need help with some kind of problem. I guess it might not be a fair trade, but until I find my own home..."

    He looks toward Ash. "Mine wasn't violent, I just took a wrong turn. Now every time I find a Tokyo it's... um... like what she said. A metropolis. Usually the year is wrong. I'm looking for-" He stops and thinks. "1870ish by the Christian Calendar. The 16th year of the Meiji."
    Perhaps uncharacteristically quiet, Cayde lets the conversation continue around him as he nurses the rest of his drink. Maybe he's inwardly regretting having a second of the thing, but better to think that now than after a third. 

    Characters from Greek mythology, weird high school students with froggy traits, a woman who can speak of the ancient city of New York and giant frog creatures in the same sentence, a kid samurai and some... sentient armor suit of some kind? That the Exo can take all this in stride speaks much for the sort of place he comes from, or rather just how much he's been through that he's open to near anything nowadays. Getting lost from your world? Oh yeah. Visiting other worlds without a jumpship and instead wandering through links from a giant tree thingy? He can just see Zavala's brow twitching at the report.

    ...if ever Cayde can find out how to get back to deliver it. Needless to say, he's in no particular hurry.

    The Guardian emits something of a whistle when Yahiko gives something of a year to ...some Earth. "And here I thought //I// was the old one," he comments wryly. That's well before even the Golden Age.
    Athena frowns. "I'm still learning of worlds... other than mine. Your time is centuries after my last incarnation, but centuries before my current one. And your land is far from the ones we made." She gestures into the distance... and about then Little Owl returns. Her hand grasps the small package, and in another minute her fingers are stabbing needle into Yahiko's kimono, moving at a dramatic speed. She speaks while she patches the holes.

    "Worlds in trouble seem common. Mine is suffering a shortage of souls," she explains. "I think... humans are stretching their souls thin by trying to copy them. That's the only way I can explain it."

    She looks up at Ash, "I was not going to take you apart, but many in my world would. I think your technology is alien to me... I'd like to see a demonstration, but I don't think I could gain much from taking you apart. A goddess is master of her domain, but you are outside mine. Except as a warrior."

    And to Olivia, "That seems useful. I have an implant in my head to do some of that, to speak by radio, and keep time... other things. Burn with it though? That's strange."

    Ah... "Learning is important," Athena says to Tsuyu. "Study well."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag says "Yes born with it, all humans bear it at least where I'm from. Wait a shortage of souls how is that possible can't not the gods? Make more souls?" 

She looks a Athen in abject confusion. "You made everything to begin with..."

She seems very confused on that she just shakes it off for now. "Information is useful, like keeping track of how to train various creatures or information about weather patterns."

Pauses at the menion of a baker cult. "Sounds like a tribe I know..."
Yahiko Myojin
    Deft sewing. This is new. "You're... mending my clothes while I'm wearing them?" Yahiko is shocked, but the woman did claim to be a goddess. Is that what this means? To be a goddess in this Greece?

    "Are you all right?" he asks Ash. A worried tone in his voice gives way to a smile. "I've never met a goddess, but it sounds like she's trying to help?"

    Cayde's comment makes him blush. "I'm fifteen," he mumbles, then holds still again. "Thank you for fixing this. Maybe I can find a job of some kind. Maybe open a dojo..." But for now hold still.
    Cayde's Ghost turns about, its dorsal half rotating in an affectation of curiosity as it focuses on the return of Athena's drone, and the following task that Athena herself takes up in the process of mending Yahiko's garments. Around it's eye-like core its vertices lift slightly, its attention shifting from her hands to the woman herself.

    "A shortage of souls?" it asks. "Is there a dwindling in the local population? How does one 'copy' a soul?"

    That's a question even Cayde has to ask, but then he wonders if it's all that different from the situation of Exos. After all, even they possessed human bodies, once. He wiggles around the now well-emptied glass between his fingers, setting it down on the table before he folds his arms, his glowing blue gaze regarding the others present.

    "Always nice to know that humanity and the like are still kicking in other places. We got hit pretty bad where I'm from. Only one city left standing on Earth, and things from all over overrunning the other worlds we once inhabited." He shrugs, then seems to smirk a little in Yahiko's direction. "Yeesh! //Now// you're making //me// feel old!"
Neither Meiji nor christian calanders rung any bells for Ash, "Unfortunately, or not I guess, there is no Tokyo on Earth of my home." His voice was calm as he explained. "At first I had wound up around a Mars that felt like stories of the original colonization. THen another overrun by twisted man-beasts that make the Infested look about as threatening as toddlers." Another breath "In my home the whole of the system has been colonizedfor so long that records before the Orokin have been forgotten, and the Orokin themselves are as much wishful myth as anything." More like a waking nightmare he was grateful they were rid of. "However the more of Japanese, CHinese, and other similar cultures I se the more roots of my own people's customs i find."

Then Cayde spoke, and from the Orbiter's transferrence chair Ash smiled, ""I'm glad to see the constant state of war of my home seems to be an abnormality elsewhere. Gives me hope I can fix things when a way back is found."

Then at Athena's explaination Ash only seems to grow more bristly, "THe Orokin fancied themselves as Immortal God-Kings. There are Banker-Cultists running around as one of the few groups that can keep the solar rails functioning, and a clone-army that numbers as many as the stars in the sky worship twin-queens as Gods." The lights of his suit dimmed as he slowly inhaled then exhaled. almost letting slip /why/ the Orokin God-Kings were legend and dust. Still, that was pride demanding this so-called God be brought to heel, not a more sensical view of this battle of words. "So if I seem somewhat crass to your ears I apologize. I mean no offense as I do not know you."
    "Things are not as they once were," Athena answers Olivia, with a bit of sharpness, before forcing herself to calm. "Besides, that would be the domain of others. I am the goddess of War, Wisdom, and Craft... such as fixing these clothes!" She taps, then resumes work. "Fixing the problem would be something my family would do."

    She gives Ash a level stare for a long moment. A twitch of her cheek, and then she takes a deep breath. "It is... not entirely wrong that it is possible for a god to lose their way." She reaches to her side, fingering something. "Or to make a mistake."

    Oh good Cayde said something. "It is complicated. They copy their beings and make new bodies. But... the copy has no soul. It reaches out to grab one from anywhere, and for a time this works. Without the gods nearby to fill the gap and create more, or to stop it, though... the strain has torn open the underworld. Now that the gods are reawakening, many of them are attempting to find a solution. It is only a matter of if they can recover enough strength before the tear is beyond repair."

    Sigh. "It's getting late. I should get back to my flat and see if Ares has replied. He was looking into something, and... he's not very subtle. Probably got in trouble again."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag belateldy replioes to Yahiko. "I see, then you have a right to be proud of such a linage." She looks back to Ash and Athena for a moment. "Forgive my rudness I just didn't think such a thing was possible." She shakes her head "This is a lot to take in Athena, but I would be willing to try to help you."
Ash waved as athena got to her feet. "I... have misgivings, but I would like to show you what my frame is capible of." The whole time he talked Ordis was busy looking for everything concivable on the mythical Athena. "I just wanted you to understand any misgivings i may have.'

THen he looked to Olivia before somehow pulling out one of the fliers he had seen her plaster hither and yon. "I would like more information than this provides. What your people need, what limits are placed on fishing." Beat. "How many things will be trying to kill me WHILE fishing."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag looks up for a moment "Depending on where you fish? The grounds near my tribe are realtivley safe if you keep your wits about you. I can go a whole afternoon without anything stalking me. I'd bring a dino along to watch your back or another person as we on rare occasions get bigger predators up there, but other than that it's pretty quiet."
    "Sounds like a mess," Cayde replies after Athena answers his Ghost's inquiry. So it's kind of a blunt way to put things, but without sugar-coating it, that's probably the long and short of it. At least his world and solar system isn't in such a state of desperation. True, it's got its own things to worry about, but people are a plenty, and so long as the Light of the Traveler exists, the Guardians will be there to quash any threats.

    For a moment he lets himself get sidetracked by the talk of fishing, or rather the imagery of the warframe sitting on a cliff or a pier with a fishing pole. He shakes his head, pushing to his feet as he looks back towards Athena.

    "There's probably a whole lot more to be said, but that's enough to chew on for the time being. Well. I've got nothing better to do. If you need my gun, I wouldn't mind lending a hand either. Not like I'm getting home anytime soon, myself." The Exo smiles crookedly, looking then around the table at everyone present. "For now? Guess I'll see you all around. Take care out there, it's crazy! And kid? Stay outta trouble." The latter said to Yahiko with a wink. Of course anyone who really knows Cayde would figure that he should take his own advice. He turns with a wave, heading towards the exit, his Ghost drifting after him.
A.... whole.... afternoon?

Ash STARED at Olivia, the lightsof his frame brightening. "I wish to know more. Much. More."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag pauses for a moment as the eyeless thing is somehow staring at her. "Yes, nthough I need to find a better way of making these then doing them by hand." She looks to the Tenno and passes him a small flyer with some more details.
A scan of the secondary flier. Ash's 'eye' spots dimed as he confirred over radio. A debate between him and Ordis broke out over the ethics of offloading his entire stock of ferrite and alloy plate on these people. His clan had built their dojo to spec last time he recalled, so it was largely material gathering dust waiting for him to try new weapons, or on the oen off repair that needed to be made....

His hands rested on his chin as he hummed thoughtfully. "I saw a print shop across town a few miles east of here." He offered. "Maybe they can do copy work?"