World Tree MUSH

Creeping Death

    Morrigan and company finally return to the fishing hamlet of Imboca and what do they find? Fishmen, Deep Ones, and mind controlled Templars abound as the Warlock and her compatriots must fight their way to Satan's Reef and the Deep One city located deep beneath the waters.
Character Pose
    Sooo the meeting place is right outside a small fishing hamlet on the coast of spain. A grey 2003 Ford Windstar sits parked on the outskirts of the down, lights out and off. Morrigan herself stands resting against the side of the van, arms folded across her chest as she waits for others to arrive. She had put a notice about this out with her local Adventurer's Guild... A town full of fish people, soldiers, and a dead Old One cursing everything and making everything horrid and nasty.
    "Right, so, hah hahhhh..." The Warlock begins, lightly patting the shinki that sits resting on her shoulder.
    "For those of you who have no idea what's going onnnnnn... Due to offworld interference from a group called the Knights Templar, killing a Great Old one and its unborn child... This world hs become cursed! Yep. The whole world. Bad things are gonna happen- and it may even become a Thorn as a result!" She explains. "We're here to stop that from happening." She says waggling a finger.
    "With their god dead, the locals are probably going to try to kill anyone that draws near on sight now, so we're going to have to fight our way through the town to a place called Satan's Reef. There's an underwater city there, where we can go inside the dead unborn Old One's dream annnnnnd we'll probably have to kill it in its dream to stop the curse. Capiche? Sound cool? If so, we're on, and should get going as quickly as possible."
Yumi Tachibana
    Everything about this leaves a sour taste in Yumi's mouth, and she's not shy about showing it on her face. But most of it can't be helped. It's a grim, grisly business, and she's going to have trouble looking herself in the mirror, but it can't be helped.

    But there is at least one thing she can ask about. "Is there any way to get to Satan's Reef without going through the town?" the senshi asks, arms crossed. "Those people... I'd like to avoid killing them if we can."
    Dante's...not nearly drunk enough to get back into this mess. He's still hungover from last night, and he rubs his head as he drinks from a thermos of coffee. "Normally I'd be all for cutting these guys down, but Yumi's doesn't sit right. They're victims of this." He agrees. This is so not suited to Dante's skillset...
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Parked next to the Ford Windstar is another vehicle, about the size of a cargo van, clearly designed by someone who has way too much ability to do intricate engineering. Swirling metal into an aerodynamic design. Instead of wheels it has six mounted with room to move for vertical takeoff and landing. Strangely enough, though the windows are transparent, there's no actual tools for controlling the thing.

On one of the seats sits what looks almost like a doll, no more than two feet tall. Upon closer inspection, the doll extends from the seat and is part of the vehicle's structure. Bryllu's voice pipes up, "So here's an idea. I can fly, I can dive. I've got room to bring you guys along." The doors open. "My name is Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII."
Valerian Railton
    "So no holds barred, then?" Valerian asks calmly as he takes a bundle off his back and calmly sets it down on the ground in front of him. He kneels in front of it and fidgets with the fastenings before unwrapping the whole thing to reveal the WI-C8 Close Combat Weapon System, or as most people from his world know it: The Juicer Chainsaw. The massive chainsaw, fixed with a sword handle at the end, is then lifted up, "Makes my life easier." 

    "So how're you payin'? Per head? Per ear? Flat rate?" The young man asks as he picks up the empty bundle of cloth and fixes it to his back again for later. One gloved hand reaches into his apron and then pulls out a crumpled pack. He sticks a stim-stick that looks like a cigarette in his mouth and then lights it, exhaling some smoke a few moments later.

    "Oh hey." He notices Yumi, "Long time no see. That girl's doin well, yanno. Really learning how to tap into that rage. Watched her kick a door into splinters the other day, so that's neat." He gives Yumi a casual update about a mutual acquaintance of theirs and then looks to Morrigan.

    "You're pretty creepy, but you're also paying, so like..." He makes a handweighing gesture, which is sort of impressive since one hand is carrying that massive chainsaw greatsword, "I can go either way on the killing. Democracy and all."
Piera Forta
    "The Templar are very adept at breaking everything they come into contact with. Their lust for power outweighs even the most basic of preservation instincts known to man." remarks a young itallian woman, her robes flowing as she approaches from the shadows. Said robes are a dark blue, shimmering faintly in the setting sunlight. "I can scout ahead, and lead us through the lightest density, if we need to avoid a fight... My partner can relay information to Morrigan's shinki."

    Said partner drops from somewhere above, landing lightly on Piera's shoulder, her jetpack spinning down as the vernier apertures gimbal closed.

    And then Bryllu offers a ride. "Or that."
Valerian Railton
>> SUMMARY[Valerian Railton] >> Showing up. Asking Morrigan some questions. Greeting Yumi. Back to Morrigan to say he will default to the group on the whole 'kill everyone' thing.
  Curses! If there's one thing Zelda is very very good at, it's dispelling curses. Literally her raison d'etre as a descendant of the Goddess Hylia.

Also, more importantly, it's easy money. With snow on the ground, travel is becoming more difficult, and the princess has been compelled to do a little stocking-up while there's still an opportunity to. That also means doing jobs to pay for it.

So 'Sheik' approaches astride a huge black war horse, wearing a hooded cloaked robe of black. Intricate stitching decorates its hems in silver thread. A royally ornate bow is slung over one shoulder, a quiver at her hip, and an equally ornate rapier scabbarded at her hip.

Beside her rides a smaller figure, though not younger. Loremaster Yalai, an elusive Sheikah rescued from the darkness that plagues Hyrule, is more exotic and foreign than child-like in appearance. Her long, loose hair is stark white; her eyes are the colour of fresh blood. She has a tendency to stare quite directly, careless of social mores.

'Sheik' looks nervous. Dusk always unsettles her.

As Morrigan explains the situation, Zelda stares, blankly.


She stays that way for a good five seconds. The Hylian might just be bro--"Right." Zelda sighs and pushes her hood back. Loose chestnut hair is a little mussed; summer-blue eyes are tired and a little bloodshot. "Oh, hello, Yumi Tachibana." Yumi gets a nod. "I agree with her, incidentally. If any other route leads to town, that would be preferable. Those people did not ask for this; killing them would be no better than cold-blooded murder."

Zelda's about to open her mouth to say more, and then something near her right eye twitches, sharply.


Turning her head, she notes Dante from the corner of her eye. Oh. "Dante." A formality, her greeting, and not much better. At least she hasn't drawn her knife?

Bryllu and Valerian are both eyed, but their weirdness factor is too far off the charts for Zelda to spare much thought to right now. Danger first; then she can break and stare at the weird. They do each get a polite nod of greeting, though, and so does Piera.
    "Considering they sold their souls into the service of a Dead God, you'd really be doing them a favor. They're just running on grief, hate, and bloodshed at the moment. But if you don't wwwwaaaaant to kill them, I won't stop you, I'll just tell you to be super extra careful and not get stabbed in the back by a pitchfork." Morrigan says to Yumi's concern. "But they are also victims and I can tell you even once freed from the dead master they won't ever be the same again."
    Right then, she turns to Valerian. "We're expecting a lot of resistance, even once we get past the villagers and mind controlled Templars then we'll have to deal with the Deep Ones, so I'm paying pretty steep out of pocket for this." Thankfully the Adventuter's Guild is also paying a cut and helping her there, so no one's going to get cheaply stiffed for this.
    And theeeeen she peers at... Bryllu. And her whole... Body, parked right next to her car.
    "Huh. Well you sure planned ahead. ... We can probably bypass the whole town that way." She considers while Mary Contrary offers to open up a data link with Aquila.
    Enter Sheik and Yalai.
    "So our options are pile in with Bryllu and skip the town and risk the Deep Ones. OR risk the town and definitely have to deal with the Deep Ones later." Pause. "Or we could split the party."
    What sane D&D character ever suggested that, though?
Yumi Tachibana
    There's a simple, friendly nod of greeting to Dante - Yumi knows the demon hunter well enough by now. More interesting is the strange vehicle, something the senshi looks over with curiosity... especially when Bryllu speaks up from the equivalent of a driver's seat. "I'd be up for that. Yumi Tachibana, I'm a magical girl. It's nice to meet you."

    Valerian offers her an update on someone, and the smile she responds with is tinged with concern. "...I'm not sure if that makes me feel less worried, or more. But I'm glad to hear she's still hanging in there, at least." She glances Piera's way with a bit of wariness, but most of her attention is taken by the arrival of Zelda and Yalai. "Hey, you two. Good to see you out and about."

    But Morrigan's explanation of the townspeople leaves her frowning again, brow knit with worry and thought. "...I'm not a big fan of mercy killing unless it really is the kindest thing we can do. If we deal with this dead god, maybe they wouldn't be the same, but would they... I don't know, would they at least be able to live some semblance of a normal life? Not suffering? Just because someone loses a leg, doesn't mean it's time to end their life, even if it drastically changes how they'll have to live from there on."
Valerian Railton
    "I think it's good news, personally. Let's her get ready for the crazy weird demon cult that has infested her world and is getting ready to kill her," Valerian says to Yumi as he takes a long drag from the stimstick and taps some ash off the end, "It's not like they're gonna STOP trying to kill her or anything. I actually have a job scheduled to work with her after this. I'm hoping she's paying me Royal Princess Money for it." He rubs his gloved fingers together in a 'gimme cash' sort of motion. 

    For a long time, Yumi is the only person he knows. So he kind of hangs around her. Right up until he hears Bryllu speak. She looks way different, but he can recognize that voice, "Hey hey. You changed your body up. I figured you were a full-conversion after I saw you last time at the village." He conversationally adds, tilting his head at her, "Damn, though. You really go all-in on it."

    He doesn't know Dante, Piera, or Zelda, though. So he gives them a casual wave, "Valerian Railton. Import/Export Business Owner. Casual businessman. Retired mercenary. Nice to meetcha."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu listens to further explanations, "I'd rather not engage in unnecessary violence myself, but as a native of one dying world, I want to try to help." The doors stay open until everyone has entered or it looks like they don't intend to. There's seat belts, and the seats are fairly comfortable. "Not full conversion, Valerian Railton. My ancestors digitized themselves a very long time ago. Before the Milky May and Andromeda galaxies merged."
    Dante rubs his face. "Oh." He greets Sheik and Yalai. That's all he leaves it at. Her companion gets a wave from the demon slayer, as he downs his coffee thermos before stuffing it in his coat.

    Bryllu gets a look from Dante, as he makes sure he's seeing...that. "Oh. Hey. It's you, from the party." He says, recognizing Bryllu's voice at least.

    He just rubs his face some more, weighing options. "Let's...just focus on getting rid of the dead god thing. "Dante, son of Sparda. I kill demons." He offers a hand and a tired smile to Valerian for shaking. "I do the merc thing too, time to time."
Piera Forta
    Piera gives a flourished bow to Valerian. "Piera Forta da Forli, Un Assassino Iniziato." she replies in return while doffing her hood, sowing the short brown hair, and piercing brown eyes that lim briefly with a golden ring... or was that just a trick of the light. "If we are to use... the, automoton?" she doesn't seem to understand fully what Bryllu actually is, it seems, even after working with her before she wasn't directly interacting. "Then I suggest we do so before the sun fully sets... many things, natural and not, become more powerful or dangerous at day's end."

    Aquila, meanwhile, opens the link to Mary, her teal eyes cycling with code for a moment or two before solidifying again. <Link Established... how are you, Miss Contrary?> comes a text message to the other Shinki.
  Reining in her horse, 'Sheik' bows her head a little, listening to the extra information. "It is good to see you as well, Yumi Tachibana." Yalai nods to the magical girl as Zelda continues. "You should stop by, later. I discovered a few baking recipes in the library." She flashes a brief smile, warm as the sun, there and gone. "But now is not the time for that."

Something bright flashes; Yalai toying with one of her throwing knives, flipping it deftly between long fingers. For her part, Zelda shrugs her bow off her shoulder. Gloved fingers check the string's tension; her other hand draws an arrow, though she doesn't nock it to the string.

Half her attention is on Yumi and Valerian's conversation -- not to snoop, but because royalty. It's not like you hear about royalty every day. Hmmm.

"I am called 'Sheik.'" The polite inclination of Zelda's head carries a touch of aristocracy; so does the clarity of her speech. "This is Yalai, my travelling companion. She and I both served the Hyrulean royal family, but we have travelled since they were slain in the coup." The words are given almost tonelessly before she snaps back into focus. "Imports and exports? Is that so?" Her head tilts, focusing more intently on Valerian. "May we speak later? I may have business to discuss, but now is not the time."

Her attention twitches sideways back to Dante. She blinks owlishly at him, and then her nostrils flare. Yeah no actually she's being nice and telling her frothing instincts to stand down and shut up so she can be polite. "Hello, Dante."

Several rapid blinks and she moves on, listening to Bryllu in silence. A refugee from a dead world? Sad, in its own way, but interesting. Piera earns a brief look, and an emphatic nod from Zelda. "Lady Piera is correct. In Hyrule, there are beings that are more powerful after nightfall."
    Morrigan leeeeeaaans over to Valerian and Yumi, genuinely curious. "I'm sorry did you say Demon Cult?" But then the Warlock kind of frowns. "It's not like losing a limb. Their minds are gone. You can live without a hand. Can you really live without a mind? The ones that aren't far along will be vegetative at best. The ones that are transformed will probably go feral, and the full on Deep Ones will just go wild." She points out. "But they probably won't leave this territory, so there's that."
    Nevertheless, the Warlock piles into Bryllu's handy flying submersible body.
    "Digitized?" As in... Digital human?" She does remember Bryllu introducing herself as human at the prior night's party.
    What a weird party that was. It's a good thing everyone decided to never speak of it again.
    Anyway, once everyone is inside the flying submersible, Morrigan points, "You're going to want to head due west towards the coast, staying over the village. When you pass over the dead rotting carcass of the Great Old One on the beach you'll know when to get in the water." She says before motioning out one of the windows to the others.
    "And if you all look to your left, you'll see the rotting carcass of a Great Old One on the scenic beach path." Chirruped as she motions at the sprawled gelatinous form of... Something that hurts the head just to look at, even when dead.
    The villagers had a name for it- but I forgot what it was so we're just going to call it The Thing That Should Not Be."
    Mary perks her head up. "The thing?"
    "No Mary, not now dear."
    Oh right, Mary does ping back to Aquila: <Just Mary is fine! I am well!> As the two start to relay data.
    "And if you all look o your right, there's a mob of mindwashed cultists coming to kill us ineffectually." Morrigan adds.
    A pitchfork is hurled at Bryllu's floating submersible body. It pings off the sid ineffectually as the team bypasses the hamlet entirely and makes it to the beach and into the water beyond.
    "There." Morrigan points to an opening in the reef big enough for the submersible body to head inside for the party to disembark.
    Getting out in the underwater cave is like being slammed with a sense of ominous foreboding. The ancient language carved into the walls of the cave is almost painful to read and a bridge leads to an underwater city of non-euclidean design as...
    A clawed hand reaches up from the waters under the bridge. And another and another and another.
    "Annnnnd there are the Deep Ones right on cue." Morrigan says dourly as the hulking fish-frog people lunge to attack.
    Dante nods to the disguised princess. For some reason Sheik sounds familiar, but he doens't pay it much mind. More pressing matters are at hand, and believe it or not Dante does take this seriously. Seeing an old dead sea god's corpse on a beach being hacked up was...affecting, to say the least.

    He'll grab a seat aboard Bryllu, not even flinching at the dull *CLANG* of a pitchfork fruitlessly banging against Bryllu's hull outside. "Makes my temples ache just thinkin' about it." He grunts as Morrigan brings up the sea god's carcass, while they pass right over it. "Thing That Should Not Be sounds about right."

    Once they're back to work, Dante draws Rebellion just in time to see horrifying fish-frogs shaped like men rushing them. "Well, time to get to work." Dante says, forcing a grin as he rushes the Deep Ones in the cavern. Rebellion should suffice just fine in cleaving the flesh of Deep Ones, given its demonic origins.

    He's doing his best not to look too closely at the ancient language and the bridge, for fear of his brain leaking out his ears.
Yumi Tachibana
    "True enough," Yumi replies to Valerian, with a small nod. "But she's also gotta live after she deals with them. I just hope she can find a... well, something in the neighborhood of a healthy balance, I guess." But that's a problem for another time. The one currently on their plate takes precedence. And Morrigan... doesn't paint a pretty picture of it.

    But the senshi still can't bring herself to say 'okay, mercy killing it is' to that.

    Of course, where they pass over the corpse of a Great Old One, the redhead very pointedly does not look out at it. She's already seen it once, and she's not eager to look a second time. The cultists draw a look of pity, for what brief time they're in sight. Mostly, though, Yumi keeps focus on the task ahead.

    When they arrive, she moves to hop out of Bryllu's vehicular shell first, transforming as she steps out. She'd planned on being the front line of defense when the Deep Ones showed up... but she hadn't expected them to be there that quickly. In a flash, Prominence appears in her hand, and the magical girl joins Dante in an aggressive rush to clear the way by the power of supernatural sword.
>> SUMMARY[Dante] >> God damn fish people.
Valerian Railton
    "Yeah. Keep trying to kill this princess I know." Valerian confirms to Morrigan when she asks him about the whole 'Demon Cult' thing, "I'm pretty sure it's your standard 'Demons took over high ranking members of society like church members and military leaders' type deal, but I think people thought I was being paranoid." He drops the stimstick to the ground and snuffs it out under a boot, not wanting to smoke inside Bryllu out of politeness as he says to Yumi, "I think she'll get there. It's going to be a whole journey, where she masters the power, avenges her tribe, then probably settles down a bit." 

    Dante gets a firm handshake from Valerian and a nod of his head, "Not always clean, usually pretty messy, but it's easier money most of the time." He says with a smile back.

    Sheik (Zelda) gets a business card held out to her, "Imports and Exports of exotic materials. We store and sell sustainably sourced spellcasting components used for magecraft, ritual magic, and weapons crafting. Our goal is to eliminate poachers that hunt those species to extinction." He explains to her before it's time to get into the Bryllumobile.

    "So full transhuman. That's interesting." While they're in the Bryllumarine, Valerian hands Morrigan a slip of paper and then boredly hums a tune to himself while they travel.

    Finally, it is time for some action. And that is what he does best. Valerian stretches a bit and then dashes in towards the approaching fishmen. With a flick of a switch on the handle of his Chainsaw, it revs to life with a loud humming and buzzing as the blade spins around and around.

    With a carefully practiced precision, Valerian dashes in towards a fishman with an upward motion, severing an arm and then bisecting it at the waist as he spins around. He's nimble enough that the severed arm even lands in the open bag on his back that was once storing the chainsaw.
Valerian Railton
>> SUMMARY[Valerian Railton] >> Answering Morgan. Then answering Yumi. Shaking Dante's Hand. Giving Zelda a business card and explaining the whole 'deal', responding to Bryllu while riding in the Bryllumarine, and then killing fishmen.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
As comms between Mary and Aquila start, Bryllu pings to them <I can stop listening if you want, but if you have data that might be useful to me, please share> Unlike some of the others, Bryllu does not look away. It's her job to ensure the safety of her passengers and that unfortunately requires awareness of her surroundings.

"Merely practical, really." Bryllu answers Valerian, "Organic bodies just have some limits that make it hard to leave your cradle world, so being overly attached dooms your species. We've seen it happen to several species we'd encountered. We extended the lifespan of their star as much as we could, of course, but if they reject the means of survival there's only so much we can do." There's a faint melodic laugh, "Of course, even digitizing your species can't overcome entropy."

Piera referring to her to an automaton gets a sharp rebuke, "I may not be organic but I am human. Please not refer to me by terms like automaton or robot. Those words imply I am a tool to be used, rather than a person."

When they finally arrive, the doors unlock and the seatbelts automatically release. Bryllu takes a moment to recover from overexposure to things that should not seen, sorting and encrypting those memories. When she's done with that, the hood at the front opens and four arms come out, each ending in a sharp blade.
Piera Forta
    Piera makes to board the flyingsubmarine, only to be admonished by Bryllu. "Scusami, signorita, I meant no offense." she offers in return, bowing before finally boarding.

    The ride over leaves much time to mull things over. She covers her eyes with her hood, meaning she doesn't have to look at the carcass as they pass it, though the clunk of the thrown pitchfork does make her jump involuntarily.

    Aquila seems surprised when another signal intercepts hers to Mary, but she opens the network with a standard digital handshake protocol. <The more the merrier, and the better our coverage. I am Aquila, Raptias model, MMS Type Eagle, Air Dominance Custom.> offers the Shinki as way of introduction. Once inside the structure, and with Deep Ones approaching, the pair of Assassins draw blades and get into a combat stance; Piera with her sword, and Aquila with her Bident, the blades of the latter limming with plasma as they thrum to deadly life.
  The added information about the villagers earns a distasteful twist of Zelda's mouth. So it really is a case of extermination. It's obvious the Hylian disapproves, but since there's nothing for it, she holds her tongue. She shakes her head; Yumi might recognise the aggrieved resignation in the gesture. Zelda will take the lives of those who threaten her: She's slain creatures of the Twilight before. There are no spiritual oaths or vows that prevent her from harming another. That does not, however, mean that she enjoys it.

Zelda's eyes skip over the corpse of the Great Old One and pass right over it. Then they snap back. Then she registers what she's actually looking at--

The Goddess Hylia is violently allergic to whatever in the nine hells that thing is. Was. Is? Whatever. Zelda herself snarls and backs away from the window, flinging her hood down and holding her head. "Goddesses!" It's just one word, but eloquent in its abject terror, shock, and repulsion.

Oh. Business card. "Thank you, Mister..." Zelda holds up the card, summer-blue eyes scanning it. "Railton. I look forward to potentially doing business." The card is neatly and meticulously folded into a pocket.

She does flinch when the pitchfork bounces off Bryllu's hull. Skin? Body? Man, that's weird, and it makes Zelda's head hurt to think too deeply about it. So she doesn't.

It doesn't take long to disembark, and by the time they approach the bridge, clawed hands are thrusting up from the ground. Zelda scrabbles backward with a yelp, slapping the arrow in hand onto the string and drawing it back to a long, pointed ear. She jerks her chin at Yalai; the Sheikah flicks a wrist, flinging needle-like knives into the fray. Smoothly, she flanks Zelda, keeping watch behind the princess. More throwing knives appear between her fingers.

Zelda lets fly her arrow. No sooner is it away than she's reaching for another and slapping it on the string, drawing back to hear ear again. "What are these?" The Hylian throws the question over her shoulder, more of a general inquiry for... pretty much whoever has an answer.
    Just like that, the group has to fight their way across the bridge into the undersea city. For every step they take, for every fish-frog they hack apart, cut, slash, chainsaw to manageable gibbly bits for storage and later sale, and pelt with arrows and throwing knives... For every fish-frog they fell, another one clambers onto the bridge in its place. It's a harsh fight the whole way across before the party makes it to the undersea city.
    "Those..." Morrigan begins to answer Sheik, clutching a gash in her side, "Were Deep Ones. Heinous amalgams of fish and man born from terrible rituals and other things you really don't want to know about."
    Taking a moment to rummage in her backpack, Mary Contrary helpfully hands the Warlock a red-tinted vial, which she pops open and downsm causing her wound to seal up handily.
    <Oh no, it's perfectly fine, this is why we opened up this link in the first place.> The Tentacles shinki replies over the comm, <Mary Contrary; MMS Maryceles Tentacles Type.> That's her introduction.
    Morrigan, meanwhile takes a second to look over the slip of paper Valerian hands her and nods. The Warlock gives a thumbs up to whatever's on it.
    With Yumi taking to the front of the group, and Valerian and Dante right there with her, it's not long before the bridge is passed and the attack stops. ... For a moment.
    But the whole city is crawling with fish people, hanging from the buildings and structures carved from coral-like material and rock. Staring down at the party as Morrigan pulls out a parchment and quickly starts sketching up a map as they walk and...
    "... There. That's where we want to go." She motions for the largest building in the center of the undersea city. It looks to be some kind of temple.
    ... As the fishmen drop down and clamber out of the water and begin their attack anew.
Yumi Tachibana
    Of course. The building dead center in a city full of angry fishmen is the one they need to reach.

    Yumi grimaces faintly. "Never easy..." This time, when she begins her advance, Prominence lights up - a suffusion of gold-white light, starting from the runes and radiating outward until the whole weapon is aglow with sunlight. And not in the metaphorical sense; the luminence and heat coming off her blade are true, actual sunlight. Warmth enough to drive back the chill of the depths, light enough to illuminate the way, and any Deep One struck by the blade isn't just going to be cut, they're going to take sun-elemental damage besides.
    Dante keeps chopping and slashing, but he can't help but notice Valerian's choice in weapon being a literal goddamn chainsaw.

    "DUDE, that is -awesome-!" He calls out as he casually decapitates a Deep One, before bisecting his friend right beside him. Stowing Rebellion, he draws Ebony and Ivory before opening fire with deafening hails of gunfire. The .45 ACP is already a stout round, but Nell Goldstein's masterwork are powerful enough that the results are better identified as those of cannon fire. "No end to these things!" He calls out, flipping Ivory and using it as a bludgeon against an unfortunate deep one, pulping its skull before the grip returns to Dante's hand with another deft flip, and he goes back to shooting.
Piera Forta
    It's a difficult fight. One that the Assassins are not really equipped for. They're deadly one-on-one, but can be easily overwhelmed by sheer numbers. The fact that they have others also drawing aggro does help, and the human and Shinki pair dip in to pull enemies off the others now and then to help cover their backs. Sword flashes, Bident stabs, and the pair become almost a blur of weapon strikes as they move within the group, either coming down from above like a tiny Dragoon, or from beneath with an upward slash.

    "It's not hard to knock them down." says Aquila, panting despite not needing to breathe. "It's getting them to stay down that's the trick."
Valerian Railton
    After the first couple fishmen, Valerian pulls the goggles down over his eyes because of all the blood and viscera scattering aroung him, "You make it sound so casually easy," He tells Morrigan as he rests the hilt of the chainsaw against his shoulder and catches his breath a bit to look at her map. 

    "Thanks!" He says to Dante, giving the Devil Hunter a thumbs up before the new wave of Fishmen are upon them, "This shit is gonna get annoying," He grumbles before stepping in towards the new wave of Fishmen and swinging the chainsaw in wide arcs, the mono-molecular-sawed blade cleaving through flesh like someone carving a turkey.

    "Unless they're creating new ones down there, they're going to run out eventually. I doubt we have the time to fight a war of attrition, though."
  "How delightful." Zelda's response is a snort between arrows, sweeping her bow across the bridge before them even as Yalai guards the passage behind them. "No," Zelda continues, "you're right, Miss Morrigan; I'd really rather not know."

The Hylian shudders as they cross into the city. Those things are deeply unsettling in ways she can't articulate, but it resonates down through her very soul.

As Morrigan points them in the right direction, the fish-men press the attack again. Grumbling, she raises her bow, firing anew. Behind her, Yalai's long fingers are a constant blur as she produces knives from the bandoliers over her chest, takes aim, and throws them. She turns her head. "How many more of them are there being?" The statement sounds exasperated.

"We cut down as many as we must. They'll shed no tears over our deaths. Please bear it for now, Yumi Tachibana," Zelda offers, encouragingly, between shots. "I dislike it, as well, but it is unfortunately them or us, and I have too much to do to quit the field here."

Inching a little closer to Yumi at that profound aura of sunlight, Zelda can't help but take advantage of the heat radiating from the magical girl. Warmth is relief!

...Every time Dante fires his guns she flinches, though, because for one they're loud and for two just his existing right over there is enough to set her teeth on edge. No end to these things, he calls, and Zelda twists her head to snap right back over her shoulder: "Then make one!" The bowstring snaps and sings again.

She manages a quick, grateful nod as Piera picks off a Deep One that gets a little too uncomfortably close. The Hylian will definitely remember that good turn.

While she can't pay attention to everybody, she can see Valerian from the corner of her eye, and... well, actually, it's kind of impressive that he's wielding a great big huge... what is that thing, anyway? Whatever it is, it takes skill to use it and not fail lethally and spectacularly.

"I doubt we have time, either!" she calls, to Valerian. They certainly don't have time to fight a war of attrition. There are many, many, many more fish-men to party members. The math is kind of bleak.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu kind of stays behind the others, doing her part when she has to to contribute but clearly hesitating every time. Not a warrior this one. "Let's get this done as quickly as possible and get out."
    "Well, I mean, sure I make it sound easy." Morrigan quips. "But I'm aware that doesn't make it actually easy." She notes amid blasting a fish-frog in the face with eldritch lightning while the party fights on the move. "We just have to make it to the temple for now. After that we can deal with the problem at its source another time." She says a little cryptic.
    The map Morrigan is hashing out is super basic, and she passes it up to Mary who starts filling it in with more detailed data from Bryllu and Aquila, allowing the Warlock to focus on zapping Deep Ones along the way. She stays squarely behind Yumi, Valerian and Dante as the senshi, devil hunter, and Juicer clear the forward path, doing her best to help Sheik, Piera, Aquila, Bryllu, and Yalai keep the sides and rear clear.
    It's a harrowing battle up the steps of the temple and Morrigan slams shoulder first into the door to shove it wide open for the group.
    Once everyone is inside she shoves it shut and proceeds to completely wilt.
    "Geeze, that was rougher than I expected. ... Everyone in one piece?"
    It looks like everyone is mostly in one piece as she locks the temple door and picks herself up.
    "Okay so. The plan is to use the ancient eldritch device in this here temple to enter the dead Old One's dream! From there we kill its accursed also already dead orphan and end the curse! Any questions? No? Good! Okay I--" She pauses, looking at Bryllu.
    "Oh, you've got red on you." The Warlock idly notes, snapping her fingers and cleaning the digital human of Deep One blood and guts in the blink of an eye.